From: Integral World [] Sent: maandag 10 augustus 2009 14:53 To: Subject: [personal] Integral Ontology INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST =========================== Newsletter Nr. 288 Amsterdam, August 10th, 2009 INTEGRAL ONTOLOGY : THE LOGICAL ANATOMIZATION OF SPRIT - Henry Augustine It does not matter what name we use to represent the Ground of Being. However, what does matter is what we mean by “Ground of Being.” Yes, perhaps Spirit is beyond all finite conceptual grasp because It is Infinite and Eternal, to name a few. Yet our using the terms “Infinite” and “Eternal” in asserting that we cannot use such terms is simply contradictory. In other words, it is as if we are saying that we cannot use any sort of linguistic rationalization to understand better the nature of Spirit ironically because of the linguistic rationalization concerning the Infinite and Eternal nature of Spirit seemingly lying “beyond” the “confines” of the “finite” and “petty” human mind. Read more: A ADDTHIS button has been placed at the top-left of the homepage, so you can send this site to your social neworks friends easily. If you know other people interested in this Integral World Newsletter, please forward this mail to them. Thanks. To SUBSCRIBE to this Integral World Newsletter or change your email address, click here: To UPDATE your email address or UNSUBSCRIBE, click here: