From: Integral World [] Sent: maandag 17 september 2007 13:31 To: Subject: [personal] Establishing the Integral Paradigm INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST =========================== Newsletter Nr. 209 Amsterdam, September 17, 2007 WILBER WATCH BLOG: "Integral Politics" ESTABLISHING THE INTEGRAL PARADIGM AND THE FUTURE OF INTEGRAL POLITICS - Zakariyya Ishaq "Today's post modern philosophical thinking is before our eyes trying to produce out of the cauldron of evolutionary thought a novel paradigm in which we call the Integral philosophy. Though it is presently not too popular within the culture of today's thought, only so in the elite scholarly, religious, and philosophical layman and professional circles has it had popularity, and a potential for impact on the culture. In this essay I will postulate the idea that it may be imperative that this philosophy become more universally known and understood in the world's public square of ideas before Integral politics can have any possibility of even a reality." Read more... JESUS, ADAM & eGO OR THE ROOTS OF TERRORISM - Christoph Schaub "God, once signifying a reality without a name, is nowadays a name without a reality. Hence, God is used by whomever, in whatever situation, best demonstrated by the clergy of all religious denominations; because the clergy is believed to be closest to God—a cherished assumption that lacks inquiry and validation, for the most part. Preconceived notions, or presumptions, are challenging to overcome, for to do so, we must first become aware of them; aware of how we are had by what we assume to know; aware of how we interpret and make meaning of life; aware, in short, of the perspective we hold. " Read more... 09/12/07: The German translation by HaPe Lin of Jeff Meyerhoff's essay on Methodology and Philosophy has been added to the German Section If you know other people interested in this Integral World Newsletter, please forward this mail to them. Thanks. To SUBSCRIBE to this Integral World Newsletter or change your email address, click here: To UPDATE your email address or UNSUBSCRIBE, click here: