Integral World: Exploring Theories of Everything
An independent forum for a critical discussion of the integral philosophy of Ken Wilber

Gerrit TeuleGerrit Teule is a Dutch writer on the subject "Evolution of Consciousness". He is a board member of the Dutch Teilhard de Chardin Foundation and maintains the public part of the website for this foundation, including the discussion forum ( For 30 years he was a technician and computer specialist with IBM, specialising in large systems, complex networks and usage of computers by people without IT knowledge. He later specialized on computer usage by disabled people. Since 1990 is an independent writer. His own website is Email: [email protected]. This essay is a shortened translation of the last chapter in his book "Our soul has deep grounds" (still unpublished) .


The creation of information from nothing

The Big Bang and Further

Gerrit Teule

The aim of this book is to argue that the mind-body problem is not just a local problem, having to do with the relation between mind, brain, and behavior in living animal organisms, but that it invades our understanding of the entire cosmos and its history. The physical sciences and evolutionary biology cannot be kept insulated from it, and I believe a true appreciation of the difficulty of the problem must eventually change our conception of the place of the physical sciences in describing the natural order.
—Thomas Nagel in Mind and Cosmos[1]

I Introduction

Does evolution work with a predefined plan or is it the essence of evolution that it started without any plan?

Since the earliest history of mankind it was a challenging puzzle, how a universe came into being from nothing (or almost nothing, a singularity) and how life could emerge from dead matter, with more and more complexity and with all kinds of intensive cooperation. An essential aspect of this is the creation of (new) information. The whole evolution, as we see it today, is built on the extending information about complexity in the growing structures, anorganic as well as organic. As an example you can look at the growing information in the developing DNA, but the same happened when the DNA not yet existed. The main question in this essay is: how could this information emerge and extend itself? Where was it stored? Was there already information in the beginning of time (a sort of plan, however rudimentary) or did this information build itself from scratch, starting from really nothing, a tabula rasa? In other words: does evolution work with a predefined plan or is it the essence of evolution that it started without any plan and that after a long development the possibility of plan-making came forward, together with the intellect of mankind, so that we can live up to that plan? This essay is a beginning of an answer to that question in the light of the eonic theory. That might help a bit. It's a standpoint that you don't find often in the scientific literature.

Jean Emile Charon
Jean Emile Charon

The eonic light comes from the eonic theory, as I described in several books for het Dutch readers. This theory describes the 'real nature' of the elementary particle: the electron. The present main stream physics tells us that the electron does not have an internal structure, but the eonic theory tells a quite different story. It says that electrons consist of a contraction of light particles (photons), extremely concentrated is a small and closed micro-universe: the eon. The point of contact between that eonic micro-universe and the large gravity-space (the four dimensional Einstein space in which we live) is known as the electron. Here the general accepted theory on electromagnetism, the Quantum Electro Dynamics (QED) is applicable. By definition there are as much eons as electrons, because we can see the eon also as the 'inside' or 'back side' of the electron. Reversed we can see the electron as the footprint (or projection or touching point) of the eon in our real world. This is the essence of “Complex Relativity” (1977)[2] from the French physicist Jean E. Charon (1920 - 1998). So, there are countless universa, but the small eonic universa are hidden anywhere in our large universe (the gravity space); they are concealed behind the electrons. To be able to oversee so much four dimensional universes and to calculate their content and relations, including the elementary electrical charge e of the electron itself, Charon used the imaginary dimension as a fifth dimension. This imaginary dimension is calculable using the maths of complex numbers and the imaginary number i (the square root of -1). That leads to the name Complex Relativity.

The eon hypothesis is built on this physical theory. Notice, that I make a clear distinction between the eonic theory (Complex Relativity) and the spiritual interpretation, the eon hypothesis. It says that these eons carry the original light from the singular point of the big bang inside. Eons have physical properties, which can be translated straight away into psychic properties. Charon described this in his book “The unknown Spirit”.[3] The eon can be seen as a mental particles and the inside of an eon is called transcendent.[4] I used the term menticles, as a continuation of the terms particles and wavicles (particle and wave at the same time). The basic properties of these menticles are, following Charon: the ability to store information (Knowledge), contemplation (Reflection), communication (Love) en the ability to act in chemical processes (Action).

For the Dutch readers I wrote the books Wat Darwin niet kon weten[5] (What Darwin could not know) and Hebben wij een ziel? Zo ja, waar dan?[6] (Do we have a soul? If yes, where?) In that book I defend the proposition “Mind and soul are the inside of electromagnetism and electromagnetism is the outside of mind and soul.” For an explanation in English see my article “The eon hypothesis in a nutshell” on the site Integral World.[7]

Charon's physical theory is neo gnostic; it is a continuation of the gnostic philosophy, dating from the first century after Christ. It is also a continuation of the theories of Albert Einstein and quantum physics. Gnostics gave the carrier of the mind the name Aeon or Aion: the cause of thoughts. The Neo-Gnosticism came forward in the years seventy of the last century in the universities of Princeton and Pasadena (USA). This movement says that it is untenable to keep saying that mankind is the universal centre of thought. When one says “I think”, one should say “It thinks” or “There is a thought in space”, just as we say “It rains”. That 'it' is the eon or it is the whole collection of eons: the eonic matrix. Eons are “thinking electrons”.

The theory of Charon and his further thoughts on universal spirituality, starting with the big bang, have been broadly published by himself, also in the English language, but it bounced on a massive denial from academic materialistic circles, an irrational and dogmatic wall of conservatism. That was not on behalf of his physical theory, but the main problem was the elaboration of his thoughts on the 'mind'. In his days, during the triumph of materialism, that was absolutely not done; it was even a sin of death to say something scientific about mind and consciousness that transcended pure materialism. Furthermore it did not serve the pure materialistic and financial powers that rule this world. For those reasons Charon's theory did not receive the attention it deserved, but hopefully that will change due to the growing interest in spiritual matters these days. Mind is an integral part of nature and it belongs rightfully in the realm of a physical science that claims to describe the whole reality, in which we and our spirit exist.

II The big bang and further

The Big Bang
The Big Bang (artist's impression)

A citation from Wikipedia: “The Big Bang theory is the prevailing cosmological model for the early development of the universe. The key idea is that the universe is expanding. Consequently, the universe was denser and hotter in the past. Moreover, the Big Bang model suggests that at some moment all matter in the universe was contained in a single point, which is considered the beginning of the universe. Modern measurements place this moment at approximately 13.8 billion years ago, which is thus considered the age of the universe.”  (Together with this starting point all natural laws came into existence, GT)

It is a fantastic and almost incredible hypothesis, calculated to the thousands of a second. The biologist Rupert Sheldrake once said: “Who believes that, believes everything.” I leave modern critics on the big bang idea, e.g. by the plasma theorists, in this essay behind, but the last word about this has not been said yet.[8] I leave that so, in the Popperian science that any theory or hypothesis sooner or later gets scratches and dents and the need for corrections. That goes on until (according to Thomas Kuhn) a paradigm shift is necessary. It is quite well possible that the eonic theory also will cause a paradigm shift, because spiritual creativity claims its rightful place in the scientific theories of the big bang and the evolution.

The happenings in the big bang and the first few seconds thereafter, could be described in eonic language as follows:

  1. The small singularity (that can be seen as the first primeval eon, filled with pure light and with almost infinite density and temperature, black body radiation) expanded and divided itself in the same time in countless 'specks', the eons and quarks, and an abundance of light particles (photons) and neutrinos.
  2. In the first second of the 'bang', starting from pure light energy, two 'electrical' particles came into existence: the negatively loaded eons (electrons) and exactly the same number of positively loaded eons (positrons). After this first second the 'baking temperature' became too low to form these particles because of the very fast cooling down. The total electric energy, positive and negative counted together, was and stayed zero, because electrons and positrons were always formed as a pair. When they encounter each other afterwards, they annihilate each other and go over into light energy again. That must have happened a countless times in the first seconds of the universe.
  3. As a first action of ordering the quarks grouped together in de nuclear particles: neutrons and, a short time later, protons. Per nuclear particle the quarks grouped together, three quarks per neutron of proton. That happened also in the first second after the 'bang'.
  4. Immediately thereafter the further evolution started with three sorts of stabile building particles: neutrons (without electrical charge), protons (with a positive electrical charge)[9] en negatively loaded electrons/eons. And of course lots of photons and neutrinos. Further in this essay, under III c, I describe the fate of the positrons.

Conclusion: the (mind-carrying) eons (the 'inside' of electrons) originate directly from the first split second of the 'big bang itself'.

Only after ca. 400.000 years the glowing hot and extreme dense primordial soup had cooled down and expanded so far in the inflating universe, that electrons were able to find their orbits around de nuclear particles, the protons, probably after countless misfits and hits by chance. Hydrogen and helium came into existence. It is possible that already earlier hydrogen atoms existed (the simplest atom in the universe, consisting of one electron and one proton), but that they were destroyed because the electron met a strayed positron and was annihilated yet and the proton was left alone, waiting for another electron. This was a learning process.

After these 400.000 years of expansion and cooling down the universe became so spacious and thinly populated, that the light particles (photons) were able to travel freely through space, without crashing into other particles any time. At first they could not get through the densely filled space, but thereafter 'the light was switched on' in the universe.

Million years later in the evolution of matter the clouds of hydrogen and helium clogged together to form the first stars. After a short and turbulent life these stars exploded and in this inferno the heavier atoms were formed, such as carbon, iron, oxygen and silicon. Pointing to the evolution of these heavier atoms, it is said that we are built out of star-matter. That is true for these heavy atoms, but keep in mind that more than half of all the atoms in our body are the original hydrogen atoms, from 400.000 years after the big bang, 13.7 billion years ago. All electrons/eons in our body (all together ca. 50 grams) are even older: they were created in the first split second of the big bang itself.

What happened in the first second of the big bang is almost unbelievable, but according the eon hypothesis the spirit was right from that moment in full action. It all started with light and spirituality.

III Choices in the big bang and the creation of psychomatter

This flow of events suggests that there is a number of occurrences that needs further comments:

  1. How and why 'decided' the primeval eon, the singular point, to 'explode' itself into a myriad of particles, the eons and the quarks (small enclosed universa)? Was this an autonomous process, born out of an instability, or can we see this as a spiritual action? Pushed someone, as a matter of saying, on a tiny button or pushed Someone on a Big Button? Or was there no 'someone' at all? It is highly probable that we will never find an answer to this question, except in our religious fantasies. If this was the work of an ancient spirit, than we might recognize the big bang as a spiritual happening. Whatever it was, we should not see it as something very big, acting from the outside, because there was no outside whatsoever. On the contrary, it was something very tiny, working from the inside.
  2. How and why clogged three quarks together, immediately after the bang, to form the nuclear particles, held together by the strong nuclear force? After that moment individual quarks did not exist anymore in the universe. Did the quarks with their mass get a clear message: “Form the nuclear parts”? Was with that action their task in this universe completed? After the first second of the big bang no new quarks came into existence, because of the too low 'baking' temperature'.
  3. The current theory about quarks (the quantumchromodynamics) says that the combination of electrical properties from different sorts of quarks lead to the positive electrical charge of protons and the neutrality of neutrons. But a simpler and clear metaphor says that in the first second only neutrons were formed. The positrons, in the first second created as anti-particles of the electrons, connected quickly to the just formed neutrons and that changed them to protons. The charm of this metaphor is that it gives a nice explanation of a number of facts. It could explain why there are no individual positrons to be found in the universe; they are all concealed in the protons. It could also explain why anywhere in the universe and in any stable kind of atom there is an equilibrium between the number of electrons and protons. Finally it explains why the electrical value of protons and electrons, one positive and the other negative, is exactly the same, which makes an atom electrically neutral. This appeared to be so 400.000 years after the bang. (The only exception to this is when an electron leaves the outer layer, which leaves the atom in an ionized state, as a preparation to a chemical reaction.)
  4. Electrons can 'surf' over the outer layers of electrons of (heavier) atoms and they can travel in this way through a body or through a conducting metal wire. In this case we call them 'free electrons'. With this ability the creative electrons/eons have the freedom and the space to give form and structure to the evolution and to gather de experiences in their eonic memories (see also V). All special formations of atoms, molecules and larger structures in this universe originate from these movements of the electrons. Every minuscule chemical reaction starts with a change in the movement of an electron, anywhere in this universe and in our bodies.
  5. Positrons, on the contrary, connected itself, according the under c. mentioned metaphor, to neutrons, forming the protons. With that act their task was completed for the duration of the formed proton (and that is 'eternally' stable). Therefore they did not take part in the dynamics of complexification and the mental development, as a large number of eons did. That's why electrons in particular are the intelligent and active builders of this evolution, with the help of the power and information-transporting light particles, the photons.
  6. The combination of nuclear particles and the spirit-carrying eons/electrons in the atoms is called psychomatter. All matter that we perceive is by definition psychomatter. 'Dead' matter does not exist in the eonic thinking, because it carries the spirit and originates from a mental evolutionary process. The spiritual basis for this evolution consists of 'thinking electrons ' (Charon).
  7. What the hypothesis of dark matter and dark energy adds to this, is still a question. This hypothesis, in fact an enormous correction to the existing relativity theory, points to emerging problems in the Einsteinian worldview. Is this dark matter and energy also created during the big bang? Nobody knows.
Chance combined with memory and intelligence is, especially in its practical result, something profoundly different than blind chance alone.

These questions and remarks suggest that a number of fundamental and spiritual choices, especially in the first few seconds, construct the foundation of the first phases of our universe, billions of years before the evolution of living beings started. These primary eonic 'cosmic' choices set the stage and make it possible that from the starting point in time there was a memory, intelligence and will, billions of years before DNA and consciousness came forward. The use of the word 'chance' as the general and only principle of explanation is not helpful here. Especially in the first phases after the bang lots of accidental hits occurred between particles, but chance combined with memory and intelligence is, especially in its practical result, something profoundly different than blind chance alone. In the eonic theory, with memory and intelligence from the first second available in the inside of eons, failures were recorded and avoided afterwards. That made it possible that the percentage of success-hits increased through time.

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Apart from that the experiences were communicated between the eons non-locally[10] (timeless) in the universe, so that it could be used on countless places. That's why we may suppose that the beginning of life did not start on a single point (as the life trees of Darwin and Haeckel suggest), but that it probably emerged on millions of points, more or less at the same time. This was the introduction to what the French paleontologist and mystic Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881 – 1955) called: the complexification. Memory and intelligence can speed up the pace of evolution considerably, especially when it is driven by a will. Several calculations suggest that this acceleration really must have happened to allow complexification to work in the pace as it did and that it still happens today. Furthermore, evolution did not follow a steady pace. On several occasions in the history of evolution the steady flow of events was disrupted by cosmic catastrophes. Thereafter it resumed with a very quick and creative phase of new developments, such as the Cambric Explosion (542 - 488 million years ago). Also the meteorite the killed the dinosaurs, caused an explosion of new life of which we are a part.

IV The continuing evolution after the big bang

We do not understand the creation of emerging properties, even if we know them very well.

After the formation of hydrogen and helium atoms (almost 400.000 years after the bang) the eons with their creative mental properties concentrated on the formation of large en complex molecules and all following spacious forms and constructions. That resulted in macromolecules, minerals, proto bacteria, cells, plants, animals and higher beings, using all eonic properties: memory, intelligence, communication and action power. All other psychic properties are combinations of these four. In hindsight it all is directed towards the creation of consciousness and self-consciousness, probably on countless places in this universe. There the creativity of psychomatter works in the same way towards the same goal. On this earth this resulted in the creation of eyes, hands and brains, including all what is needed to keep that alive: a body, a world, a suitable climate, an atmosphere, etc. How this has been done on other planets, we don't know. We only can guess that these processes might have the same of similar effects throughout the universe and that we may encounter life-forms all over the universe, in whatever state of development.

