INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 764 Amsterdam, March 20th, 2019 THE MIRACLE OF “CONSCIOUS LIGHT” - Seeing with Integral Vision—Part 3 - BRAD REYNOLDS We, too, are therefore intimately interconnected with Light as it penetrates and creates the mental and psychic-spiritual levels in a graded holarchy of reality, from gross to subtle to causal, the span and depth of the Kosmic Mandala (in Wilber's terms). According to the Mystic-Spiritual Masters—and the enlightened Integral Vision—all levels and structures of the Kosmos, of the whole Cosmic Mandala (in Adi Da's terms), exist within, and dances as, the churning entangled Invisible Formless Light as Real God or Divine Spirit. Only by stepping outside (and beyond) the point of view of the individual self or ego-I do we see (or know) the True Self (Atman) of Real God (Brahman). Or, as the Buddhists indicate: All forms are Empty (shunyata)/all forms are Perfect Space; Shunyata is all forms/ Perfect Space is Kosmos; Consciousness-Energy is all existence/Kosmos is Conscious Light, as our Heart Sutra (slightly modified) sings. Some see the same vision with integral Eyes of Spirit… and sing along. Read more: