INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 968 Amsterdam, March 28rd, 2022 STAND DOWN! - KEEPING THE PEACE BY BEING INTEGRAL - BRAD REYNOLDS Leaders of the world's nations need to stand down in their aggression and be content to accept reality. Not their reality, but the people's reality to be free and at peace. It is time the world's elites—and their military forces—stop living in the past and accept a world of pluralism, racial and ethnic diversity, human equality, and STOP trying to reconstitute past historical realities. It is time to Grow Up and put away childish (or past historical) thinking. Read more: ENACTIVISM, INTEGRAL THEORY, AND 21ST CENTURY SPIRITUALITY - BRUCE ALDERMAN What exactly is the enactive paradigm? In its original, narrower sense, it is a model of embodied cognition that was first articulated by Francisco Varela, Humberto Maturana, Evan Thompson, and Eleanor Rosch. In the context of cognitive science, the notion of embodied cognition has been proposed as a "middle way" between what we might call the Myth of the Given (representationism) and the Myth of the Framework (solipsism or constructivism). Read more: