INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 974 Amsterdam, April 19th, 2022 PUTIN'S POLITICS VIEWED THROUGH AN INTEGRAL LENS - A Perspective from the Field of Adult Development - FRANK VISSER Researching this complicated topic further, I discovered the writings of political and social scientist Elke Fein, who has been intensively involved with Russia for 25 years and did her doctorate on the political sociology of the Russian transformation process in the early 1990s. Since 2000 she has combined transformation research with adult development research and since 2012 with the topic of leadership. She is co-founder and managing director of the Institute for Integral Studies in Freiburg, Germany. She has co-authored academic publications on the developmental aspects of Putin's leadership style (in 2016 and 217), and has shared her views in online seminars and interviews when the war started. Fein argues that integral politics brings the inner dimension to politics, in the sense that we need to deal with Putin as he is and not as we would like him to be, and that he has a point, valid within his own worldview, even if that is quite limited in maturity. Read more: