INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 874 Amsterdam, July 13th, 2020 WHEN THOSE WHO SAVE BECOME THOSE WHO KILL - De-Bunking Andrew Cuomo's Nursing Home Scandal - ANDY SMITH The first documented case of COVID-19 appeared in the U.S. in the third week of January, 2020. Cases began to accumulate in February, and by early March, New York City became an epicenter, daily recording more new cases and more deaths than in any other city in the U.S. Indeed, it soon outstripped Wuhan, the Chinese city where the pandemic began. Since New York City is the hub of a megapolis on the northeast coast of the U.S., which stretches into the neighboring states of Massachusetts (MA), Connecticut (CT), Rhode Island (RI) and New Jersey (NJ), these states, along with New York state, all became a hotbed for spread of the virus. The governors of these states, and particularly Andrew Cuomo of New York, felt the pressure of an impending collapse of the hospital system to care for these patients. That collapse, thankfully, for the most part did not happen, but while the cases and deaths were growing, Cuomo, and several other governors, took a risky step intended to alleviate the impending shortage of beds for hospital patients. Read more: