INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 837 Amsterdam, March 3rd, 2020 TWO WILBER SCHOLARS WALK INTO A BAR… A Response to Brad Reynolds - FRANK VISSER Brad Reynolds submitted two essays to Integral World intended to throw some light on the Wilber/Visser controversy about evolutionary theory: "Integral Visions" and "Partially True, Partially False". They are part of a series of essays to be published later this year. The first two of this planned series give me already some reason to comment, for Reynolds is wrongheaded about a couple of things related to my writings and the intention behind them. Before he gets into the heart of the matter—evolutionary theory, which isn't touched upon yet in these two essays—I'd like to clarify a few things up front. So we have a question for Ken Wilber. Which is it? Does Spirit have a noticeable effect on reality, especially in evolution, yes or no? No push, no pull? Based on my reading of Wilber, I choose the "Yes" answer as representing Wilber's view, and I have critiqued its usefulness accordingly. Reynolds opts for the "No" answer as the most accurate representation, and just wants to see all reality as identical to Spirit, if only one could see it with the Eye of Spirit. For both views Wilber quotes can be found. Read more: