An independent forum for a critical discussion of the integral philosophy of Ken Wilber
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![Hugh Martin](images/martin-kay.gif) HUGH MARTIN is listed in Who's Who in America and Who's Who in the World. He has appeared on numerous talk shows, led seminars at many colleges and corporations, and spoken at numerous professional conferences and colloquia. Mr. Martin is president of the FINRA-registered securities brokerage firm, Hugh Martin Securities, and of the SEC-registered investment advisory firm, Hugh Martin & Co. Hugh is also president and co-founder of the life planning and counseling firm, Whole Life Counseling. AMALIA KAYE MARTIN ('Kaye') is an early-education specialist, a gifted natural medicine practitioner, and an instructor in nutrition and natural medicine at Baumann College.
How Two Great Thinkers Collaborate to Give Us
The Ultimate Hero's Journey of Personal Growth & Human Development
(Volume 1: Advanced Sections omitted from Introductory Version)
Hugh & Kaye Martin
Hugh & Kaye Martin's new book Ken Wilber, Joseph Campbell, & the Meaning of Life presents a unique, new way of viewing personal growth and human development. In this series, Integral World presents excerpts from the Advanced Version, Volume 1 -- sections of the book that were omitted from IW's previously-published Introductory Version. In general, these sections are more abstruse, speculative, or controversial than the rest of the book. Readers are encouraged to read these advanced sections only after they have assimilated the Introductory Version of this book.
- Installment #1. PRELIMINARIES & INTRODUCTION: Omitted Sections.
Advanced sections omitted from the preliminary parts of the Introductory Version of this book. (PL4-5, IN3, OV1+3)
- How You Will Benefit: What you will gain from reading this book.
- Previews: The special things you will learn.
- How People Grow: The six major factors that enable people to grow -- and the Moments of Truth when those factors come into play.
- ADAPT-ability: How the ADAPT Model of growth corresponds to the Darwinian mode of evolution -- 'adapt-ation' to changing circumstances.
- Scenarios: How the Domains and Sectors all work together to produce growth.
- Installment #2. System #6: PERSPECTIVE GROWTH. Where do the 'Quadrants' of Ken Wilber's AQAL fit into this new model of human development called ADAPT? The Quadrants are renamed as 'Perspectives,' a more functionally descriptive term. These Perspectives are then applied to the process of Human Growth. (D5, P6, PPR7, S6)
Perspective Growth occurs as we broaden the Perspectives from which we view and orchestrate our lives.
- The four Perspectives of growth and their corresponding life Paths.
- The form of Multiple Identity called Shifting Identity that enables us to move fluidly from one Perspective to another.
- Case studies of Perspective Growth: Bernard, the solitary, narrow-minded introvert. Sheila, the spoiled, self-absorbed teenage rebel.
- Installment #3. System #7: EVOLUTION & INVOLUTION. Where do Ken Wilber's 'Evolution & Involution,' 'Height & Depth,' and 'U-Shaped Pattern' fit into this new ADAPT Model? They are consolidated into a major form of growth likewise called 'Evolution & Involution.' (D6, P4, PPR2+4+8, S7)
Evolution & Involution are the twin processes by which Directional Growth takes place: The Ascending Direction of Evolution, and the Descending Direction of Involution.
- The Ascending and Descending Directions that Growth may take -- along with the Life Trajectories, where these twin Directions are played out over the course of a lifetime.
- The Transcend & Include Cycle: Through a process of Involution, the Shadow Self is incorporated back into our personality, so that normal Evolution Growth may resume.
- Case studies of Evolution & Involution: Ransome, the cut-throat businessman who suffers from migraines and depression. The prophet Moses, whose midlife crisis leads him to defy the Pharaoh and lead his people out of Egypt.
- Installment #4. System #8: SPIRITUAL GROWTH. Where do Ken Wilber's four Transcendent States fit into the ADAPT Model? These States are the Dimensions of Spiritual Growth -- the higher levels of consciousness whereby we encounter the Divine Presence. (D8, P7, PPR9, PF7+12, S8, Appx 8c)
Normal Actualization Growth is the process of changing and 'metamorphosing' from one Stage to the next. Spiritual Growth is a process of Awakening -- of waking up to universal spiritual truths that are unchanging and eternal.
- The four Transcendent States.
- The Romantic Fallacy -- and its Inverse.
- The twin aspects of the Divine Presence: The Core Self and the Witness.
- Spiritual Practices & Spiritual Guides.
- Arguments for the existence of Providence.
- Case study: The transformation of Jean Valjean in Les Miserables.
- Developmental Sequences for each of nine Arenas in the Realm of the Spirit.
- Installment #5. DOMAINS & SECTORS: OMITTED SECTIONS. Advanced sections omitted from the Domain & Sector parts of the Introductory Version of this book. (D4c, P3b, P5, P6b)
Arenas of Growth in the Realm of the Body -- along with the five types of body-oriented growth practices.
- Growth within Enneagram Types: The transformation from Fixated to Evolved Types.
- Functional Constituents: The fundamental attributes of human nature -- the components from which the Self is built, the capabilities that enable the Self to grow.
- Growth within Personality Types through Horizontal Equivalence.
- Installment #6. CONCLUSION: OMITTED SECTIONS. Advanced sections omitted from the Conclusion of the Introductory Version of this book. (CL1+2)
- Follow the Thread: To explore this book more deeply, select just one of 15 aspects of this book, and follow that Thread through the entire book.
- The ADAPT Gallery: The full set of cartoons and illustrations that illuminate many of the major concepts of this book.
The Human Odyssey series comes in four versions of differing lengths -- with three editions of each: Color, Black-&-White, and Kindle. The authors recommend beginning with the Quickstart Color Version.
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Publication History
Publication History “The Human Odyssey”
- The Human Odyssey, Our Journey of Life from Infancy to Eternity
- Ken Wilber, Joseph Campbell & the Meaning of Life