Van: Integral World [] Verzonden: dinsdag 26 april 2011 15:32 Aan: Onderwerp: [personal] Post-Wilberian Integral Theory INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST =========================== Newsletter Nr. 356 Amsterdam, April 26th, 2011 TOWARDS A POST-WILBERIAN, CRITICAL INTEGRAL THEORY - Why It is Not Necessary to Read Past Page Five in Sex, Ecology, Spirituality - DANIEL GUSTAV ANDERSON In a recent essay, Toby Rogers describes the cognitive dissonance of adhering earnestly to the doctrines presented in Sex, Ecology, Spirituality while engaging with conflicting evidence from the natural sciences. If SES is the greatest spiritual masterpiece in the history of world civilization, as Rogers professes and as the book's final chapter seems to proclaim, then how is it possible for simple materialism to kick the tortoises out from under the Wilberian Kosmos? This is possible because of the way Wilber structured his argument. It is structured badly. This is the real reason why SES is taken seriously by true believers, but has not been warmly accepted by the academy, not because of some “mean green meme” living in fear of True Depth. No: it is because Wilber's argument is based on faulty premises. Here is the first and most foundational example. Read more: An ADDTHIS button has been placed at the top-left of the homepage, so you can send this site to your social neworks friends easily. If you know other people interested in this Integral World Newsletter, please forward this mail to them. Thanks. To SUBSCRIBE to this Integral World Newsletter or change your email address, click here: