INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 1.277 Amsterdam, December 19, 2024 GRADING KEN WILBER'S INTERVIEW WITH LAYMAN PASCAL ON THE INTEGRAL STAGE - BRAD REYNOLDS In this interview, for a man who claims to be the most “leading-edge Integral thinker” in the world—Ken Wilber—I did not see sufficient evidence in his conversation or understanding of politics to warrant such a claim. And, for me, this is heartbreaking (for I love Ken Wilber). Yet, all Ken can do is outline his model ad nauseam, claiming only he can provide Integral Wisdom and the way to radical (or “at the root”) wholeness. Yet, anyone who wants to give a convicted felon another chance at the Presidency of the United States of America has failed to see what is going on. Read more: As you may have noticed, the Comments section of Integral World is working again. If you still don't see it, you might want to refresh your browser cache.