INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 1.27 Amsterdam, December 20, 2024 INTEGRAL'S JUSTICE DEFICIT - Does it exist? If so why? What can be done about it? - JOSEPH DILLARD The following is an amplification of a Chat-GPT response to the following question: “Ken Wilber's Integral has been reluctant to take strong stands supporting justice and international law. Why is that?” I have intermixed a rewording of its responses with my elaborations on its assessment. Ken Wilber's Integral Theory has been critiqued for its reluctance to take strong, explicit stands on issues like justice and international law. This stems from several philosophical and methodological aspects of Integral Theory, as well as broader challenges within the Integral community. Below are some key reasons: Read more: As you may have noticed, the Comments section of Integral World is working again. If you still don't see it, you might want to refresh your browser cache.