INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 1.024 Amsterdam, January 13th, 2023 ETERNAL INFLATION, INVOLUTION, AND THE ORIGIN OF THE UNIVERSE FROM FIRST PRINCIPLES - An excursion into geometric ontology - JOE CORBETT Eternal Inflation is now the reigning theory in physics and cosmology for how our universe began. It says that our universe and many others come from an eternally inflating field of infinite potential. It is essentially a field of exponentially expanding space and energy without beginning or end. Occasionally a pocket within this field of spatial-energy will form an enclosure and decay into a universe of particles and matter similar to our own. Read more: WHY THE WORLD RELIES ON A CHINESE "PERSPECTIVE" - JAN KRIKKE Virtually every architect, engineer and designer in the world today relies on axonometry, a projection system first used in China about 2000 years ago. Axonometry is the Chinese alternative to European linear perspective and was used by both Chinese artists and architects. Yet few books on art history mention the origin of axonometry and what it can tell us about the Chinese world view. Read more: