INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 579 Amsterdam, July 13h, 2015 DO WE LIVE IN A SOCIAL MEDIA TECHNOLOGY ADDICTED SOCIETY? - ELLIOT BENJAMIN There has been an increasing alarm the past few years about the extent that especially young people in our U.S. society—and virtually all over the world—are becoming saturated with what has been referred to as “social media addiction” ( Staff, 2012; Anderson, 2015; Augenbraun, 2014; Barnes, 2015; Golinkoff, 2015; Gordon, 2015; IANS, 2015; Johnson, 2015; McNamee, 2014; Paddock, 2013; Whiteman, 2014). There has also been a growing movement to include a psychiatric disorder with the title of Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD) listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) (APA, 2013). Although Internet Addiction Disorder is still not officially listed as a psychiatric disorder in the DSM-V, the more narrowly defined Internet Gaming Addiction was added in May, 2013 f(APA, 2013; Augenbraun, 2014). Read more: CAPITALISM AND INTEGRAL ALTERITY - JOE CORBETT We all know the advantages and benefits conferred upon us by capitalism and the servants of science and technology in bringing us out of the dark ages of superstitious ignorance and material scarcity. What is equally well known but less well accepted is that capitalism and industrial technology has brought humanity to its end-game, and now what was promised to save us from our ignorance and misery will surely doom us to a fate worse than the darkest days of the Dark Ages. We are rapidly approaching the furthest polarity in what Horkheimer and Adorno called the dialectic of enlightenment, where there will either be synthesis and renewal, or breakdown and self-annihilation in the enlightenment project of human progress. Read more: ANCIENT GREEK & ANDEAN IDEAS CAN STILL BE “INTEGRAL” AND USEFUL TODAY - GIORGIO PIACENZA What I’m trying to say that considering the world and everything in it “alive” is not necessarily “magical thinking” from a pre-modern stage. It can also be an integral understanding that has to come back after modernity’s materialist-reductionist debacle. I would consider an idea “integral” if it is permanent and lasts through approximate stages of cultural development and if it can be used to accommodate include the truths of various stages overcoming apparent irreconcilable need to divide ideas (as in mind-body). Some ancient seminal ideas from previous Earth-respecting traditions—in spite of originating in largely pre-modern stage societies—are still essentially compatible TODAY with Integral Theory and with other integrative approaches. These are integral-level ideas embedded across time within the main cultural-social developmental stages. Apparently, many of these ideas did occur in agrarian economies like those of the Ancient Greeks and the Andean pre-Hispanic. Read more: