INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 969 Amsterdam, March 29th, 2022 THE UKRAINE CRISIS - An Opportunity to Wake Up Out of Groupthink - JOSEPH DILLARD Knowing that I am not going to be changing minds of those sleepwalking in groupthink, in what follows I am not attempting to be “fair and balanced,” because the opposing viewpoint is over-represented in the public sphere and the evidence for the position I lay out is vastly under-represented. Just because I do not acknowledge opposing arguments doesn't mean I am not aware of them and have not considered them. I am presenting evidence for my conclusion that mainstream Western narratives, blasted daily into the ears and eyes of WILPs (Western, Integral, Liberal, Progressives), is not only one-sided, but unjust, either in the contexts of social norms, international law, or both. Read more: