Integral World: Exploring Theories of Everything
An independent forum for a critical discussion of the integral philosophy of Ken Wilber
Ken Wilber: Thought as Passion, SUNY 2003Frank Visser, graduated as a psychologist of culture and religion, founded IntegralWorld in 1997. He worked as production manager for various publishing houses and as service manager for various internet companies and lives in Amsterdam. Books: Ken Wilber: Thought as Passion (SUNY, 2003), and The Corona Conspiracy: Combatting Disinformation about the Coronavirus (Kindle, 2020).

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The Evolution of Taxonomy

From Plants and Animals to the Modern Tree of Life

Frank Visser / ChatGPT

Me to ChatGPT:

  • In the past, in biology, only plants and animals were known. Currently many different kingdoms are recognized. Please describe this history of ideas until the current understanding of the Tree of Life in an essay.

Follow-up questions

  • The ladder of taxonomical levels, from Life itself to the millions of species, can also be read as an evolutionary history. Please clarify.
  • Where do viruses fit into this Tree of Life?
  • Some scientists argue that the current Tree of Life is an artefact based on the chosen sequencing methodology. Please comment.
  • Creationists usually recognize biological diversity only up to the family level. How do they explain the many commonalities between members of different classes and orders, and so on, if not by common descent?
  • The famous example of Darwin's finches illustrates the variation within one family, but not the evolution of higher taxa. Do they have a point?
  • A similar problem seems to exist regarding the first living cell. It seems to have all the necessary genetic equipment (such as Hox genes), at a very early stage in evolution, to make all the complex organisms that show up at a later stage.
  • So basically there is no credible alternative for the Tree of Life, other than the mysterious creation of unrelated families on a single day?



The study of living organisms has long fascinated humanity, with early classifications dividing the natural world into two broad categories: plants and animals. However, as our understanding of life expanded, so too did the need for a more comprehensive and accurate system of classification. This essay traces the history of biological taxonomy, from its humble beginnings to the present-day concept of the Tree of Life, which encompasses a myriad of diverse kingdoms.

I. The Early Days: Plants and Animals

In ancient times, humans recognized the differences between plants and animals based on their apparent characteristics. Plants were characterized by their ability to photosynthesize, anchored to the ground, and lacking mobility, while animals possessed the ability to move and respond to their environment. This simplistic dichotomy persisted for centuries, limiting the understanding of the diversity of life on Earth.

II. Carl Linnaeus and the Birth of Modern Taxonomy

The 18th-century Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus revolutionized the field of taxonomy with the development of binomial nomenclature, a system that assigned each species a two-part Latin name. Linnaeus organized organisms into hierarchical categories, grouping them according to shared physical traits. His classification system became widely adopted and formed the foundation of modern taxonomy.

III. Expansion of Kingdoms

As scientific knowledge advanced, it became evident that the plant and animal kingdoms were insufficient to encompass the vast array of organisms. In the mid-19th century, German biologist Ernst Haeckel proposed the inclusion of a new kingdom called Protista to account for single-celled organisms. This marked the first step towards recognizing the existence of multiple kingdoms.

IV. The Five-Kingdom System

In the 1960s, American microbiologist Robert Whittaker introduced the five-kingdom system, which expanded the classification scheme to incorporate fungi and bacteria. The five kingdoms were Monera (prokaryotes), Protista (unicellular eukaryotes), Fungi (fungi), Plantae (plants), and Animalia (animals). This system was a significant improvement but still had limitations in accurately representing the diversity of life.

V. Advances in Molecular Biology and the Three-Domain System

The advent of molecular biology techniques in the latter half of the 20th century revealed crucial insights into the genetic relationships between organisms. In 1977, Carl Woese proposed a new classification system based on molecular data, leading to the formulation of the three-domain system. This system divided life into three domains: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. It recognized the distinctiveness of archaea, a group of prokaryotes that are genetically distinct from bacteria.

VI. The Tree of Life and Modern Taxonomy

With the rapid advancements in DNA sequencing technology and comparative genomics, scientists gained unprecedented insights into the evolutionary relationships between organisms. The current understanding of the Tree of Life depicts the interconnectedness of all living things. It acknowledges the incredible diversity of life, with numerous kingdoms, phyla, classes, orders, families, genera, and species branching out from a common ancestral root.


From the simplistic categorization of plants and animals to the modern understanding of the Tree of Life, the field of biological taxonomy has come a long way. Through the efforts of pioneering scientists, we have expanded our knowledge of life's diversity, incorporating multiple kingdoms and recognizing the interconnectedness of all organisms. As our understanding continues to evolve, we can expect future revisions and refinements to the Tree of Life, enabling us to delve deeper into the fascinating intricacies of the natural world.

