An independent forum for a critical discussion of the integral philosophy of Ken Wilber
Publication dates of essays (month/year) can be found under "Essays".
HUGH MARTIN is listed in Who's Who in America and Who's Who in the World. He has appeared on numerous talk shows, led seminars at many colleges and corporations, and spoken at numerous professional conferences and colloquia. Mr. Martin is president of the FINRA-registered securities brokerage firm, Hugh Martin Securities, and of the SEC-registered investment advisory firm, Hugh Martin & Co. Hugh is also president and co-founder of the life planning and counseling firm, Whole Life Counseling. AMALIA KAYE MARTIN ('Kaye') is an early-education specialist, a gifted natural medicine practitioner, and an instructor in nutrition and natural medicine at Baumann College.
(aka 'The Human Odyssey')
A New Book by Hugh & Kaye Martin
To buy this book use the two Amazon ads at the top of this page.
For the past eight years, the book-length essays by Hugh and Kaye Martin have been among the most popular and widely-read articles on the Integral World website. Currently, two of the Martins' essays rank high in our Top Ten list, at #2 and #4.
Now the Martins have condensed their wealth of knowledge on the processes of human development into a lavish, full-color, oversize book with the short title, The Human Odyssey -- available in both an Introductory Version (288 pages) and an Advanced Version (two volumes, 612 pages).
Over the next eight weeks, Integral World will publish installments of the Introductory Version on this website. (If you can't wait, and are willing to attempt your own review on Amazon, you can receive a free, digital, pre-publication copy of the entire book now. See announcement at the beginning of the first installment for details.)
The first installment of The Human Odyssey is being published in this issue of Integral World. Accompanying this installment is an extensive review of the book called Guided Tour to the Human Odyssey. This review will show you how best to approach the book and why it's worth your precious time.
The authors consider this book a major breakthrough in the application of Integral Theory to the field of human development. They welcome your comments, questions, requests, praise, criticisms, suggestions, corrections, and reviews -- all of which may be sent to [email protected].
Publication History “The Human Odyssey”
- The Human Odyssey, Our Journey of Life from Infancy to Eternity
Publication History “Ken Wilber, Joseph Campbell & The Meaning of Life"”
- Ken Wilber, Joseph Campbell & the Meaning of Life