It is important to notice that with the combination of atoms and molecules in larger structures always 'emergent properties' will come forward. These are properties that cannot be deducted logically from the properties of the composing building parts. A good example is the water molecule, put together from two hydrogen and one oxygen atom. The properties of water, freezing to ice (that floats on water), largest specific gravity at 3 degrees C (which cause cold water to sink), evaporation and condensation (causing clouds and rain), formation of crystals (snow) etc. are not logically deductible from the composing atoms hydrogen and oxygen. But these properties of water are fundamental to life on our planet. We do not understand the creation of emerging properties, even if we know them very well. This is not a reason to use change as an explanation, because it isn't. Emerging properties were created spontaneously with the first composition of atom-species to larger entities. Gained knowledge about the newly formed properties was non-locally distributed and stored among the eons and that led to the formation of habits and practices, quickly evolving into 'natural laws' as we see them today: fixed properties of atom and molecule-combinations.

The creation of emergent properties is a fundamental phenomenon of the experimenting and combining psychomatter. With every creation of new atomic compositions we see in these emerging properties the creativity of evolution at work. The results of this creativity is quickly distributed to other related eons, non-locally and timeless over unlimited distances. After that the tendency quickly promotes to a natural law. According to the eonic theory this does not happen by chance or 'by accident', but it happens purposeful and drive by the “will to come to consciousness”. This will, in the beginning very vague but ongoing getting stronger en more deliberate, is the mainspring of evolution all over the universe, pushing it in the direction of consciousness. In his book “The Act of Will”[11] (1976) the psychologist Roberto Assagioli writes in his comments on Pierre Teilhard de Chardin en his Point Omega:

“Seen from a broader and more encompassing viewpoint the universal life looks like a struggle between multiplicity and unity, as a work and tendency towards getting one. Vaguely we feel – speaking of a divine being or a cosmic energy – that the Spirit is at work on and inside the whole creation, that he is busy forming the creation to order, harmony and beauty, that he works on unity of all people (of which some cooperate benevolently, but the majority is still blinded and insurgent) by ties of love, and that he slowly and in silence, but with irresistible power creates the Upper Synthesis .”

V The initial creation of new information

We should make a difference between data and information, because information is interpreted data by a conscious mind.

Charon describes in his book “The unknown spirit”[12] the eon as follows: “The electron micro-universe is not empty, or the space which encloses it would not be curved. It contains matter and radiation just as our own universe does. Notably, it contains black body radiation which is a sort of multi-speed, multi-directional photon gas, having a black body radiation temperature T.” This temperature T varies from 70 million 650 billion degrees, depending on the extremely fast pulsation of the micro-universe, so to speak the 'hart beat of the psyche'.

Charon assumes that this super compact and superhot photon gas right after the big bang does not carry information yet. It carries the possibility of memory in itself, based on spin variations of photons, but this memory is still a blank page.[13] Furthermore it carries the possibility of negative entropy (see under), because eons are enclosed micro-universes.

Now the question is: Is it necessary to load the eons right from the start with information (a predefined plan, however minimal) about the forms and structures to be created in the future, or is it possible that this information from the beginning (the creation of eons/electrons in the first second of the big bang) is built from a tabula rasa, as a result of the game of memory, creativity, communication and action, playing with chance in the succeeding cooling and expanding primordial 'soups' after the bang. In other words, is it possible that the evolution information started with a 'creatio ex nihilo' , a creation of information from nothing, only based on the basic physical properties of eons/photons?

My answer is yes, considering the following.

At the time of the big bang the eons started as a blank slate (an absolute neutral and information less equilibrium of photons with negative and positive spin), but in the possession of the four eonic properties: memory (based on spin variations of the photons in the eons), contemplation (creation new combinations of photon spin within one eon, called creativity), communication (combinations of photonic actions in more than one eon, via non-locality and entanglement) and de power to act (by electron movements, stimulated by non-local photonic actions) Starting from the big bang the interactions between eons/electrons, and also the internal reactions between photons within the eon, added and cumulated information to this blank slate.[14]

It is risky to use computer technology as an explaining metaphor. In computers the information is coded with a combination of zero's and ones (the bits and no-bits, 0 and 1, the binary number system). We invented this system ourselves and in principle we understand all of it, even the meaning of the data contents (the language). How information is encoded within the eon (using spin variations of photons) and whether or not we will be able to understand that, lies hidden in the future. (In fact we should make a difference between data and information, because information is interpreted data by a conscious mind.) In principle we cannot look into an eon with scientific equipment, because it is a closed universe in itself. We do not know at all, how this vast amount of information is addressed (or even if it's necessary to do so or not) and how information is retrieved in this endless large evolution memory. In comparison, also the neuronal connections in our brain store information (via more than hundred billion interconnected neurons) and even there we don't have a clue about the coding principles and the addressing of information. The same is true for our DNA, although we seem to have some knowledge about the coding itself. (The fact that we can manipulate genes does not mean that we understand the meaning and the language.) One thing we can assume is that the three coding systems in ourselves (photonic, neuronal and DNA) must work closely together and that they communicate every split second on billions of places in our body.

So, with scientific instruments it will not be possible to crack the eonic coding because we cannot look into another spacetime. On the other hand we are able to go deeply into our own eons and we can 'inspect' the content from the inside, via deep meditation or other mental possibilities. Our eons constitute our mind. They conceal our deepest unconscious recollections and all eons in this universe and around this earth together (the eonic matrix) represent our collective upper-consciousness. Very old experiences from evolutionary processes are stored in this world-wide memory. An authentic way of expressing this ancient information might be forms of music and therefore, music might be a usable path to enter this eonic memory. It's only a supposition.

The psychologist Carl Jung tried another path and performed a deep study on these old notions, stored in antique literature, legends, myths, traditions, stories, etc. He called them archetypes. To express the idea that this old information, together with new thought-constructions, plays an active role any split second in our consciousness and in our perception, I call them in my books active metaphors. An active metaphor is a thought construction, which hands over reality or parts of reality to me and expresses this in a figure, a mental image. So, active metaphors (and archetypes) make my world view. Consequently, the quality of the active metaphor determines the quality of my mental images and my views on reality. The whole eonic theory and the eon-hypothesis is such an active metaphor, just like the big bang theory, but other active metaphors, with different qualities, do their job deep below in our unconscious mind. It is the philosopher's task to inspect his set of active metaphors thoroughly, as far as possible.

With every observation we compare all what enters our brain via the senses with this old information, sometimes consciously but mostly unconsciously. The result of this comparison between sensory data and active metaphors and old knowledge is what we experience as our conscious images or reflections. When we look at a flower, a landscape or a human body figure, it is not just the sensory data that comes to us via the eyes, but we compare these impressions with what our eons have been busy with millions or even billions of years. We recognize in nature, what our eons 'enthusiastically' have created in ancient times. That's why we feel 'at home' in nature; this is literally our world. In our unconscious memory we carry all the knowledge of the natural constructions in our self and around us. If this comparison or recognition succeeds well, we experience this as a feeling of beauty. Looking at a nice human body makes the eons 'glow with pride', so to speak. No wonder, why our exhibition halls are full of statues and paintings of human figures; we adore them. However, the feeling of beauty is not only something for conscious people, but it is a resonance between old (eonic and archetypical) knowledge and sensory perceptions. The feeling of beauty existed already far before human life emerged. With this thought the eonic theory also expresses another and fundamental idea about the experience of beauty. The basic feeling of beauty is as old as the eons themselves and it serves as the compass, a feedback system, used by evolution to determine its direction. That was already so, far before consciousness (the cooperation of eons and neurons) emerged in the universe.

The feeling of beauty is a feedback system, used by evolution to stay on course in the direction towards consciousness.

The complex information can also come from the inside, as the eonic theory explains. In that case the eons go back to ancient experiences and insights and this information can pop up instantly . Sometimes a person suddenly sees, clear like crystal and in a flash, how a problem should be solved. Or he sees the formula with which a complex natural process can be described. In the literature we see several examples of this recognition process. In these cases the eonic spirit gives us a helping hand with her deep evolutionary knowledge and mostly we see this as a great moment, a Eureka-experience, an 'Aha Erlebnis'. We call this intuition and according to Spinoza this is the highest human gift; the third way of knowledge, the direct insight, coming from the deepest eonic memories.

VI Negative entropy, negentropy or syntropy

Connected to this the terms negative entropy, negentropy of syntropy are of crucial importance. A property of eons (and all living entities) is that is happens in a more or less enclosed space. The enclosure is in nature effected by a membrane (the shield of electrons, the cell boundary, the skin, the atmosphere, etc.) In the picture below I have drawn these membranes (atoom = atom, lichaam = body, planeet = planet).

With the eon the timespace is completely closed, because it is a closed micro-universe in itself. No light particle can leave the enclosed space. That's why an eon is eternally stable;[15] all photons in the eon stay there, available for mutual creative interactions and the memory function by variations of spin. Only information can be exchanged with other eons and other photons in the gravity space by virtual photonic communication. That happens non-locally (time-less, between different timespaces) and over small or large distances, using the physical phenomenon of entanglement. Negentropy means that the information-content of an eon can only enlarge (or at least stay the same); existing information in the eon never gets lost. Charon said about this: “The eon has no choice in this: it consists of a space where order cannot decrease”. Entropy and negative entropy are in fact properties of space and the degree of enclosure.

The partial enclosure, as we see it anywhere in nature in living entities (the larger forms in the drawing above), makes it possible that in a living body the negentropy stays ahead of the tendency to chaos (entropy) for some time. Enclosures can be 'nested', which means that they use each others sheltering capabilities, as the drawing expresses. The boundary of a cell gives a partial protection because it functions within a body, with another protective membrane (the skin), that maintains a steady body temperature. This is possible by the protection shield around the earth (the atmosphere, that maintains a nice climate, as compared to the stone cold outer space). The protection works for much more things, like all kinds of disturbing influences from outside, from attacking bacteria and viruses to mechanical damage.

An evolution toward consciousness can exist with growing complexity in form and structure (with emerging properties), starting from a tabula rasa and building on stored evolution-experiences. It happens on the basis of negative entropy, membranes and the eonic capabilities of photonic permanent memory, contemplation, photon communication and electrodynamic action, combined with the direction giving sense of beauty. This is an intelligent evolution, instead of an intelligent design.

VII Evolution, not from a plan, but towards a plan

The spontaneous creation, expansion and storage of new information means, that an initial plan for creation of the later constructions and bodies is not needed. This is because information can develop itself starting from scratch, from nothing to very complex. It must do so, because it's possible (negentropy). The life plan developed itself, parallel to the developing biological constructions. The Darwinism tried to cover this flow of events with the words “chance and natural selection”, or “survival of the fittest”, but the basis of this all is, starting from the big bang, the creative role of information and spirit. The word 'plan' should be read as a 'description of the situation', like a sort of blueprint describing a construction (further in evolution leading to the DNA, not a plan for the future but a working document for present day activities). This building of new information happened in the beginning extremely slow, but in the course of evolution it speeded up due to more and more interactions between eons, gathering information in growing structures. In this way the complexification, as we recognize it today, was starting.

Finally the combinations of eons and neurons (the brain) came forward and here the (self)consciousness was born and the possibility to construct our own future consciously. . Consciousness is an emerging phenomenon in itself, that we don't understand, like all other emerging properties in nature.

In the eonic theory we say that consciousness is an emerging property, coming forward from the intensive cooperation of eons and neurons. When this cooperation comes to an end, consciousness will stop as well, but the eons (the menticles, electrons) carry on with their evolution.

Our consciousness works with a two-speed concept: the relatively slow neuronal activity and the hyperfast working of the photons inside of the eon. The result of these two speeds determines the overall speed of our thinking and doing. We perceive this two speed system as the integral whole of my consciousness. Computer simulations of conscious-like processes suggest that we need the highest computer speeds to do this. Neurons do not deliver those speeds. Eons do, much more than ever will be possible with electronic circuits within computers. (That's a good reason why computers will never come to consciousness by themselves.)

Only in our phase of evolution, after developing the necessary intelligence, we can talk about a formulated 'plan' for our future. In our time it is even an absolute must to make a clear and solid plan for the survival of mankind. Hopefully the evolution of our consciousness comes in time to help us in this task. In this turbulent time we see the battle (with lots of violence and ignorance) between entropic powers and negentropic spirit happen before our eyes. Because space on earth is limited and the pressure of population is increasing (Teilhard de Chardin called this the compression phase), we do not have another choice than a further complexification, organization and cooperation, the same as happened during the whole evolution. This is what eons do.

VIII Some scenarios of evolution

About the first initiative in or after the big bang several scientific speculations have been suggested. This list is by no means complete:

  1. In the category Higher Powers and the Blind Watchmaker. This noble worker implanted the initial properties, including the mental possibilities in the first eons. After that he left his creation alone. The universe can be seen as a kind of watch, running until the spring tension gets zero. Than the universe will come to a full stop. According to present science the outcome of this universe is already fixed, more or less: the heat death of an ever expanding universe. But in the meantime we may go forward several billions of years. In eonic terms: the eons departed into space right from the beginning with the instruction: “Go and come to consciousness”. And with variations of success and failure, helped by negentropy. There is no guidance from outside.
  2. When information cannot increase from scratch: the bouncing universe. In this hypothesis the first eonic properties and information could be formed from remains and cumulated information from a previous universe, that collapsed and became in its last convulsion the singularity, with which our universe started. In scientific literature we know this option as the bouncing universe. In this hypothesis the question of starting information is carried over to a previous universe or even a sequence of universes. That does not solve the problem, but is shoves the problem over our horizon. For the sake of my arguments I leave this option where it is, because I want to investigate the possibilities of building information from scratch by itself and in this gravitational timespace.
  3. If a spontaneous development of information is a general property of nature, than intelligent life must appear anywhere else in our universe. If psychomatter can do this, starting from her basic properties, than this will happen all over the universe and not only on this tiny speck of matter, that we call our earth. According to modern cosmological knowledge there must exist billions and billions of other planets, where life and intelligence are present in different forms and phases of evolution. The possibility to communicate with these life forms depends on the cosmic distances, the technical possibilities, the phasing of evolution, the light speed and our immeasurable patience. In the 13.7 billion years old evolution, more in particular in the last hundred years, we just reached the ability to communicate over distances via radio waves. It would be extremely fortuitous if the timing of these communication possibilities would go synchronous with another intelligence on another planet nearby.

IX De eonic theory summarized

Let us try to summarize all this in a total view, as good or bad it goes. It will never be more than a temporary thinking construction.

  1. We can see the starting point of evolution as a 'decision' of the singular point (the first primeval eon) to divide itself in an uncountable number of separated timespaces, the eons, filled with light with the original density and temperature as it existed within the first primeval eon. Eons/electrons are literally 'specks from the big bang'. Of course everybody is free to see this creative process as something divine and to fantasize about it further. The reason for this 'decision' is beyond our understanding.
  2. The eons/electrons are 'eternally' closed micro-universes, created in the first second of the big bang. The order in an eon can only stay the same or increase (negentropy). This starting property made the first building of new information and further development of complexity possible, starting with a tabula rasa.
  3. Not all eons take part in the evolution of complexity in the same way or intensity. Lots of eons, forming (together with a proton) a hydrogen atom that travels somewhere in space, will not develop themselves further. Only when there are interactions with other eons in larger structures, the information within the eon (the evolution-experience) increases. So, eons can be sorted in their order of evolution experience, their 'psychic temperature' of 'level of psychism' (terms are from Teilhard de Chardin). In every natural entity there will be one eon, that has the highest degree of development, the primus inter pares. We call the highest developed eon in an entity the self-eon, the soul. The soul carries all the information to create and maintain the entity. In a human being we call this the Self-eon and that is my soul, the kernel of my identity and my consciousness. My soul is unperishable because the eon is a stable particle since the big gang. For that reason Charon could write a book, titled: “I live already fifteen million years”. (Notice that the idea 'soul' gets a new physical definition here. It appears as an electron.)
  4. In an enclosed timespace the negative entropy (negeontropy, syntropy) can lead to a accumulation of new information and to creativity. This space can be a completely closed timespace, as with the eonic transcendent inside, but it also can be a temporarily and partially closed space. Generally the eclosement is effected by a membrane, a selectively skin that lets some things though and others not, as with a cell or body. This skin makes it possible that creative processes can take place and sustain for some time, protected against entropic influences from outside. At the end of its lifetime entropy causes the destruction of the membrane and the enclosed order. Within my own body the entropy is busy all the time, but within the membrane of my skin the negentropy is on the winning hand for a certain time (71 years now). This is the eonic architecture of life.
  5. Memory and intelligent creativity are essential for the start and continuation of evolution, as a necessary addition to the incomplete neo-Darwinist credo: chance and natural selection. Only by memory, mental creativity, chance and natural selection the evolution was able to drive itself forward, without directions or plans from outside. In the beginning there was a lot of playing with chance (electrons and protons bumping into each other), but further in evolution intelligence, using the experiences of earlier experiments, took over the control. The sense of beauty worked in this phase already as a compass, a direction giving feedback system. Later on in evolution change plays a less important role. When a cell in my body divides into two cells, change has no function anymore and all activity is directed towards a extremely precise passing on of evolution knowledge. Even copying errors in the DNA duplication are repaired. From now the conscious human kind should give direction to the evolution on this earth (Teilhard). It goes without saying that mistakes will be made in this process.
  6. Eons/electrons communicate with each other by non-local (timeless) transportation of knowledge, using the physical phenomenon of entanglement. With this capability information is exchanged and made available as a basis for other creative processes (regard the 'morphogenetic fields', Rupert Sheldrake[16]). This, together with the eonic memory for evolution experiences, also increases the speed of the evolution process. The hypothesis of the morphogenetic fields says that information is stored in fields around the earth, that can be used by every living species for its formation and maintenance. The hypothesis does not say anything about the 'technical properties ' of the storage facility as such, but the eonic theory is an excellent basis to have this hypothesis working, both regarding the storage and the communication facilities.
  7. Eons differ considerably in 'psychic temperature' or 'level of psychism'. The most developed eon in myself (my Self-eon, my soul) has passed a long way of 13.7 billion years of evolution, via countless climbing reincarnations is all kinds of living structures, starting with a simple hydrogen atom. Notice, that the eonic theory gives a new interpretation for the old term 'reincarnation'. These self-eons are the 'carriers of the torch' of the evolution towards consciousness. All living entities have a soul: bodies, organs, cells, molecules and atoms, every entity with its own level of psychism. Life forms in the past that gave a useful contribution in this process, will be left in nature as a 'passed station'; they carry on living or they pass away slowly. Some of them may eventually develop to a certain level of consciousness as well.
  8. Considering the properties of eons (memory, negentropy, indestructibility and non-local communications between eons, behaving as a free electron) the eonic theory is a good basis for explaining Near Death Experiences and possibly Out of Body Experiences. When the brain is considered to be 'dead', the eons and in particular the soul, is still active as it always is, communicating all kinds of information. It should be possible for the soul to get information from other eons in other living beings around. Another aspect is that every organ has a soul in itself. So, transplantation of body parts like a heart, a liver or a kidney is not the assemblage of a dumb machine-part. It transplants life-information from the donor as well, as some reports mention.
  9. There is a tendency to a goal (teleology) in nature, but that goal was not manifest in the beginning. The eons have been sent into space (during the inflation period) with countless entanglements and with the built in message: “Go and come to consciousness.” This evolution therefore is essentially an evolution towards consciousness, and all expedients, necessary for this goal, were developed successively. Psychomatter had a built in property, a 'will to come to consciousness'. Relatively a few eons reach the status of 'carrier of the torch' of this will and evolution of consciousness. They become Self-eons. Countless others stay in their humble role of forming simpler constructions, like the formation of a hydrogen or helium atom since the big bang. Only after a long evolution of hands, eyes and brains the necessary intellect comes forward to be able to formulate a plan for the future of mankind.
  10. Emergent properties are properties that come forward from new combinations of particles or larger entities. They cannot be explained out of the properties of the constituent parts and we can see them as the creativity of the eonic nature itself. In eonic terms: the emergent properties are added by the creative eons to the new configuration of matter. The properties come to being in the experiments and they stabilize fast to fixed laws of nature and natural constants. Also the first conditions of the big bang can be seen as emerging properties of the bang itself. Our (self)consciousness is an emerging phenomenon of the close cooperation of eons and neurons. Our wide spread misunderstanding about this will not get cured as long as spirit does not get her proper place in natural science. Charon once remarked: “Than spirit walked into the laboratory without asking.”

X Final conclusions

It is plausible that the evolution of consciousness started at the big bang, that it grew as an autonomous process without a plan and that it continues to grow in our times, without any initiative from outside by higher powers. However, we have to take into account some crucial properties, which emerged in the first split second of the big bang. These properties decided the further development (by negentropy in micro-universes) of evolution information, starting with tabula rasa. The coming forward of these first emerging properties from the singular point of the big bang, their psychic potential and the why and how, are a mystery to us. However, it is crystal clear that spirit plays a fundamental and overwhelming role in this process. Even the big bang itself is a spiritual happening.

The purpose of evolution on this planet earth is, practically speaking, to develop the necessary consciousness and intelligence to be able (hopefully fast enough) to formulate an evolution goal and a plan for the survival of mankind. In our time the necessity for such a mondial survival plan for the living earth is getting clearer day by day. Without this coherent plan for survival, mankind will come to a deadlock in the uncontrolled growth of the population, shortages of food, shameful differences in income, overwhelming burocracy, global pollution, cruel religious wars, insane proliferation of arms, shortage of natural sources and ultimately the destruction of life of this earth. We do not know if this is going on in the same way on other planets, perhaps as an almost fixed destiny for intelligent life, but we are here to solve this problem.

Post scriptum: Wheeler's problem

John Archibald Wheeler</a> (1911-2008)
John Archibald Wheeler (1911-2008)

The physicist John Archibald Wheeler (1911-2008) summarized his thoughts about evolution in the short expression: “It from bit”. With this he expressed that form and structure in nature (it) come forward from information (bit). This information is created, when an observer is busy with a natural event. Any interaction (or physical experiment) adds a bit of information to the total amount of evolution information. An observer is not necessarily a human being of flesh and blood; it can be any creature that in some way has mental capabilities. Wheeler worried about the enormous amount of evolution information, that is necessary to generate all the complexity in nature, starting from the big bang. The total number of observers, from the beginning of evolution, would be too low to gather and cumulate all necessary information. Wheeler worried about that.

Here the eonic theory comes to rescue. All eons are observers in the way Wheeler meant: spirit carrying particles, menticles, that are actively busy with the structuring of atoms, molecules and larger structures, up to the human brain. The eons create information and communicate the results among the whole field of eons, nearby and far away. Not all eons participate equally in the generation of new information, but right after the big bang there were sufficient eons/electrons available to generate the necessary information. The splashing apart of the singular point (the primeval eon) in to mental particles (eons, menticles) was the crucial step towards the evolution of all that exists and to our consciousness. With this Wheelers problem seems to be solved.

The Hague, Netherlands, 6 august 2014


  1. “Mind and Cosmos. Why the materialist Neo-Darwinism Conception of Nature is almost certainly false”. Thomas Nagel, 2012, Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-0-19-991975-8`
  2. “Complex Relativity, Unifying All Four Physical Interaction”, Jean E. Charon, Paragon House, 1988, ISBN 0-89226-057-2
  3. “The unknown Spirit”, Jean E. Charon, Coventure Ltd., 1983, ISBN 0-904575-18-7
  4. The definition of 'transcendent ' is: existing in another timespace (the eon).
  5. “Wat Darwin niet kon weten”, Gerrit Teule, Publisher Ankh-Hermes, 2009, ISBN 9-789020-203325
  6. “Hebben wij een ziel, zo ja waar dan?”, Gerrit Teule, Publisher ASPEKT, 2013, ISBN 9-789461-533487
  8. Charon postulates a plasma-cloud with the size of a small galaxy and a continuing creatio ex nihilo of material parts all over the universe.
  9. See 'The first three minutes' by Steven Weinberg : “There is in the first phase only a small number of nuclear particles, almost one proton or neutron on a billion photons, electrons and neutrinos.”
  10. 'Non-local' in eonic terms means: between different timespaces, using entanglement
  11. “The act of will”, Roberto Assagioli, 1975, Viking Press, In Dutch: “Over de wil”, Boom, ISBN 90-6325-186-6
  12. “The Unknown Spirit”, Jean E. Charon, Coventure Ltd., 1983, ISBN 0-904575-18-7
  13. Phononspin in the eon can be enlarged above 1 to 2, 3 or more and the negative values. In our gravity space this is only 1 or -1. Photons have a whole-numbered spin, so we can imagine something like 1,2,3, 4 etc. Per photon much more information can be stored compared to a computer bit (only 0 and 1) and the smallest form of a computerbit is still formed out of a switching mechanism consisting of a lot of atoms. For computer addicts this eon with its spinvariation of photons is the ultimate and most compact memory possible in nature: hypercompact, eternally stable, with extreme speed, no energy consumption, extreme high working temperature without necessary cooling and an unlimited memory capacity. This is the kind of memory the evolution needs starting with the big bang tob e able to succeed, together with negative entropy (= creativity). See “The unknown Spirit”, Jean Charon, blz167 and further.
  14. See for more details about the process of information gathering the chapter “Matrixism” in the book The unknown Spirit of Jean Charon.
  15. Eternal in the sense that an electron can meet a positron. Than it annihilates. As long as this does not happen, the electron/eon is stable. Hawking radiation does not apply here.
  16. See “A new science of life, the hypothesis of formative causation”, Rupert Sheldrake, Paladin Grafton Books, 1983, ISBN 0-586-08583-1

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