The ladder of taxonomical levels, from Life itself to the millions of species, can also be read as an evolutionary history. Please clarify.

taxonomical levels

Certainly! The ladder of taxonomical levels, ranging from Life itself to individual species, can indeed be interpreted as an evolutionary history. This interpretation aligns with the concept of common ancestry and the gradual divergence of lineages over time.

The fundamental unit of life, as we understand it, is the domain. In the current classification system, there are three domains: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. These domains represent the major branches of life and are thought to have diverged from a common ancestor billions of years ago. This early split represents a critical evolutionary event that set the foundation for the subsequent development of life's diversity.

Moving down the taxonomic hierarchy, the next level is the kingdom. Within each domain, different kingdoms represent distinct lineages that have further diversified and adapted to various ecological niches. For example, within the domain Eukarya, the kingdoms include Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia. Each kingdom represents a unique evolutionary lineage with its own defining characteristics.

Further down the ladder, we encounter phyla, classes, orders, families, genera, and species. Each of these taxonomic levels represents increasing levels of specificity and represents further branching and diversification of lineages. For instance, within the kingdom Animalia, there are numerous phyla (such as Chordata or Arthropoda), each with their own distinct evolutionary histories.

As we descend from higher to lower taxonomic levels, we observe an increasing level of genetic and phenotypic variation within the groups. This variation arises through the accumulation of genetic mutations and the process of natural selection, leading to the development of new species over time.

By interpreting the taxonomic hierarchy as an evolutionary history, we can trace the patterns of divergence and adaptation that have occurred throughout the history of life. The taxonomic levels provide a framework for understanding the relationships between organisms, their shared ancestry, and their unique evolutionary trajectories.

It is important to note that our understanding of evolutionary history has been greatly enhanced by advancements in molecular biology, genetics, and genomics. Techniques such as DNA sequencing allow scientists to compare the genetic material of different organisms, providing insights into their evolutionary relationships and revealing the underlying mechanisms that drive the diversification of life.

In summary, the ladder of taxonomical levels can be read as an evolutionary history, reflecting the diversification and adaptation of life on Earth. Each level represents a distinct branch in the tree of life, with increasing specificity and a unique evolutionary trajectory. This perspective helps us appreciate the interconnectedness of all organisms and provides a framework for understanding the processes that have shaped the incredible diversity of life we observe today.

Where do viruses fit into this Tree of Life?

The placement of viruses within the Tree of Life is a topic of ongoing scientific debate. Viruses are unique entities that possess characteristics of both living and non-living entities, which complicates their classification.

Viruses are acellular and cannot carry out essential life processes independently. They lack cellular machinery for metabolism, growth, and reproduction. Instead, viruses are obligate intracellular parasites that require host cells to replicate and carry out their life cycle.

Traditionally, viruses were not considered part of the Tree of Life because they do not fit into the hierarchical classification system used for cellular organisms. The Tree of Life primarily represents the evolutionary relationships between cellular organisms that share a common ancestry.

However, recent research and advancements in molecular techniques have provided insights into the evolutionary history of viruses. Studies have revealed that viruses possess genetic material, such as DNA or RNA, and undergo genetic changes through mutation and natural selection, similar to cellular organisms. They can also transfer genetic material between different organisms.

Some scientists argue that viruses represent remnants of ancient cellular life or mobile genetic elements that have evolved independently from cellular organisms. These researchers propose the concept of a "viral world" or "viral realm" that parallels the Tree of Life but exists separately from it.

Others suggest that viruses should be viewed as a form of life and integrated into the Tree of Life. They argue that viruses, despite their unique characteristics, exhibit evolutionary patterns and relationships that can be analyzed using phylogenetic methods similar to those used for cellular organisms. This perspective suggests that viruses could have originated early in the history of life and have played significant roles in driving evolutionary processes.

It is important to note that the classification and placement of viruses within the Tree of Life remain areas of active research and scientific discourse. The complexity and distinct characteristics of viruses pose challenges for traditional classification schemes. As our understanding of viruses continues to evolve, future advancements in research and taxonomic frameworks may provide more clarity regarding their position within the Tree of Life.

Some scientists argue that the current Tree of Life is an artefact based on the chosen sequencing methodology. Please comment.

Indeed, there are scientists who argue that the current Tree of Life, as depicted by the sequencing data and methods used thus far, may be influenced by the chosen sequencing methodologies and can therefore be considered an artifact.

The Tree of Life, in its current form, relies heavily on molecular data, particularly DNA sequencing, to infer evolutionary relationships between organisms. Different sequencing methods and technologies can introduce biases and limitations that affect the accuracy and interpretation of the data. These biases can arise from factors such as variations in sequencing errors, gaps in genomic data, or the specific regions of the genome that are targeted for sequencing.

Additionally, the choice of genes or genomic regions that are sequenced can influence the resulting tree. Different genes may have different rates of evolution, and some genes may be prone to lateral gene transfer (the transfer of genetic material between unrelated organisms), leading to potential conflicts in evolutionary relationships. Therefore, the selection of appropriate genes or genomic regions for analysis becomes crucial in generating an accurate representation of the Tree of Life.

Furthermore, the availability and quality of genomic data also impact the construction of the Tree of Life. The current understanding of the tree heavily relies on the genomes that have been sequenced and available in public databases. There may be gaps in certain taxonomic groups, leading to incomplete or biased representations of evolutionary relationships.

Despite these challenges and potential artifacts, it is important to recognize that the Tree of Life, as depicted by current sequencing methodologies, has provided significant insights into the evolutionary relationships between organisms. It has revealed numerous patterns and connections, aided in understanding evolutionary history, and guided research in various fields.

As sequencing technologies and methodologies continue to advance, efforts are being made to address biases and limitations. Comparative genomics, large-scale data integration, and the incorporation of additional types of data (such as morphological, ecological, and physiological) can contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the Tree of Life and help mitigate potential artifacts.

In conclusion, while the current Tree of Life is influenced by the chosen sequencing methodologies and has limitations, it remains a valuable framework for understanding the evolutionary relationships between organisms. Ongoing advancements in sequencing technologies and approaches, coupled with a multidisciplinary approach, will continue to refine and enhance our understanding of the Tree of Life and its accuracy in representing the complexities of biological evolution.

Creationists usually recognize biological diversity only up to the family level. How do they explain the many commonalities between members of different classes and orders, and so on, if not by common descent?

Creationists who adhere to a belief in a young Earth and reject common descent often propose alternative explanations for the similarities observed among different taxa beyond the family level. It is important to note that the views of creationists can vary, and not all creationists hold the same perspectives or explanations. However, some common explanations put forth by creationists include:

Common Design:

Creationists argue that the similarities observed among different organisms can be attributed to a common design by an intelligent creator. They suggest that these shared features are the result of a common blueprint or design plan used by the creator, rather than being indicative of a shared evolutionary history. According to this viewpoint, the creator used similar structures, functions, or genetic elements in different organisms as part of a well-designed plan.

Functional Similarity:

Creationists may propose that similarities among different taxa exist because these features serve similar functions or purposes. They argue that certain biological structures or traits are essential for survival and therefore might be present in multiple organisms, regardless of their supposed evolutionary relationships. This explanation focuses on the idea that functional requirements and environmental pressures can lead to the development of similar traits independently in unrelated organisms.

Limited Variation:

Some creationists suggest that the observed diversity within certain taxonomic levels, such as families, is the result of limited variation within created kinds. They propose that the original created kinds possessed a wide range of genetic information, allowing for considerable variation and adaptation within certain boundaries. This viewpoint suggests that the observed similarities and differences among organisms are the result of variations and reshuffling of genetic information within created kinds rather than the accumulation of genetic changes over long periods of time.

Post-Flood Diversification:

Another explanation offered by some creationists is that the diversity observed within families and other higher taxonomic levels can be attributed to rapid diversification after a global flood event. They argue that the limited number of "kinds" present on Noah's Ark rapidly diversified into the various families, classes, and orders observed today. This viewpoint posits that the rapid post-flood diversification accounts for the commonalities and differences seen among different taxa.

It is important to note that these explanations are specific to certain interpretations of creationism and are not widely accepted or supported within the scientific community. The scientific consensus strongly supports the theory of common descent as the most robust explanation for the patterns of biological diversity observed in the natural world.

The famous example of Darwin's finches illustrates the variation within one family, but not the evolution of higher taxa. Do they have a point?

The famous example of Darwin's finches in the Galápagos Islands indeed demonstrates variation within one family of birds, specifically the finch family (Fringillidae). Creationists who argue against the evolution of higher taxa often point to such examples to suggest that while variation can occur within a family or a particular group, it does not lead to the formation of new higher taxonomic levels.

It is important to address this viewpoint within the context of evolutionary biology. While the example of Darwin's finches primarily showcases intrafamilial variation, it is just one piece of a much larger body of evidence supporting the broader concept of common descent and the evolution of higher taxa.

When we examine the evolutionary history of organisms over longer timescales and across different lineages, we observe patterns of gradual change and diversification that have led to the formation of higher taxa. Numerous examples, including the fossil record, comparative anatomy, embryology, and molecular genetics, provide evidence for macroevolutionary processes that have resulted in the emergence of new classes, orders, and other higher taxonomic levels.

The concept of common descent suggests that over extended periods of time, cumulative changes and speciation events give rise to new branches on the Tree of Life. While it is true that the observation of variation within a family alone may not directly demonstrate the evolution of higher taxa, it is important to consider the larger body of evidence that supports the concept of common descent and macroevolution.

Additionally, the process of speciation, which involves the divergence of populations into separate species, can occur gradually over time, leading to the formation of new higher taxa. This process often involves the accumulation of small genetic changes and adaptations that ultimately result in reproductive isolation and the emergence of distinct lineages.

Overall, while the example of Darwin's finches may highlight variation within a family, it is just one piece of evidence among many that supports the broader understanding of the evolution of higher taxa. The cumulative evidence from multiple lines of inquiry strongly supports the concept of common descent and the gradual evolution of higher taxonomic levels throughout the history of life on Earth.

A similar problem seems to exist regarding the first living cell. It seems to have all the necessary genetic equipment (such as Hox genes), at a very early stage in evolution, to make all the complex organisms that show up at a later stage.

The origin of the first living cell, often referred to as the "last universal common ancestor" (LUCA), is a topic of active scientific research and investigation. While there are still gaps in our understanding of how the first cell emerged, it is important to clarify a few points regarding the genetic equipment and complexity of organisms that arise at later stages.

Firstly, it is crucial to note that the genetic complexity observed in modern organisms did not emerge fully formed in the first living cell. The genetic repertoire and complexity of organisms have evolved and diversified over billions of years through processes such as mutation, recombination, gene duplication, and natural selection. The genetic equipment seen in modern organisms represents the cumulative result of these evolutionary processes acting over vast periods of time.

Regarding Hox genes specifically, these are a set of genes that play a crucial role in the development and patterning of body structures in many animals. While Hox genes are indeed essential for the development of complex body plans, it is important to understand that they did not arise in the first living cell. Hox genes and other regulatory genes involved in development have evolved over time through genetic changes and gene duplication events. Their complexity and functional significance have increased as organisms with more elaborate body plans and developmental processes evolved.

When considering the origin of the first living cell, scientists have proposed several hypotheses, including the RNA world hypothesis and the metabolism-first hypothesis, among others. These hypotheses suggest that simpler molecular systems and processes preceded the emergence of the first cell. For example, the RNA world hypothesis posits that RNA molecules played a central role in the early stages of life, acting as both genetic material and catalysts for chemical reactions.

It is important to recognize that our understanding of the origin of the first living cell is still a subject of ongoing research, and many aspects of this early period in the history of life remain challenging to study. While some features seen in modern organisms may have ancestral origins that can be traced back to the LUCA, the evolution of complex organisms and the genetic machinery supporting their development is a gradual process that has unfolded over an immense span of time.

In summary, the first living cell and the subsequent evolution of complex organisms involve complex processes and genetic changes that have accumulated over billions of years. The genetic equipment observed in modern organisms represents the result of this long evolutionary history, and it is not present in its entirety in the first living cell. Our understanding of these processes continues to evolve as scientists uncover new insights through research and exploration.

So basically there is no credible alternative for the Tree of Life, other than the mysterious creation of unrelated families on a single day?

The Tree of Life, as represented by the theory of common descent, is the most widely supported and well-substantiated explanation for the diversity of life on Earth based on the available scientific evidence. It provides a coherent framework that accounts for the patterns of similarity and variation observed across different organisms.

While some individuals may propose alternative explanations, such as the creation of unrelated families on a single day, it is important to note that these alternative viewpoints often lack scientific consensus and do not have robust empirical evidence supporting them. The scientific community overwhelmingly supports the theory of common descent due to its explanatory power and the extensive body of evidence from various disciplines that support its validity.

The complexity and diversity of life, as well as the patterns of shared genetic information and anatomical features observed across different taxa, are best explained by the gradual accumulation of genetic changes and the branching of lineages over time. The Tree of Life, with its interconnected branches representing the evolutionary relationships between organisms, is the most comprehensive and cohesive framework for understanding the history of life on Earth.

It is worth noting that science continually evolves and incorporates new evidence, allowing for ongoing refinement and modification of our understanding. However, any alternative explanation must provide substantial evidence and a coherent framework that can account for the wealth of empirical data supporting the theory of common descent.

In summary, while alternative viewpoints may exist, the theory of common descent, represented by the Tree of Life, remains the most credible and widely accepted explanation for the diversity and relatedness of organisms on Earth. It is supported by a vast array of scientific evidence from multiple disciplines and continues to be refined as our knowledge advances.

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