INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 937 Amsterdam, June 7th, 2021 STEFAN LANKA'S COUNTERFEIT ‘CONTROL EXPERIMENTS’ - The Corona Conspiracy, Part 28 - FRANK VISSER Stefan Lanka, the Godfather of Virus Denialism, whom we have encountered several times in this CORONA CONSPIRACY series (see Part 5, Part 6), has announced two experiments that, in his opinion, are "going to be the definitively experimental disproval of virology." For decades he has claimed that viruses don't exist, and virology is one huge mistake, since it took the digital turn of whole genome sequencing instead of sticking to the methods of old. But he did not provide any empirical proof for his extravagant opinions. Claiming something is not the same as empirically demonstrating it. This time, he seems to have understood this is paramount to make any impression on the scientific community. We have alluded to these experiments before, but will summarize them in this chapter. Read more: AN INTEGRAL THEORY OF CHAKRA EVOLUTION - JOE CORBETT Some would claim that the very existence of the chakras is highly dubious. But if the integral model of the AQAL is correct, and I think it is, then it might show us why the chakras do in fact exist, and the chakras in turn may show us how to navigate our own progress through the AQAL in order to effect evolutionary change in ourselves, in the world, and in the entire universe. Read more: