INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 813 Amsterdam, December 1st, 2019 ‘WE DON'T KNOW WHETHER MUTATIONS ARE REALLY RANDOM OR NOT’ - Reflections on Randomness by Bernardo Kastrup - FRANK VISSER At the end of my second essay on the philosophy of Bernardo Kastrup, a modern idealist philosopher, I added a video in which he gave his views on evolution by natural selection.[1] Since that's my favorite topic on Integral World since years (both from the perspective of science and that of various spiritual or creationist angles), I will comment on that video here in more detail. It is part of a series of videos called "Reflections and Meditations"[2], and this particular part is Episode 2, named "Meaningful Evolution". Though interviews never give an author's final view on a particular subject, I think Kastrup's answers are suggestive of how he views evolution. Read more: THE SKEPTICAL YOGI - Kriya Yoga, Reincarnation, and Lahiri Mahasaya's Miracles - DAVID LANE Let me say right at the outset that I think Kriya Yoga works, but not for the reasons that Yogananda thinks. I have noticed that in many spiritual practices from around the world that advocates tend to believe that their specific discipline is also found in all (or most) of the world's religions, but under different names. They want to find a universality to their particular sadhana, but in so doing tend to either overstate their case or completely misunderstand the stark differences between them. Read more: