INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 759 Amsterdam, March 6th, 2019 EIGHT ZONES OF RELIGION AND SPIRITUALITY - BRUCE ALDERMAN Shortly after the publication of Ken Wilber's Integral Spirituality [2006], I created an online discussion forum, “Integral Postmetaphysical Spirituality,” with the intent of exploring, digesting, and evaluating this latest turn in Wilber's thought (especially as presented in this text and the Kosmos trilogy excerpts). One of the early criticisms of Wilber's book that several of us raised was that it neglected to apply its new “Eight Zones” innovation to itself: that it did not outline an “integral methodological pluralist” model of religion and spirituality. The following document was my original response to that criticism, which I created as a community resource for the IPS forum. Read more: THE UNFINISHED PROJECT OF JUSTICE - The contemporary relevance of Habermas and Marx to Integral Theory and Practice - JOE CORBETT When considering the Lower Right quadrant of the AQAL, the fundamental reference we must address is the nature of inter-objectivity in an exterior collective. In other words, what kind of system are we dealing with? A social system, an ecological system, a justice system? For the Lower Left quadrant, on the other hand, the fundamental reference is inter-subjectivity in an interior collective. Here we must ask not what kind of system we are dealing with, but what kind of cultural and moral community we are dealing with. Thus the values of the LL involve depth and meaning, such as the nature of the good and the meaning of life, whereas the relationships of the LR involve formal and empirical interactions such as whether one broke the law (or not), or whether one species is adapted to their environment (or not). Read more: