INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 774 Amsterdam, May 24th, 2019 INTIMATIONS OF HIGHER DIMENSIONAL REALITIES - GARY STOGSDILL Many of us are convinced that spiritual realities exist, whether in the context of spiritual/paranormal experiences, religious teachings, or philosophies like Plato's theory of Forms and Ken Wilber's integral theory. But where do spiritual realities reside? Where is the reality that gave rise to our universe? Where would something like astral planes or an afterlife actually be? If they exist, why are these spiritual realities undetectable to science and invisible to us? An intimation is the merest whisper of suggestion; it's as far away from proof as we can get. However, if several intimations line up pointing in the same direction, then we may have something that warrants further consideration. This essay explores intimations of higher dimensions that could be the home of invisible spiritual realities. The basis for our journey is science and mathematics, venturing through infinity, light, relativity, quantum renormalization, string theory, and mathematical definitions of dimensions. Read more: INTEGRAL AND HUMAN RIGHTS - What Integral Can Learn from Russia and China - JOSEPH DILLARD The inspiration for this essay was an article written by Godfree Roberts and posted at the Unz Review, Human Rights in China and America.[1] I have been a fan of Chinese cultural perspectives since studying comparative religion in university. A decade later, in 1980, I returned to its challenging and provocative world views to help me understand the Dream Sociometric disclosure of intrasocial relationships. I found the Confucianist world view to be very helpful, and its power and relevance to both intrapsychic and socio-cultural realities has grown stronger over time. If integral wants to gain a genuinely multi-perspectival foundation it is going to have to do a much better job of understanding, addressing, and applying Chinese and Russian values and methods than it has to date. China and Russia are leaving the West behind on multiple, fundamental dimensions and it is important to understand the reasons why. This reality is slowly sinking through the Iron Curtain of Western denial, denial shared by a good number of integralists. The awakening involves an area rarely associated in the West with either society—human rights. Read more: