Integral World: Exploring Theories of Everything
An independent forum for a critical discussion of the integral philosophy of Ken Wilber
My Critical Essays on Ken Wilber
A List of My Contributions
Frank Visser
Since 2002, and intensifying aroud 2006, I have published several essays on Integral World which are quite critical of Ken Wilber, both by myself and others. My stated aim in doing this has always been to stimulate a debate on the value of Wilber's proposals. Below is an overview of my essays that have been written in this spirit.
Some see this as a useless attempt at Wilber-bashing, but I would like to reiterate that, in publishing these essays, I am just hammering on the point that the Wilber debate – if there is such a thing at all – should be critical, public, free, reasonable, informed, well-referenced, transparent, accessible and open to anyone who has studied Wilber. Contrary to what I perceive as the current Wilber discourse.
- For Crying Out Loud, Ken Wilber Repeats Vaporous Arguments about Evolution, February 2014
- The Wolf of Wilber Street, Integral Goes $uperhuman, February 2014
- Wilber and Laszlo, Two Authors of Evolutionary Fiction, April 2014
- Wilber or Truth? How to Get Rid of Your Wilber Complex, May 2014
- Eloquent Emptinesss, The Philosophy of WOW! and The End of Science, May 2014
- Entropy and Evolution, Ken Wilber's arguments for "an infinitely powerful force" behind evolution debunked, July 2014
- Is the Universe Really Winding Up?, August 2014
- Something Rather than Nothing, Where Wilber and Science Part Ways, September 2014
- Integral Theory and Cosmic Evolution, A Naturalistic Approach, December 2014
- "Truth or Wilber?", Frank Visser's 20 min presentation for the Critics Section of IEC 2014, February 2015
- Duplicating Darwin: Ken Wilber's and David Loye's Misreading of Neo-Darwinism, February 2015
- Demystifying Evolution, How do Creationism, Darwinism and Integralism Compare?, March 2015
- 'In Eros We Trust', Reflections on Integral Religiosity, April 2015
- Wilber vs. Coyne, On The Conflict Between Science and Religion and the (Im)possibility of a Resolution, June 2015
- Questioning the Entire Edifice, The Integral World Contributions of David Lane, July 2015
- The Two Greatest Experiments of Life, Metabolism and Morphology, August 2015
- Integral Overstretch, Some reflections on "Integral in Action with Ken Wilber", October 2015
- "Equilibrium is Death", Energy, Entropy, Evolution and the Paradox of Life's Complexity, February 2016
- "Science Has No Answer", Ken Wilber's Mistaken Strategy of Belittling Science, April 2016
- Eros as Skyhook, Ken Wilber Meets Daniel Dennett, April 2016
- Big History and Integral Theory, Bill Bryson Meets Ken Wilber, July 2016
- A Self-Help Guide for Democrats, Review of Ken Wilber's "Trump and a Post-Truth World", February 2017
- Reflections on The Religion of Tomorrow:
- Part I: The involution/evolution cosmology, Ken Wilber holds on to an outdated scheme of existence, May 2017
- Part II: From Atom to Atman, Ken Wilber's Religious View of Evolution, May 2017
- Part III: A more adequate spectrum of colors?, A Comparison of color terminology in chakra-psychology, Integral Theory and Spiral Dynamics, May 2017
- Part IV: What's It Like to Be a Super-Nova?, Ken Wilber's Cosmic Approach to the Mind-Body Problem, May 2017
- Part V: Rational Reasons to Believe in Spirit?, Evaluating Ken Wilber's Case for a Spiritual Worldview, June 2017
- Part VI: Is Darwin Realy 'On Our Side'?, Ken Wilber's Misreading of Neo-Darwinism, June 2017
- Part VII: Climbing the Stairway to Heaven, Ken Wilber's Mystical Religion of the Future, June 2017
- "Eros in the Kosmos", Mechanism, Metaphor or Something Else?, September 2017
- Why Ken Wilber Doesn't Get the Cosmic Energy Economy, September 2017
- Ken Wilber on Trial, Buddhist Organization Sues Ken Wilber for Fraud and Other Charges, October 2017
- "I Would Not Bet Against Eros..., Ken Wilber's General Theory of Evolution: Cosmological, Biological and Cultural, November 2017
- Why Self-Organization is Not a Cosmic Drive, Ken Wilber Fails to Understand the Basics of Evolution, December 2017
- "Yeah, but he got the colors wrong", A Suggestion for Improving the Integral Color Scheme, May 2018
- The "Loopholes" of Neo-Darwinian Theory, Why Ken Wilber's Desperate Attempts to Refute Darwinism Fail Miserably, July 2018
- with David Lane, On Beating a Dead Horse, The Scientific Challenge to Ken Wilber and Why it Matters, July 2018
- The Integral Zeppelin, An Open Letter to Ken Wilber, August 2018
- Why We Need a Secular Integral, September 2018
- The Joy of Being Called "Extremely Conventional", Responding to a Wilberian Put-Down, October 2018
- “An Absolutely Obvious Look at How Evolution Actually Operates”, Wilber and Whitehead on the emergence of novelty, October 2018
- Is Stuart Kauffman Really Ken Wilber's Ally?, October 2018
- Ken Wilber's Natural Theology: On 'Enchanted Evolutionary Perspectives' and 'Mysterious Incalculable Forces', December 2018
- Demystifying Emergence, A Comparison of Harold Morowitz and Ken Wilber, December 2018
- Ken Wilber's Creationism, The Invisible Supernatural Hand of Eros, March 2019
- From Hydrogen to Humanity, What Really Happened in Between?, March 2019
- Ken Wilber on the Power behind Evolution, Casting Doubt on the Contributions of Neo-Darwinism Is a Dishonest Creationist Strategy, April 2018
- Accepting the Radicality of Darwin, The Religious Orthodoxy of Ken Wilber, May 2019
- "Entire populations simply show up", Ken Wilber on Emergence and Speciation, May 2019
- Conveyor Belt or Escalator Going Down, What Drives the Cosmos at the Deepest Level?, May 2019
- Strawman or Steelman?, The Wilberian Evolution Controversy, June 2019
- Does Every Outside Have an Inside?, Ken Wilber's Strained Relationship to Science, July 2019
- Looking Closer at Ilya Prigogine, And at how Ken Wilber Co-Opts his Work for his Own Agenda, August 2019
- Ken Wilber and Modern Vedic Evolutionism, September 2019
- 'The modern theory of evolution is catastrophically incomplete!', Ken Wilber's Emotive Dealings with Evolutionary Theory, September 2019
- Ken Wilber and the Fallacy of Misplaced Concreteness, September 2019
- Interview by David Lane, A Sad Tale of The Pandit's New Clothes, Celebrating Frank Visser's 150th Essay, September 2019
- "No Way in Hell", Ken Wilber on the Naturalistic Approach to Evolution, October 2019
- 'Precisely nothing new or unusual', Ken Wilber on Darwin's Lasting Contribution, November 2019