Van: "Integral World" Aan: Onderwerp: Cohen's Dilemma 2 Datum: maandag 21 oktober 2013 8:14 INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST =========================== Newsletter Nr. 469 Amsterdam, October 21th, 2013 THE REAL CAUSE OF ANDREW COHEN'S DILEMMA - Part II: Ken Wilber's Ego-Theory revealed as a true breeding ground of self-destruction - Martin Erdmann Part I of this article tried to show how Andrew Cohen's misguided spiritual practice was born from Ken Wilber's faulty ego theory as presented in his forword of Cohen's Living Enlightenment. There are other ego-theories born from Wilber's imagination, which point in a different direction. In Sex Ecology Spirituality, for example, Wilber speaks of a “divine egoism” (1995: 463), which means an ego to be enhanced, to be worshipped. So we have an ego here, which stands in stark contrast to the ego of Living Enlightenment, which is to be annihilated. In Wilber's writing we find quite a few ego-theories, which are incompatible with each other. A brief overview of Wilber's inconsistent classifications of ego will be given in Part III of this article. Read more: TRUTH, BEAUTY & GOODNESS - 84 Occurances in The Urantia Book - RICK WARREN Divinity is creature comprehensible as truth, beauty, and goodness; correlated in personality as love, mercy, and ministry; disclosed on impersonal levels as justice, power, and sovereignty.... (3.4) 0:1.17 The God of universal love unfailingly manifests himself to every one of his creatures up to the fullness of that creature's capacity to spiritually grasp the qualities of divine truth, beauty, and goodness.... (26.7) 1:4.5 Read more: DON BECK AND THE GENERAL PATHOLOGY OF "INTEGRAL" LEADERS - JOE CORBETT A spectre is haunting the integral movement – the spectre of tyrannical shadows. The historic breakdowns and break-ups of Ken Wilber and Andrew Cohen are well documented here at integralworld and elsewhere. And now I think we can add Don Beck to the waste heap of influential integral leaders who have demonstrated either their unwillingness or their incapacity to walk the talk of their developmental models by demonstrating a civil engagement with their dissenters and contrarian critics. Read more: To SUBSCRIBE to this Integral World Newsletter or change your email address, click here: To UNSUBSCRIBE, update your account by logging in. For explanation, see: