Integral World: Exploring Theories of Everything
An independent forum for a critical discussion of the integral philosophy of Ken Wilber
Barclay Powers is an author and futurist filmmaker. He earned
his Bachelor of Arts in East Asian Studies from Columbia University
and has an extensive background as an independent scholar. He has
studied Chinese, Tibetan and Indian meditation, yoga and martial arts
traditions for more than 30 years. Powers is currently releasing
multiple media projects worldwide in film and print, related to the
evolution of consciousness based on his studies with numerous
masters of ancient wisdom traditions. His most recent film, The Lost
Secret of Immortality, based on his book, won best
spiritual/religious/Christian film at the Great Lakes International Film
Festival, 2012, the Silver Palm Award at the Mexico International Film
Festival, 2012 and best spiritual documentary at the New York
International Film Festival, 2011. See his website at for information on the book,
graphic novel and film.
Gnosis and the Inner Science of the Golden Flower
Barclay Powers
The study of non-ordinary states of consciousness has led to an
interesting collection of theories, which often mix science and occult
spiritual perspectives. Science itself is an evolving creature of habit,
which cannot explain consciousness and is often impeded by the
shallowness of the reductionist mechanistic worldview of materialism.
However, the image of the illuminated human being that has achieved
gnosis or spiritual awakening by pineal gland activation exists cross-culturally.
A scientific explanation of gnosis or enlightenment that goes
beyond material brain functions could eventually change the definition of
what it means to be a fully conscious human being. This transhuman
transition to super consciousness is the goal of Asian systems of
consciousness evolution, which exist in both theistic and non-theistic
versions. The question, which emerges when confronted with the
bewildering assortment of theories, is when is gnosis real, and when is it
imaginary like conventional made up religious myth? Is there a real story
that can be explained scientifically underlying the narrative of inner
Kundalini Serpents and Chakras
The problem with the accepted definitions of mystical experience is
that neuroscience is mechanistic while Asian contemplative traditions are
vitalist. If gnosis is a vitalist phenomenon that is based on a partial or
complete kundalini activation, which activates the pineal gland,
conventional science does not have a materialist framework that can
explain it. The Golden Flower or Infans Solaris thus represents the
rediscovery of the Philosopher's Stone, while solving many of the major
conflicts between science and religion. The theory of gnosis is one in
which the purpose of being human is to achieve spiritual awakening
beyond the veil of ordinary consciousness by opening the third eye. From
the perspective of the contemplative traditions normal waking
consciousness is actually similar to the unconsciousness of sleep. What is
interesting is that the higher Tantric systems are based on the
assumption that gnosis is the inseparable essence of consciousness
itself, which has an enlightened origin within human beings.
Third Eye
What esoteric systems of consciousness evolution have in common
is the vitalist belief that the human reproductive system contains a
dormant mechanism of transcendence that can open the third eye when
successfully activated. The question that remains is what is the difference
between illuminated and conventional consciousness after the pineal
gland is awakened by a complete kundalini activation, which is classically
known as the Coniunctio, the inner alchemical conjunction of solar and
lunar subtle bodies? The solar subtle body, the Golden Flower or Spiritual
Embryo, the goal of the spiritual alchemists, was known as the Filius
Philosophorum or Infans Solaris. Two other terms, Filius Sapientiae and
Infans Noster, were also used to describe the solar subtle body in Europe
six hundred years ago. It could be hypothesized that a scientific
explanation of this lost subtle body, which is the true narrative
underlying the myth of religion, might change science completely in the
21st century.
The Golden Flower/Spiritual Embryo
Conventional science is radically impeded by a model dependent
reductionist perspective, which cannot acknowledge the validity of gnosis
or spiritual awakening without substantially altering its own narrative of
origin. The alleged convergence of neuroscience and Buddhism has the
potential to solve the question of gnosis in many civilizations. The
Bodhisattva, the altruistic character that points consciousness towards
the embryonic enlightenment of the Dharmakaya reality body, may
emerge as the dominant archetype of the 21st century when Infans Solaris
is explained by science. A neuroscientific explanation of the
Dharmakaya/Infans Solaris is the rediscovery of the Hermetic
Androgyne/Philosopher's Stone.
The Philosopher's Stone (note the 'embryo' in the lower abdomen.)
The narrative, which emerges from a scientific explanation of
Tantric Buddhism, suggests an enlightened origin of consciousness in
human beings. The gnostic Anthropos/kundalini actually exists as a
divine spark of light dormant within the reproductive system of all human
beings. Essentially, the first human from the beginning of time remains
unchanged and androgynous within Homo sapiens as a dormant body of
light. Buddhism calls this the embryo of Buddhahood. The Dharmakaya,
the goal of Tantric alchemy, was the original goal of early science for
more than five hundred years when it was known as the Hermetic
Androgyne/Philosopher's Stone. The Coniunctio represents the goal of
esoteric gnosis in many civilizations, the union of the subtle body and the
Infans Solaris, the Golden Flower or Spiritual Embryo. This union of solar
and lunar subtle bodies is believed to reverse the fall of man and restore
the primordial illumination of divine origin. The meditation process of
inner alchemy corresponds to the myth of the eternal return to a golden
age. This golden age is a mythic narrative, which accurately describes the
enlightened origin of human consciousness as well as post-Coniunctio
Hermetic Androgyne/Rebis
Gnosis represents the complete individuation of a human being
that has fully activated the pineal gland. The union of solar and lunar
subtle bodies within the physical body was the esoteric goal of many
civilizations whose religions were originally based on this inner
alchemical experience. The solar subtle body represents a dormant
structure of super consciousness created during the first forty-nine days
of human embryonic development. The classical Chinese medical
definition of gnosis, or awakening, has been accurate for thousands of
years – the union of pre-birth and post-birth consciousness or chi. The
fact that chi/prana or internal energy refinement is the key to
permanently opening the third eye cannot be acknowledged or
considered by science because vitalism has been rejected, although it is
the basis of meditation, qi gong and kundalini activation.
Pituitary and Pineal Glands in the Human Brain
The consequences of a scientific explanation of the Golden Flower
are staggering in terms of the advancement of the cultural definition of
human potential. Instead of materialist reductionism emerging victorious
from the war between science and religion, the Philosopher's Stone has
been rediscovered in the 21st century. Gnosis represents the goal of the
contemplative traditions, which neuroscience is allegedly in the process
of validating. The union of the three bodies, physical, subtle and super
subtle, the Trikaya of Buddhist awakening/enlightenment, may very well
be the future of science. Essentially, corpus, anima, and spiritus have
been resurrected, alive, and well.
Buddhist Three Bodies
The reason that gnosis has not been understood by neuroscience is
threefold – secrecy, vitalism and rarity. This combination of obscurations
is particularly difficult to navigate scientifically because there is nothing
that can be observed or measured. The idea that the Anthropos, or
Golden Flower, represents a lost subtle body that fully activates the pineal
gland, when a complete kundalini activation occurs, cannot be considered
because it challenges the scientific materialist narrative of human origin.
The starting point of the kundalini in the body represents a dormant
structure, which corresponds to the religious idea of the divine spark of
light within man. This implies that the origin of the species, the first
human, Adam Kadmon or the Anthropos, is still present but unconscious
within the body, like a mummy within a tomb waiting to awake according
to gnostic writings.
Spiritual Embryo/Infans Solaris
Many of the problems with current research occur because of
specialization. The convergence of Buddhism and neuroscience has the
potential to eventually explain the super consciousness and ultimate
freedom that is promised by the union of the subtle body structures of
the meditator. What is interesting is the process of progressive amnesia
that led to science losing the Holy Grail, Infans Solaris or Infans Noster,
the solar subtle body that has been ignored in modern times because of
scientific reductionist bias. This phenomenon of the Coniunctio, which
united the solar and lunar subtle bodies, often by sexual yoga, is actually
the basis of Tantric Buddhism and its Taoist alchemical precursors. If you
look up Mahamudra, a core Indo-Tibetan lineage, you find the astral
body is described as the illusory body, which is united with the
holographic Dharmakaya ultimate reality body when enlightenment is
achieved. Embryonic enlightenment, or gnosis, results in a clear
understanding of the Trikaya, physical, subtle and super subtle bodies,
that result in the integration of the microcosm and macrocosm when they
are fully united by the inner alchemical firing process. Infans Solaris, the
Golden Flower or Spiritual Embryo, is still being regularly achieved in
China and is well known as the goal of meditation and qi gong.
Samantabhadra in Sexual Union with Consort
Tibetan Depiction of the Coniunctio as the First Primordial Buddha
The problem with conventional research on reincarnation, OBEs and
NDEs is that they don't reveal the key premise of inner alchemy, the
Anthropos, the first human being of light which is dormant in the
reproductive system of every human being. The scientific rejection of
kundalini/vitalism is also the rejection of gnosis or enlightenment, which
is the goal of meditation. The shaman, the yogi and the alchemist
represent three archetypal illuminated characters that challenge the
paradigm of materialist reductionism. Scientific close-mindedness
currently prevents a neuroscientific comprehension of spiritual
awakening based on Infans Solaris, the embryonic solar body of light.
Fortunately, the Golden Flower has been well known in China as the goal
of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism for thousands of years. The
creation of the classical medical system attributed to the Yellow Emperor
is based on the practice of sexual yoga, which has an ancient history as
one of the key methods of inner alchemy. The well-known Rosarium
Philosophorum demonstrates the knowledge of Tantric science was
known in Europe in the 16th century. The ancient wisdom underlying
shamanism, yoga and inner alchemy is the divine spark of light that
activates the pineal gland at the completion stage of the gnostic process.
A complete kundalini activation is the method of achieving the
Coniunctio, the union of solar and lunar subtle bodies that reverses the
fall of man by opening the third eye. A cross-cultural explanation of
embryonic enlightenment, the real goal of the convergence of Buddhism
and neuroscience, may eventually result in gnosis uniting science and
spirituality in the 21st century. The rediscovery of the Filius
Philosophorum, the solar subtle body within, changes the scientific
narrative completely. Inner illumination results in the conclusion that the
origin of the human species is based on a common enlightened ancestor,
which gnosis reveals as the Dharmakaya ultimate reality body.
Twin Kundalini Serpents that Represent the Coniunctio and DNA
Let's get back to our original question – when is gnosis real or
imaginary? Human imagination and language itself are often constrained
by the cultural narratives and model dependent belief systems, which
create the ideology of the particular civilization. The central problem with
the reductionist neuroscientific definition of consciousness and gnosis is
that super consciousness is the unknown core hidden identity of the
human being. This is the basis of many Asian systems of consciousness
evolution that are based on using the chi/prana of the body to awaken
the third eye and restore the original enlightened state of consciousness
permanently. Western bias prevents the reductionist paradigm from
considering the two most accurate explanations of gnosis – the classical
Chinese and Indo-Tibetan medical definitions of enlightenment that are
based on a vitalist perspective of spiritual awakening. Integral theorists
often attempt a synthesis but miss the key fact that the Anthropos or
Dharmakaya reality body, the embryo of enlightenment, Infans Solaris is
the basis of many religions, and is actually the oldest science as
Hermetic, Chinese and Indian alchemical traditions have always insisted.
This means that science is actually proving, through the convergence of
neuroscience and Buddhism, that the esoteric spiritual traditions are
largely accurate in terms of their appraisal of the human condition of
dormant genius. Science lost its soul when it lost the Filius
Philosophorum, which is theoretically in the process of rediscovery in the
21st century.
Taoist Three Bodies
Noted Integral theorist, Ervin Laszlo, is one of the few philosophers
of science who has understood that the leading edge of science is
compatible with the highest level of authentic spiritual experience. This is
corroborated by the neuroscientific quest to discover the origin of
religion in the brain. Gnosis means that the human body and brain have
dormant physiological structures, which result in the actual liberation of
consciousness when the physical, subtle and super subtle bodies are
united by the Coniunctio, the classical alchemical marriage. This was the
original goal of science and many of the contemplative wisdom traditions.
Oroborus, the Cyclical Symbol of Gnosticism and Hermeticism
The Infans Solaris, the dormant super subtle body, may
theoretically radically change the scientific narrative of brain,
consciousness, and evolution. Although shrouded in secrecy the Six
Yogas of Naropa are a good example of a collection of Indian methods of
achieving the union of the subtle illusory (astral) body and the
Dharmakaya reality body, which represents real gnosis. There is nothing
more threatening to conventional science and religion than the fully
awakened pineal gland, which remains the real goal of meditation and
spiritual experience. It should be noted that the entire narrative of
Western civilization and its suicidal goal of dominating and destroying
Nature changes abruptly when the Anthropos is scientifically validated.
Gnosis becomes the goal of the evolution of consciousness in the 21st
Infans Solaris/Spiritual Embryo