Integral World: Exploring Theories of Everything
An independent forum for a critical discussion of the integral philosophy of Ken Wilber


With 22 books translated in more than twenty five languages, Ken Wilber is the most translated academic author in the United States.

Up till now his books have been translated into German, Dutch, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Czech, Hungarian, Turkish, Bulgarian, Latvian, Estonian, Slovenian, Slovakian, Serbian, Greek, Hindi, Chinese, (China en Taiwan), Korean, Swazi, Japanese, Polish, Danish, Swedish, and many more. In addition to these, some illegal editions have appeared in African and Indian dialects.

In the following table, the foreign translations of Wilber's books are listed by title. If you know a title or language not yet listed, please let me know!


1. The Spectrum of Consciousness 1.
2. No Boundary 2. Zonder Grenzen
3. The Atman Project 3. Het Atman Project
4. Up From Eden 4.
5. The Holographic Paradigm 5. Een Nieuwe Werkelijkheid
6. A Sociable God 6.
7. Eye to Eye 7. Oog in Oog
8. Quantum Questions 8.
9. Spiritual Choices 9.
10. Transformations of Consciousness 10.
11. Grace and Grit 11. Overgave en Strijd
12. Sex, Ecology, Spirituality 12.
13. A Brief History of Everything 13. Een Beknopte Geschiedenis van Alles
14. The Eye of Spirit 14.
15. The Marriage of Sense and Soul 15. De Integratie van Wetenschap en Religie
16. One Taste 16.
17. A Theory of Everything 17.
18. Integral Psychology 18. Integrale Psychologie
19. Boomeritis 19.
20. The Simple Feeling of Being 20. De eenvoud van Zijn;
21. Integral Spirituality  
22. The Integral Vision 22. [Title unknown to me]

1. The Spectrum of Consciousness 1. Das Spektrum des Bewußtseins
2. No Boundary 2. Wege zum Selbst
3. The Atman Project 3. Das Atman Projekt
4. Up From Eden 4. Halbzeit der Evolution
5. The Holographic Paradigm 5. Das holographische Weltbild
6. A Sociable God 6. Der glaubende Mensch
7. Eye to Eye 7. Die drei Augen der Erkenntnis
8. Quantum Questions 8.
9. Spiritual Choices 9. Meister, Gurus, Menschenfänger
10. Transformations of Consciousness 10. Psychologie der Befreiung
11. Grace and Grit 11. Mut und Gnade
12. Sex, Ecology, Spirituality 12. Eros, Kosmos, Logos
13. A Brief History of Everything 13. Eine kurze Geschichte des Kosmos
14. The Eye of Spirit 14. Das Wahre, Schöne, Gute
15. The Marriage of Sense and Soul 15. Naturwissenschaft und Religion
16. One Taste 16. Einfach Das
17. A Theory of Everything 17. Ganzheitlich handeln
18. Integral Psychology 18. Integrale Psychologie
19. Boomeritis 19. Boomeritis
20. The Simple Feeling of Being  
21. Integral Spirituality 21. Integrale Spiritualität
22. The Integral Vision 22. Integrale Lebenspraxis

1. The Spectrum of Consciousness 1. El Espectro de la Conciencia
2. No Boundary 2. La conciencia sin fronteras
3. The Atman Project 3. El Proyecto Atman
4. Up From Eden 4. Después del Edén
5. The Holographic Paradigm 5. El paradigma holográfico
6. A Sociable God 6. Un Dios Sociable
7. Eye to Eye 7. Los tres ojos del conocimiento
8. Quantum Questions 8. Cuestiones cuánticas
9. Spiritual Choices 9.
10. Transformations of Consciousness 10. Psicología integral (abridged)
11. Grace and Grit 11. Gracia y coraje
12. Sex, Ecology, Spirituality 12. Sexo, ecología, espiritualidad (2 vols.)
13. A Brief History of Everything 13. Breve historia de todas las cosas
14. The Eye of Spirit 14. El ojo del espíritu
15. The Marriage of Sense and Soul 15. Ciencia y religión
16. One Taste 16. Diario
17. A Theory of Everything 17. Una Teoría de Todo
18. Integral Psychology 18. Una Visión Integral de la Psicología
19. Boomeritis 19. Boomeritis
20. The Simple Feeling of Being 20. La pura conciencia de ser
21. Integral Spirituality 21. Espiritualidad Integral
22. The Integral Vision 22. La visión integral

1. The Spectrum of Consciousness 1. O Espectro da Consciência
2. No Boundary 2. A Consciência sem Fronteiras
3. The Atman Project 3. O Projeto Atman
4. Up From Eden 4. Éden: Queda ou Ascensão?
5. The Holographic Paradigm 5. O Paradigma Holográfico e Outros Paradoxos
6. A Sociable God 6. Um Deus Social
7. Eye to Eye 7.
8. Quantum Questions 8.
9. Spiritual Choices 9.
10. Transformations of Consciousness 10. Transformações de Consciência
11. Grace and Grit 11. Graa e Coragem
12. Sex, Ecology, Spirituality 12.
13. A Brief History of Everything 13. Uma Breve História do Universo
14. The Eye of Spirit 14. O Olho do Espírito
15. The Marriage of Sense and Soul 15. A União da Alma e dos Sentidos
16. One Taste 16.
17. A Theory of Everything 17. Uma Teoria de Tudo
18. Integral Psychology 18. Psicologia Integral
19. Boomeritis 19. Boomerite
20. The Simple Feeling of Being  
21. Integral Spirituality 21. Espiritualidade Integral
22. The Integral Vision  

1. The Spectrum of Consciousness 1. Lo spettro della coscienza
2. No Boundary 2. Oltre i confini
3. The Atman Project 3. Il progetto atman
4. Up From Eden 4.
5. The Holographic Paradigm 5.
6. A Sociable God 6.
7. Eye to Eye 7.
8. Quantum Questions 8.
9. Spiritual Choices 9.
10. Transformations of Consciousness 10. Le Trasformazioni della coscienza
11. Grace and Grit 11. Grazia e Grinta
12. Sex, Ecology, Spirituality 12.
13. A Brief History of Everything 13.
14. The Eye of Spirit 14.
15. The Marriage of Sense and Soul 15.
16. One Taste 16.
17. A Theory of Everything 17.
18. Integral Psychology 18.
19. Boomeritis 19.
20. The Simple Feeling of Being  
21. Integral Spirituality  
22. The Integral Vision  

1. The Spectrum of Consciousness 1.
2. No Boundary 2.
3. The Atman Project 3.
4. Up From Eden 4.
5. The Holographic Paradigm 5. Le paradigme holographique
6. A Sociable God 6.
7. Eye to Eye 7. Les trois yeux de la connaissance
8. Quantum Questions 8.
9. Spiritual Choices 9.
10. Transformations of Consciousness 10.
11. Grace and Grit 11. Grâce et courage
12. Sex, Ecology, Spirituality 12.
13. A Brief History of Everything 13. Une breve histoire de tout
14. The Eye of Spirit 14.
15. The Marriage of Sense and Soul 15.
16. One Taste 16.
17. A Theory of Everything 17.
18. Integral Psychology 18.
19. Boomeritis 19.
20. The Simple Feeling of Being  
21. Integral Spirituality  
22. The Integral Vision 22. Le livre de la Vision Intégrale

1. The Spectrum of Consciousness 1. Ishiki no Supekutoru
2. No Boundary 2. Mukyokai
3. The Atman Project 3. Atoman Purojekuto
4. Up From Eden 4. Eden kara
5. The Holographic Paradigm 5. Kuzo toshiteno Sekai
6. A Sociable God 6. Kozo toshiteno Kami
7. Eye to Eye 7. Me niha Me wo
8. Quantum Questions 8. Ryoshi no Koan
9. Spiritual Choices 9.
10. Transformations of Consciousness 10.
11. Grace and Grit 11. Ai to Tamashi no Kiseki
12. Sex, Ecology, Spirituality 12. Shinka no Kozo
13. A Brief History of Everything 13. Banbutsu no Rekishi
14. The Eye of Spirit 14.
15. The Marriage of Sense and Soul 15. Kagaku to Shukyo no Tougou
16. One Taste 16. Ken Wilber no Nikki
17. A Theory of Everything 17. Banbutsu no Riron
18. Integral Psychology 18. [in translation]
19. Boomeritis 19.
20. The Simple Feeling of Being  
21. Integral Spirituality  
22. The Integral Vision  

1. The Spectrum of Consciousness 1.
2. No Boundary 2. [Title unknown to me]
3. The Atman Project 3.
4. Up From Eden 4.
5. The Holographic Paradigm 5. [Title unknown to me]
6. A Sociable God 6.
7. Eye to Eye 7.
8. Quantum Questions 8.
9. Spiritual Choices 9.
10. Transformations of Consciousness 10.
11. Grace and Grit 11.
12. Sex, Ecology, Spirituality 12.
13. A Brief History of Everything 13. Gud, livet, universet og alt muligt andet
14. The Eye of Spirit 14.
15. The Marriage of Sense and Soul 15.
16. One Taste 16.
17. A Theory of Everything 17.
18. Integral Psychology 18.
19. Boomeritis 19.
20. The Simple Feeling of Being  
21. Integral Spirituality  
22. The Integral Vision  

1. The Spectrum of Consciousness 1.
2. No Boundary 2. [Title unknown to me]
3. The Atman Project 3.
4. Up From Eden 4.
5. The Holographic Paradigm 5. Det holografiska paradigmet
6. A Sociable God 6.
7. Eye to Eye 7.
8. Quantum Questions 8.
9. Spiritual Choices 9.
10. Transformations of Consciousness 10.
11. Grace and Grit 11.
12. Sex, Ecology, Spirituality 12.
13. A Brief History of Everything 13. En kortfattad historia om allting
14. The Eye of Spirit 14.
15. The Marriage of Sense and Soul 15.
16. One Taste 16.
17. A Theory of Everything 17.
18. Integral Psychology 18.
19. Boomeritis 19.
20. The Simple Feeling of Being  
21. Integral Spirituality  
22. The Integral Vision  

1. The Spectrum of Consciousness 1. Spektrum Świadomości
2. No Boundary 2. Niepodzielone
3. The Atman Project 3.
4. Up From Eden 4. Eksplozja swiadomosci
5. The Holographic Paradigm 5.
6. A Sociable God 6.
7. Eye to Eye 7.
8. Quantum Questions 8.
9. Spiritual Choices 9.
10. Transformations of Consciousness 10.
11. Grace and Grit 11. Smiertelni niesmiertelni
12. Sex, Ecology, Spirituality 12. [Title unknown to me]
13. A Brief History of Everything 13. Krótka historia wszystkiego
14. The Eye of Spirit 14.
15. The Marriage of Sense and Soul 15. Malzenstwo rozumu z dusza
16. One Taste 16. Jeden smak
17. A Theory of Everything 17. Integralna Teoria Wszystkiego
18. Integral Psychology 18. Psychologia integralna
19. Boomeritis 19.
20. The Simple Feeling of Being  
21. Integral Spirituality 21. [Title unknown to me]
22. The Integral Vision  

1. The Spectrum of Consciousness 1.
2. No Boundary 2. Psihologia tis apeleuferosis
3. The Atman Project 3. To skedio atman
4. Up From Eden 4. Epekina tis Edem
5. The Holographic Paradigm 5.
6. A Sociable God 6.
7. Eye to Eye 7. [Title unknown to me]
8. Quantum Questions 8.
9. Spiritual Choices 9.
10. Transformations of Consciousness 10.
11. Grace and Grit 11. [Title unknown to me]
12. Sex, Ecology, Spirituality 12. [Title unknown to me]
13. A Brief History of Everything 13. O dromos tis syneidisis
14. The Eye of Spirit 14. [Title unknown to me]
15. The Marriage of Sense and Soul 15.
16. One Taste 16. [Title unknown to me]
17. A Theory of Everything 17. Mia theoria gia ta panta
18. Integral Psychology 18. [Title unknown to me]
19. Boomeritis 19. [Title unknown to me]
20. The Simple Feeling of Being 20.

1. The Spectrum of Consciousness 1. i shi guang pu
2. No Boundary 2. shi shi ben ooh ai
3. The Atman Project 3.
4. Up From Eden 4.
5. The Holographic Paradigm 5.
6. A Sociable God 6.
7. Eye to Eye 7.
8. Quantum Questions 8.
9. Spiritual Choices 9.
10. Transformations of Consciousness 10.
11. Grace and Grit 11. ern-tsung yu yung-chi
12. Sex, Ecology, Spirituality 12.
13. A Brief History of Everything 13. Wan Fa Jian Shi
14. The Eye of Spirit 14.
15. The Marriage of Sense and Soul 15. Ning-shin fu-shin
16. One Taste 16. Ee wei
17. A Theory of Everything 17.
18. Integral Psychology 18.
19. Boomeritis 19.
20. The Simple Feeling of Being  
21. Integral Spirituality  
22. The Integral Vision  

1. The Spectrum of Consciousness 1.
2. No Boundary 2. bin wu jiang jie
3. The Atman Project 3.
4. Up From Eden 4.
5. The Holographic Paradigm 5.
6. A Sociable God 6.
7. Eye to Eye 7.
8. Quantum Questions 8.
9. Spiritual Choices 9.
10. Transformations of Consciousness 10.
11. Grace and Grit 11. chao yue si wang
12. Sex, Ecology, Spirituality 12. yi wei
13. A Brief History of Everything 13. Wan Wu Jian Shi
14. The Eye of Spirit 14.
15. The Marriage of Sense and Soul 15.
16. One Taste 16.
17. A Theory of Everything 17.
18. Integral Psychology 18.
19. Boomeritis 19.
20. The Simple Feeling of Being 20.
21. Integral Spirituality 21.
22. The Integral Vision 22.

1. The Spectrum of Consciousness 1.
2. No Boundary 2. Nikakih granitz
3. The Atman Project 3. Proekt Atman (in preparation)
4. Up From Eden 4.
5. The Holographic Paradigm 5.
6. A Sociable God 6.
7. Eye to Eye 7.
8. Quantum Questions 8.
9. Spiritual Choices 9.
10. Transformations of Consciousness 10.
11. Grace and Grit 11. Blagodat' i stoykost'
12. Sex, Ecology, Spirituality 12. [Title unknown to me]
13. A Brief History of Everything 13.
14. The Eye of Spirit 14. Otchi duha (in preparation)
15. The Marriage of Sense and Soul 15.
16. One Taste 16. Odin vkus
17. A Theory of Everything 17.
18. Integral Psychology 18. Integral'naya psikhologiya
19. Boomeritis 19.
20. The Simple Feeling of Being
21. Integral Spirituality 21. [Title unknown to me]
22. The Integral Vision 22. [Title unknown to me]

1. The Spectrum of Consciousness 1.
2. No Boundary 2. [Title unknown to me]
3. The Atman Project 3.
4. Up From Eden 4.
5. The Holographic Paradigm 5.
6. A Sociable God 6.
7. Eye to Eye 7.
8. Quantum Questions 8.
9. Spiritual Choices 9.
10. Transformations of Consciousness 10.
11. Grace and Grit 11. [Title unknown to me]
12. Sex, Ecology, Spirituality 12.
13. A Brief History of Everything 13.
14. The Eye of Spirit 14.
15. The Marriage of Sense and Soul 15. [Title unknown to me]
16. One Taste 16.
17. A Theory of Everything 17.
18. Integral Psychology 18.
19. Boomeritis 19.
20. The Simple Feeling of Being  
21. Integral Spirituality  
22. The Integral Vision  

1. The Spectrum of Consciousness 1.
2. No Boundary 2.
3. The Atman Project 3.
4. Up From Eden 4.
5. The Holographic Paradigm 5.
6. A Sociable God 6.
7. Eye to Eye 7.
8. Quantum Questions 8. Hyeonday Moulleehak Qwa Shinbijuey
9. Spiritual Choices 9.
10. Transformations of Consciousness 10.
11. Grace and Grit 11.
12. Sex, Ecology, Spirituality 12.
13. A Brief History of Everything 13.
14. The Eye of Spirit 14.
15. The Marriage of Sense and Soul 15. Kamgak-gwa Younghon-eui Mannam
16. One Taste 16.
17. A Theory of Everything 17. [title unknown to me]
18. Integral Psychology 18.
19. Boomeritis 19.
20. The Simple Feeling of Being  
21. Integral Spirituality  
22. The Integral Vision  

1. The Spectrum of Consciousness 1.
2. No Boundary 2. Határok nélkül
3. The Atman Project 3.
4. Up From Eden 4.
5. The Holographic Paradigm 5.
6. A Sociable God 6.
7. Eye to Eye 7.
8. Quantum Questions 8.
9. Spiritual Choices 9.
10. Transformations of Consciousness 10.
11. Grace and Grit 11. Áldás és állhatatosság
12. Sex, Ecology, Spirituality 12.
13. A Brief History of Everything 13. A Mûködõ Szellem rövid története
14. The Eye of Spirit 14.
15. The Marriage of Sense and Soul 15.
16. One Taste 16.
17. A Theory of Everything 17.
18. Integral Psychology 18.
19. Boomeritis 19.
20. The Simple Feeling of Being  
21. Integral Spirituality  
22. The Integral Vision 22. Integrál szemlélet

1. The Spectrum of Consciousness 1. Spektar na saznanieto
2. No Boundary 2. Bez granitzi
3. The Atman Project 3.
4. Up From Eden 4.
5. The Holographic Paradigm 5.
6. A Sociable God 6.
7. Eye to Eye 7.
8. Quantum Questions 8.
9. Spiritual Choices 9.
10. Transformations of Consciousness 10.
11. Grace and Grit 11.
12. Sex, Ecology, Spirituality 12.
13. A Brief History of Everything 13. Kratka istoria na vsichko
14. The Eye of Spirit 14.
15. The Marriage of Sense and Soul 15.
16. One Taste 16.
17. A Theory of Everything 17.
18. Integral Psychology 18. Integralna Psihologia
19. Boomeritis 19. [Title unknown to me]
20. The Simple Feeling of Being  

1. The Spectrum of Consciousness 1.
2. No Boundary 2.
3. The Atman Project 3.
4. Up From Eden 4.
5. The Holographic Paradigm 5. Holografik evren
6. A Sociable God 6. Transandantal Sosyoloji
7. Eye to Eye 7.
8. Quantum Questions 8.
9. Spiritual Choices 9.
10. Transformations of Consciousness 10.
11. Grace and Grit 11. Merhamet ve Metanet
12. Sex, Ecology, Spirituality 12.
13. A Brief History of Everything 13.
14. The Eye of Spirit 14.
15. The Marriage of Sense and Soul 15.
16. One Taste 16.
17. A Theory of Everything 17. Her Seyin Teorisi
18. Integral Psychology 18.
19. Boomeritis 19.
20. The Simple Feeling of Being  
21. Integral Spirituality  
22. The Integral Vision  

1. The Spectrum of Consciousness 1.
2. No Boundary 2.
3. The Atman Project 3.
4. Up From Eden 4.
5. The Holographic Paradigm 5.
6. A Sociable God 6.
7. Eye to Eye 7.
8. Quantum Questions 8.
9. Spiritual Choices 9.
10. Transformations of Consciousness 10.
11. Grace and Grit 11.
12. Sex, Ecology, Spirituality 12.
13. A Brief History of Everything 13. Kratka povijest svega
14. The Eye of Spirit 14. In preparation
15. The Marriage of Sense and Soul 15.
16. One Taste 16. In preparation
17. A Theory of Everything 17. Teorija svega
18. Integral Psychology 18.
19. Boomeritis 19.  
20. The Simple Feeling of Being 20.

1. The Spectrum of Consciousness 1.
2. No Boundary 2.
3. The Atman Project 3.
4. Up From Eden 4.
5. The Holographic Paradigm 5.
6. A Sociable God 6.
7. Eye to Eye 7.
8. Quantum Questions 8.
9. Spiritual Choices 9.
10. Transformations of Consciousness 10.
11. Grace and Grit 11. [Title unknown to me]
12. Sex, Ecology, Spirituality 12.
13. A Brief History of Everything 13. KÕIKSUSE LÜHILUGU
14. The Eye of Spirit 14.
15. The Marriage of Sense and Soul 15.
16. One Taste 16.
17. A Theory of Everything 17. KÕIKSUSE TEOORIA
18. Integral Psychology 18.[Title unknown to me]
19. Boomeritis  
20. The Simple Feeling of Being  
21. Integral Spirituality  
22. The Integral Vision  

1. The Spectrum of Consciousness 1.
2. No Boundary 2. Fara granite
3. The Atman Project 3.
4. Up From Eden 4.
5. The Holographic Paradigm 5.
6. A Sociable God 6.
7. Eye to Eye 7.
8. Quantum Questions 8.
9. Spiritual Choices 9.
10. Transformations of Consciousness 10.
11. Grace and Grit 11. Gratie si Forta
12. Sex, Ecology, Spirituality 12.
13. A Brief History of Everything 13.
14. The Eye of Spirit 14.
15. The Marriage of Sense and Soul 15.
16. One Taste 16.
17. A Theory of Everything 17.
18. Integral Psychology 18.
19. Boomeritis 19.
20. The Simple Feeling of Being  
21. Integral Spirituality  
22. The Integral Vision  

1. The Spectrum of Consciousness 1.
2. No Boundary 2.
3. The Atman Project 3.
4. Up From Eden 4.
5. The Holographic Paradigm 5.
6. A Sociable God 6.
7. Eye to Eye 7.
8. Quantum Questions 8.
9. Spiritual Choices 9.
10. Transformations of Consciousness 10.
11. Grace and Grit 11.
12. Sex, Ecology, Spirituality 12.
13. A Brief History of Everything 13. [Title unknown to me]
14. The Eye of Spirit 14.
15. The Marriage of Sense and Soul 15.
16. One Taste 16.
17. A Theory of Everything 17.
18. Integral Psychology 18.
19. Boomeritis 19. Boomeritis
20. The Simple Feeling of Being  
21. Integral Spirituality  
22. The Integral Vision  

1. The Spectrum of Consciousness 1.
2. No Boundary 2.
3. The Atman Project 3.
4. Up From Eden 4.
5. The Holographic Paradigm 5.
6. A Sociable God 6.
7. Eye to Eye 7.
8. Quantum Questions 8.
9. Spiritual Choices 9.
10. Transformations of Consciousness 10.
11. Grace and Grit 11.
12. Sex, Ecology, Spirituality 12.
13. A Brief History of Everything 13.
14. The Eye of Spirit 14.
15. The Marriage of Sense and Soul 15.
16. One Taste 16.
17. A Theory of Everything 17.
18. Integral Psychology 18.
19. Boomeritis 19.
20. The Simple Feeling of Being  
21. Integral Spirituality  
22. The Integral Vision 22. [Title unknown to me]