Integral World: Exploring Theories of Everything
An independent forum for a critical discussion of the integral philosophy of Ken Wilber
![]() ![]() A Brief History
Mainstream narrative | Contrarian narrative |
Ukraine wants to align with Europe, which Russia doesn't allow. It invaded Ukraine under false pretext. Ukraine needs all the support from the West it can get. Russia needs to be defeated. | Russia felt threatened by NATO expansion and the re-orientation of Ukraine towards the West. It wants to protect the Russian Donbas population and aims at a more multipolar world order. |
This is how the opposing views are usually formulated:
Mainstream narrative | Contrarian narrative |
Putin wants to restore the greatness of the Russian empire, by founding an authoritarian theocracy, eventually leading to an Eurasian expansion and a demise of the US hegemony. | Ukraine has been the victim of a US-lead coup which goes against the population and can be characterized by militarism, nazism and satanism; thoroughly decadent and nihilistic. |
The integral view naturally aligns with the mainstream narrative. Ukraine is seen as taking the bold and risky step from a former Soviet-dominated country to a true democracy, with multiple parties and fair elections. Russia is depicted as authoritarian and fiercely anti-modern, celebrating the values of family, army and religion. Orange/Green seems to be at war with Blue/Red, following Spiral Dynamics. How is this different from "our system is best"? And wouldn't Russia feel the same?
Dissenters from the mainstream narrative are usually accused of being Putin-lovers, but that need not be the case (although it sometimes is). Some are just deeply worried that a further escalation of this conflict can lead to WWIII (Chomsky being one of them). More often than not, the arguments are a mix of truth and propaganda, on both sides of the battle field. But what definitely does not help is exchange the mainstream habit of black-and-white thinking in which Russia is all-bad and the US/West is innocent, for the opposite version, in which the US/West is an all-bad Empire and Russia just has good intentions. That is going to the opposite extreme. Disentangling these tropes has been the goal of the many essays that can be found on "Thoughts About the Ukraine Crisis".

2023: AI has come of age
More recently I have started to experiment with ChatGPT, one of the popular applications using artificial intelligence to "converse" with human beings in natural language. This opened the opportunity to go back to the ground covered in the past decades on Integral World by human authors, some of which have been very productive indeed, and see what digital agents can offer by wading through billions of web pages on the internet. Originally, my expectations were not very high. When I started to test the first public versions of Bing Chat and ChatGPT (and later Google's Bard), the results more often than not were embarrassing. When sources were provided to back up the statements made by these bots, the URLs provided often were either wrong or irrelevant. What's going on here? But when I started to query ChatGPT for more abstract topics, such as global warming, the nature of evolution or metamodernism, it turned out to be a valuable resource.
This enthousiasm was not shared by most of the main authors of Integral World, to my honest surprise. The texts spit out by the bot in a matter of seconds were considered to be dull, non-human, without emotion or pedantic. But that was exactly what I had in mind. We have had emotional exchanges back and forth, with many repetitive moves, during many years, and even though I enjoyed taking part in these, there comes a time that one longs to more factual, matter-of-fact like expositions of the often multifaceted subjects we tried to cover.
This too can be captured in the following diagrams:
Human Intelligence | Artificial Intelligence |
Essays written by human intelligence are engaging, original and well-referenced. | Essays generated by artificial intelligence are more objective and informative. |
Of course, this case can not only be steelmanned, but also strawmanned:
Human Intelligence | Artificial Intelligence |
Essays written by human intelligence are often too biased and emotional. | Essays generated by artificial intelligence are boring and off-putting. |
See what I mean? In both cases it is so easy to slip into polarized thinking about complex matters such as war or of emerging technologies such as AI that may transform our economy. We need to be a bit more discerning to make the best use of both. You can check out for yourself if the (62 and counting) AI-generated essays (or "conversations") are useful or not on the page "My Interview Sessions with ChatGPT", later renamed to "My Conversations with the Bot" (paraphrasing the New Age bestseller "Conversations with God").
Miscellaneous Topics
The fact that AI seems to some to have overtaken Integral World (or shall we say it was a "coup"?) should not withhold anyone to submit essays written in the good old-fashioned way. That goes without saying. All the more so if you dislike the current technological turn. To those cynics who say "what has all this to do with Wilber and integral?" I would suggest: a lot has already been said, and more than most are willing to tolerate. The Integral landscape has diversified considerably, with Integral Life, Integral Stage, Integral Global and Integral World. Who knows, new perspectives on old topics are always possible, as the essays on metamodernism or kosmic dynamics clearly demonstrate. Integral World remains a platform for critical reflection on all things integral, perhaps more than the other avenues. All contributions since March 2021 can be found on the "What's New?" page—they defy easy categorization. They range from vaccination, perspectives, emerging worldviews, multi-perspectivalism, integral cosmology, some left-overs from the pandemic, geopolitics, science mysteries, Adi Da Samraj and Donald Trump.