Integral World: Exploring Theories of Everything
An independent forum for a critical discussion of the integral philosophy of Ken Wilber

Brad Reynolds' Book-By-Book Summary
of Ken Wilber's Collected Works:

  1. The Spectrum of Consciousness (1977)
  2. No Boundary (1979)
  3. The Atman Project (1980)
  4. Up from Eden (1981)
  5. A Sociable God (1982)
  6. Eye to Eye (1983)
  7. The Holographic Paradigm (1983)
  8. Quantum Questions (1984)
  9. Transformations of Consciousness (1986)
  10. Spiritual Choices (1987)
  11. Grace and Grit (1991)
  12. Sex, Ecology, Spirituality (1995)
  13. A Brief History of Everything (1996)
  14. The Eye of Spirit (1997)
  15. The Marriage of Sense and Soul (1998)
  16. One Taste (1999)
  17. Integral Psychology (2000)
  18. A Theory of Everything (2000)

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