INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 1.288 Amsterdam, January 11, 2025 The Mystery of the Eleventh Portal - Where Books Become Reality: A Journey Beyond Tekst - David Lane The one line that defines my approach and why I have chosen this narrative vehicle comes from the Nobel Prize winner in literature, T.S. Eliot who wrote the pregnant insight: “Genuine poetry can communicate before it is understood.” I am inviting my readers to join me on this adventurous ride. If you can follow the metaphorical thread, even when occasionally opaque and obscure, I believe the outcome will become transparently clear--ah, but even more than that, transcendentally clear. Read more: RESPONSE TO 'MEARSHEIMER'S AND DILLARD'S DOUBLE STANDARD ON GAZA AND UKRAINE' - Joseph Dillard / ChatGPT I had intended to not write this essay, but to simply leave a couple of comments after Frank Visser's essay[1] and leave it at that. The reasons were several. I am not excited about giving these criticisms more attention by rebutting them. I have covered most of this information in detail on other essays and find it tedious to repeat it... That is when I hit on my solution: Why not ask Chat GPT instead? So here you go. Read more: