INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 669 Amsterdam, August 10th, 2017 MEDITATING CATHOLIC - An Agnostic Pilgrimage For Contemplative Enclaves Inside Roman Catholic Churches - DAVID LANE It might seem odd that a skeptic like myself who more or less despises much of Catholic theology and much of its sordid past, would find refuge in such God-believing places. But I think even the most ardent of atheists can find solace in religious centers primarily because they represent focal places of human longing, regardless of whether one accepts the metaphysical theologies that underpin their existence. Catholic churches, like Jewish synagogues or Hindu temples, are in general places where human beings gather to pour out their deepest yearnings and longings. And, within this context, represent some of the noblest ideals of what it means to be a vulnerable human being. If one can look past the theological trappings that seem endemic to such sacred houses, then one can tap into a fulcrum of genuinely heartfelt emotion. Seen from this perspective, it could perhaps be argued that religious centers of varying kinds are indeed sacred centers for human beings, even if one enters such abodes devoid of any supernatural belief. Read more: