Integral World: Exploring Theories of Everything
An independent forum for a critical discussion of the integral philosophy of Ken Wilber
Giorgio Piacenza was born in Lima, Perü in 1961 and studied in Markham College. At an early age, he began to participate in Western esoteric and Indian mystical groups while attempting to maintain a critical perspective. After a clear group-witnessed UFO experience in 1975 in the coastal town of Chilca, Peru, befriended several alleged contactees, abductees, contact groups and research organizations and until today has been consistently researching many aspects of the UFO phenomenon trying to maintain integrative and an objective criteria. He earned a degree in Sociology from Georgetwon University and an Integral Theory Certificate from John F. Kennedy University and he currently writes essays on a variety of theories, paradigms and worldviews which he strives to reconcile exploring their common underlying patterns.
SEE MORE ESSAYS WRITTEN BY GIORGIO PIACENZA Toward an Integrative Scientific and World PhilosophyConjectures about Inter-Reality Contacts Incipiently Applicable to Paranormal Phenomena and to Physically Detectable Extraterrestrial "Close Encounter" EventsGiorgio PiacenzaPreambleI'm not a physicist or a PhD philosopher. Only a passionate, gradual acquirer of a wide range of plausible explanatory ideas that may be understood in an integrated manner upon discovering their deeper common patterns under a variety of theories converging under highly inclusive coherent meta theories. I think humanity needs this kind of approach to truly find out more specifically how it is that we are all meaningfully related. This understanding is necessary to build a planetary cultural agreement helping us to gain exopolitical status as a respectable, unified civilization that protects its own planet. If we move towards a more unified understanding of classical and 'anomalous' experiences, quantum mechanics, consciousness, cosmological structure and metaphysics, including how might “paranormal” events and even extraterrestrials manifest in our classical, common sense reality, our understanding of who we are would encompass much more. We would have a more complete idea of what exists, what is possible and how it all (including us) fits together. We would not need to act from a sense of disconnection and lack. We would not need to act from a sense of disconnection and lack spelling into a "win-lose" mentality that taken into political expression is destroying the environment, ourselves and other forms of life. Introduction
The following conjectures are a free flowing, eclectic, hopefully cogent, preliminary exploration.
The following conjectures are a free flowing, eclectic, hopefully cogent, preliminary exploration that looks into how some alternative theories pertaining to various aspects of "reality" may be related. I will focus on two mysteries that seem to provide sufficient "anomalies" contradicting pre-integrative, exclusivist models. These mysteries include aspects that transcend a "classical" view of life and include issues of consciousness, physics, metaphysics and the "paranormal." I'm referring about alleged (would be sufficiently proven in a court of law by now) extraterrestrial "visitations" or “interactions” and the detectable effects for instance caused by discarnate beings...typically referred to as "ghosts." Explaining how these phenomena might relate and actually take place would ease dispelling the taboos against them and would help us to finally come to treat them in a serious scientific, cultural, political and ethical way. Moreover, these otherwise “weird” phenomena at the heart of any future science connecting qualitative and quantitative aspects of life would help us feel, remember and understand meaningful connectivity with the cosmos. This is an "integrative" and “trans theoretical” approach to what has often been popularly called "interdimensional contacts." I think that these “contacts” or, rather, interactions, could be more precisely called "inter reality contacts” (or interactions) and I think that the “realities” referred to may be subsets of the main physical and non-physical realms and that these contacts or interactions may also reflect various degrees of combinatory ratios between these realms. However, if we colloquially and imprecisely conceive of non-physical realities as "higher dimensions," we may also colloquially - for the sake of simplification - call these contacts or interactions "transdimensional." However, to be more precise, within “inter-reality contacts/interactions,” since each “reality” can be defined in terms of its own “dimensions” affecting the possibilities of expression, experience and ontology (for instance our classic physical reality with three dimensions of space and one of time), a better term replacing “transdimensional” could be “trans-realm” if we mean that a deeper, subjacent, non-physical realm (like what Dr. Steven Greer recognizes as the “astral”) is being utilized to create physical effects, to transcend or manipulate spacetime or to combine Physical Realm sub-realities with various ratios during contact/interaction events. Thus, in the case of these “inter-reality contacts/interactions,” the terms “trans-reality” and “trans-realm” would also – technically-speaking - apply more precisely. A “dimension” would be a parameter that affords degrees of freedom to objects and bestows restrictions within a particular reality. This would directly relate with how that “reality” can be subjectively experienced or, in the vein of transdisciplinary physicist-philosopher Basarab Nicolescu's definition, “reality” would (at least in part) be that which resists our unlimited subjective experiences. (See: "Transdisciplinarity: The Hidden Third Between the Subject and the Object") According to Nicolescu each level of reality would have its own ontological and subjective expression, be invariant under laws that apply to it and to move from one level of reality to another the logic of the Included Middle is necessary. However, I think he basically refers to crucially different levels of reality as between the classical world and the quantum world or as would apply between the Physical Realm and the Subtle-Mental Realm. Moreover, each more inclusive realm with its subset “realities” would also be simultaneously inclusive and transcendent of the dimensions defining the subset realities of the less inclusive realm. More specifically “Contingent Reality” setting limits and possibilities on Absolute Free Conscious Expression would be composed of distinct REALMS (Causal, Subtle and Physical, each with their own sub-levels). The sub-levels in these realms can also be understood as “realm-specific realities” and – in turn – the characteristics of these would be defined by their “dimensions.” So, in hierarchical terms and technically-speaking, first would be “realms, next, “realm-specific realities and last dimensions. Nonetheless, to simplify matters for this essay, I'll just use the term more colloquial and generic “transdimensional” when needed. A shared agreement among individuals wanting to build a holistic and integral culture is that "everything is connected" (moreover, for many, meaningfully connected). This is the frequent purview of shamans, mystics, visionaries, ecologists and even…some quantum physicists and philosophers, but I think that we also actually need to know more specifically how this might actually be the case in nature, including the essential role of consciousness, interiorities, meaning, other forms of causality, non-locality, higher realms and synchronicities; in fact, other qualitative aspects of life interplaying with our physical “realm-specific reality.” This effort may give us the means to expand our science, religion and philosophies finding agreement in how they may essentially stem from a common Source and this consensus may allow us to create a more harmonious planetary society that relates more intelligently with the Earth, its sentient beings and all of us enmeshed in a vast cosmic society and organized system of sentience and intelligence. With this awareness we will know that the best solutions to earn greater freedom and joy are united upon working with universal patterns for the common good and thus we will probably find a way to resist falling into an excessive technological pursuit and a pseudo integral extension of the self-centered pursuit of power. Since we really need to know how everything may actually be connected (body, mind, spirit in the singular and plural and in all realities), I think that we need to understand these issues in an integrative way, with an integrative method and attitude a qualitative-quantitative scientific style useful to build an "Integral Civilization." By first living according to integrative spiritual and natural principles we will be able to assume the practical technology that comes with it, technology also gradually freeing us from classical physical limitations. In fact, we need to do this or – after considering multiple experiencer, abduction and contactee narrations over decades – it may be perfectly “legal” in a complex exopolitical society (in which many possibilities are harmoniously allowed) for various civilizations with their own problems, pursuits and agendas to use us in one way or another. If our main response were to stall the situation or manipulate it via non-officially existing secret power groups gaining some measure of extraterrestrial technology without including and seriously educating the rest, I think that we could still be mired in a-less- than-optimal situation, ending up with commitments towards more problematic off-world groups. Since I'll try to combine multiple qualitative and quantitative theories integrating normally competing worldviews, I'll repeat some of the concepts for the reader to get used to and to get and to get acquainted with them in different contexts, feeling that their explanatory power may actually be threaded together in a coherent way. First I consider that there exist three main "domains" or "realms" of reality (actually "contingent" reality) due to the seeming appearance of duality within the Absolute Unity in what we could call “the Mind of God.” These three great realms (approximately referred to in Vedanta, Vajrayana and other important spiritual-metaphysical-esoteric traditions) of contingency would derive from the illusion of separation and can be called the Physical, the Subtle-Mental and the Causal-Seed realms. I understand that each of them can also be subdivided into sub-realms or “realm-specific realities” or into particular physical and non-physical "universes." Next, I also consider that there is an “inter-reality” and/or “transdimensional” mechanism and/or process by which these realms (and their realms-specific realities) can interact, interconnect and interpenetrate. By "transdimensional" I also mean that the three realms depend upon a common subjacent pattern which relates them by including and simultaneously transcending them. Throughout this paper I will focus more on how the first two realms (the Physical Realm and the Subtle-Mental Realm) may relate in order for intelligent entities to produce transdimensional (or inter-reality) phenomena, both in terms of connecting sub-realm physical universes with each other and any of these physical sub-realms with the more primordial and subjacent non-physical Subtle-Mental Realm in order to produce unique, “non-classical” physical phenomena like macro-quantum effects, the combination of time rates and timelines, the collapse of 3D physical distance and the manipulation of spacetime in other ways. I will also use aspects of Ken Wilber's "Integral Theory" perhaps extending or enhancing its theoretical scope and applicability if reasonable. I will also try to recognize common themes in avant garde physics proposals, recognize ancient mystical and rational-metaphysical insights and plausible evidence from serious ufology and paranormal research. In other words, the focus will be INTEGRATIVE and challenging to individuals attached to more partial (albeit still valid) interpretations in detriment of others which can also be equally valid and which - if shared patterns are found - could combine forming a grander, rationally coherent, unified tapestry under a much more inclusive and useful model. GOD or a Supreme Absolute is most important in this search and not envisioned as an anthropocentric, punishing entity but, nonetheless, understood as simultaneously possessing 1st person personal, 3rd person impersonal intelligent and 2nd person compassionate relational characteristics. God is interpreted as so transcendental and immanent beyond limitations as to be understood as "devoid of qualities" or as "void" but only in the sense that no limited mental understanding can encompass it since God would also infinitely transcend these and all other comparative qualities. God is understood to be the only signified that must exist (Pure Actuality) or else the mere idea of “perfection” as signifier would not be possible because perfection entails existence. And it would be an existence that transcends and includes all relative existence. The non-personal "God" of Buddhism, the supreme Parabrahman of Vedanta, the God of kataphatic positive and apophatic negative theologies, the ultimate "Ain" of Kabbalah, the Great Mystery of the Dakota people, God as master Jesus' beloved “Father” and God as Supreme Being would in essence all be the same One Absolute from which the integrative pattern originates. A profound, understanding of "Allah" also speaks of that Supreme Absolute. All the highest religious understandings, revelations and experiences converge in that Absolute. As William Lane Craig and other ready-witted theologians would probably agree, a God lacking will and person hood would be incomplete. God cannot lack any characteristic indicative of perfection and freedom. The idea of God as a neutral universal information-processing computer or a God deriving or dependent upon cosmological evolving processes (perhaps gradually becoming conscious and evolving) would not really be a complete Supreme Absolute, the Source of all relative being. To be Absolute, God would have to be supra cosmic to an infinite degree but also involve (or embrace) and sustain the cosmic. God is Being in the absolute sense so that "it" even contains the possibility "non-being." But God is Pure Actuality transcending this apparent possibility. "He" is the Source of all possibilities. Moreover, from our finite understanding, God can also be known as "Consciousness" or "Pure Spirit" since, both consciousness and being would co-arise after the original creative duality in the three cosmic realms. While the basic metaphysics of some traditions emphasize consciousness over being or being over consciousness, unity over plurality or plurality over unity, an integrative view will recognize that all these originate from the same Supreme Absolute. Understanding this and a suitable integrative model should serve the human species to get a more genuine "grip" on the meaning of "we are all connected." Furthermore, the various ultimate, non-dual, more mystical understandings about GOD should be compatible in a "trans metaphysical" way, not in the sense that all should be reduced to one or the other or in the sense that they will be inadequately combined while logically incommensurable. An integrative understanding should be based on primordially shared deeper connections among the main insights and perspectives behind these spiritual and metaphysical traditions which would then be found "commensurable." Understanding our connectivity to GOD ("God" understood in a broad sense under which many spiritual and religious traditions including science and all forms of true knowledge can coincide on shared acknowledgements) and our responsibilities to the great cosmic pattern derived from "Him" “Her” “It”(with goes hand in hand with an ethics capable of dealing with the more powerful science of intrinsic connectivity) should be essential to be recognized as "sovereign beings," as a species worthy of respect, by other more evolved civilizations already purposefully functioning within some understanding of this integral pattern. A higher level of understanding would probably imply a more pleasant and harmonious exopolitical relationship with them and among us and, a lack of it, a more coercive, painful, fear-based relationship with them and among us. We need to overcome the fear of facing the possibility that "they" are indeed here (oh, it's just anecdotal evidence, some mistakenly say) because serious evidence of extraterrestrial, inter-reality events is a "non-sensical" issue only from the perspective of our classical and pre-integrative experience of reality. From those perspectives there's a reluctance or high difficulty disclosing and more adequately interpreting these events. And for those that have been forced to deal with them (perhaps secretly in the military for example) dealing adequately would require not only a “post conventional” but an “integral” and/or integrative level of consciousness able to process the new situation. Postponing the beginning of open acknowledgement and serious, massive education on transdimensional science and principles due to fear that society is "not ready for the truth" will probably be worse than the laughter, incredulity, uneasiness, controversy, instability and shock it may surely bring. Citizen's Hearing on Disclosure. Perhaps the worst global threat we collectively face originates from a humanity disconnected from awareness of universal patterns combining deep spiritual meaning and practical science. Because we already are highly interconnected but (psychological and culturally) only as a feeble planetary society, humanity at present seriously needs to know more than fragmentary (scientific, religious, cosmological) explanations apparently competing with each other and making us fight each other. We need a more complex yet fundamental and demonstrable shared view. Trusting unknown leaders willing to secretly deal with issues like that of an extraterrestrial presence and to “protect” us from a science and metaphysics that begins to make sense of it (leaders perhaps holding on to a still limited version of an "us vs. them" way of thinking and feeling) may also collectively move us (unbeknownst to most) in a impoverishing direction. If we don't face these historical opportunities for collective growth and for fundamental cultural re-creation we may be mired as an unsustainable planetary civilization and lose our highest hopes as a species and multicultural achievements. Thus, we need to know how is the cosmos, creation, existence...the relative world at large in its multiples levels, organized...under a shared pattern that meaningfully connects. By getting a better inkling on this we might come to better understand our potential contributions and our role as a species or else – in case our destructiveness becomes excessive - be replaced by hybrids. One of the key insights in this essay is that "paranormal" events linking subjective and objective experiences in uncanny ways point us in the right direction teaching us that we need to recognize that there is something fundamental missing from our conventional models about "reality." One of the key insights also is that there are shared physical and metaphysical "transdimensional mechanisms" behind most "paranormal" events, for instance, like physically detectable ghost apparitions and intelligent extraterrestrial spacetime effects. In the former case, these mechanisms may allow discarnate, non-physical entities to produce physical effects and, in the latter case extraterrestrial entities may be able to manifest in our universe overcoming classic physical distances, the speed of light against which objects possessing mass cannot go faster, inertia, visibility, etc, either coming from distant places or times within our own physical universe or from other "parallel" physical universes. The key would be to be able to utilize the more inclusive and subjacent Subtle-Mental Realm for any of these interactive effects. This approach may simultaneously allow for materialistic, quantum and non-physical explanations under a shared, integrative model. Another key insight is that the information field connected with some contemporary physical theories would also include and transcend a physicalist explanation. A primordial "Akasha" (traditionally called "Mahakasha") would exist assuming all forms in physical, non-physical and interconnective levels according to consciousness-being (inseparable and derived from Absolute Non Duality, Parabrahman, Tathagathagarbha, Allah, Ain, or "God") and it would form three duality-based, contingent realms... from the most fundamental level closest to Non-Duality (Absolute Reality), to the least and "coarser" level in which exterior "objects" predominate." Furthermore, what has been often called the "ether" would be an intermediate form of "akasha" located between the Physical and Mental-Subtle-non-physical realms. The "information field" now thought of as related to some holographic theories and to the "zero point" field (a field inclusive of retrocausal influences allowed by the entanglement present quantum mechanics in spite of Schroedinger's equation conceived as evolving in a time-forward or "causal" manner) would be the part of the Mahakasha connecting the Physical Realm with the Subtle-Mental. It is currently gradually being envisioned as more primordial than classical physical objects, mass, energy, forces and spacetime but in terms of information and of virtual particles. While its "information waves" (holographically necessary for our decoding and perception of 3D objects) are sometimes considered more primordial (akin to WHOLES in relation to PARTS), the "field" typically spoken about would - in my view - be more like an in-between "membrane" resulting from the relative combination of non-physical, Subtle-Mental (astral)* Realm in which experienced "objects" are not constrained by space or time (but which transcends and includes space and time) and the Physical Realm experienced with objects limited by the parameters of space and time, and-or spacetime. *Note: I'm oversimplifying the term "astral" to be equivalent to the non-physical, Subtle or Mental (thus Subtle-Mental) Realm. I realize that "astral" can also be understood as some of the lower or 'denser' (not necessarily "evil," "hellish" or negative" regions of that Subtle-Mental Realm. The membrane would have been thought of as in Theosophy (and other esoteric schools) an "ether" or an "etheric plane" located in between (and mediating between) the physical plane and astral planes. Ideas about stationary (soliton) ether vortices forming the atoms and atomic particles also exist and in Paul LaViolette's "Subquantum Kinetics" "etherons" are posited. The main point is that this "ether" would contain both a particulate aspect (at least some of it like virtual particles) and an information aspect (perhaps in a frequency domain). Both would be required to apply Integral Theory consistently. This concept of an "ether" structuring space would at least partially coincide with the discovery of various probable virtual particle energy densities in the "quantum vacuum" and with theosophical and other Western esoteric, spiritualist and spiritist traditions and also - in terms of the Indian GUNAS or modes of existence- with the idea of a pure "sattvic" or balanced Guna mediating between a "rajasic" or activating Guna and a "tamasic" or inertial Guna. As per the last two, the "rajasic" state would pertain to the Mental Subtle (often termed "astral") Realm and the "tamasic" state would pertain to the "classic" Physical Realm. Mind being closer to ultimate reality, would be more actual and activating and physical matter would be - to various degrees - more its opposite. Let's remember that the idea of some kind of "ether" (not the classic and stationary luminiferous ether discarded by the Michelson and Morley experiments) has never been completely eradicated from science. Moreover, the measurements primarily eradicated the notion of a stationary ether as a substance with classical or semi-classical physical properties but there might be alternative forms of "ether" that have not been defeated in science. In spite of the "ontologically inocuous" idea of a topological mathematical matrix promoted within General Relativity, I remember that Einstein also spoke in 1920 at Leiden, Germany about space not being empty and about a non-mechanical and non-kinematic "ether" tantamount to the gravitational field, something also necessary for the propagation of light. "This "ether" was not to be conceived as a medium at absolute rest but perhaps as an entity of a scalar nature still necessary to provide spacetime with physical qualities. Thereafter, stellar physicist John Stuart Bell when interviewed by Fred Alan Wolf suggested that a type of "ether" might explain non-local effects by providing a reference frame for faster-than-light signaling. Besides this, the energetic vacuum of space may be considered as a type of "ether" not contradicting relativity. I understand that we cannot simply discard all of what ancient esoteric traditions have to say about the cosmological structure of contingent existence because we are currently enamored with an exciting version of a non-local "akashic information field" or of a "holographic frequency realm" or of a "zero point energy/quantum vacuum" since these would only be the first adequate extensions of our exceedingly limited physicalist conventional theories. These traditions posit that there are other reality levels beyond the etheric which is normally equated with the akashic. The diagram below briefly refers to the closest- to-physical akashic level. Higher akashic levels would fundamentally differ from what Edgar Mitchell's "quantum hologram" model and what Ervin Lazlo's "akashic field" model explain. They would connect the Subtle-Mental and Causal-Seed realms.
In the model I'm conjecturing about, even Planck's Constant may be amenable to variations producing different physical universes according to how the Subtle-Mental (astral) Realm proportionally combines with the Physical Realm, thus producing different degrees of applicable ethers and/or zero-point field characteristics in relation to each physical sub-realm, different degrees of uncertainty applicable to the microphysical and quantum world in general (extended to quantum macrophysical states), and different classical physical tamasic (or entropic and inertial) 'densities', including vibrational-resonant patterns in different physical universes. If we found a mechanism that connects qualitative reality aspects with quantitative reality aspects across the physical, mental and spiritual realms, the holistic and mystical idea that "we are all connected" or that "everything is connected" would have a practical scientific, rational-metaphysical and spiritual meaning that would allow more members of the human species to agree upon in fundamental ideas in a "world philosophy" and to co-create a society more resonant with the main principles under which the Cosmos itself operates. This would be in harmony with the recognition of God or Ultimate Source or an ABSOLUTE from which it all comes forth and in which all contingency is continuously created. This "meta philosophical" model would add to any intuited holistic feelings; any experiential awareness of unity and would bring together crucial partial insights, theories, theological explanations for humanity to collectively recognized each other's truths, expand them under a unifying scheme to move towards a more mature integral understanding. So let's begin to explore... Temporary premise: From a relative, conscious perspective, what is unavoidably experienced is actual “reality.” What can be avoidably experienced is potential “reality.” All inter-reality contacts would occur within what can be called the "Meta Realm of Duality" itself subdivided into 3 main realms or modes of existence, all dependently co-existing in and deriving from Non-Dual Absolute Being. Each of these 3 realms reflects a particular expression of a non-contingent Three-in-One Principle, ultimately stemming from Absolute Non-Dual Identity. Each would operate and be organized under a predominant connective "logic" and type of causality associated to an element of the Three-in-One Principle but these three types of logic and causalities would also be inextricably embedded within each other coexisting in each realm. Only their relative preponderances would vary. There are developing theories that consider our physical universe as a holographic universe projected from a lower (spatial) dimensional realm and also from an information realm. For instance, it was found by Hyakutake that the internal energy inside black holes was equivalent to the energy of a 2D realm producing a 3D universe hologram. But would an information realm from which a 3D holographic projection results be just restricted to a lower 2D physical spatial level? Perhaps the 'lower' spatial level which can be understood as a realm of phase-based information frequencies itself reflects or is tangential to an even more fundamental non-physical level inclusive and transcendent of 'space'. Perhaps what we have is a semi-physicalist way of understanding the non-physical as generative of and interactive with the physical. Might this 2D dimensional spatial representation be accompanied by a - 2D spatial representation and by a time-forward and a time-backward dimension? Within String Theory there also are interesting indications that our physical universe may be like an artificially programmed realm perhaps produced by another higher-order, information-managing realm existing in a higher type of symmetry overcoming the "Godelian" limits pertaining to our physical universe and its classic binary programming. In other words, for there to be either completion or coherence within our physical system, the programming (and programmer?) must surpass the rules under which the programmed functions. The "ADINKRAS" found by James Silvester Gates, PhD seem to be embedded in fundamental physical formulas connected to String Theory and remind us of binary correction codes (discovered by Claude Shannon) perhaps related to our universe when it is considered as a binary information-processing entity. "SYMBOLS OF POWER: ADINKRAS AND THE NATURE OF REALITY" According to Vedanta, other Indian schools of thought and some compatible esoteric traditions, there basically are 3 main realms within the overall experience of duality: The Causal-Seed, Mental-Subtle and Physical-Gross. Each realm has sublevels extending both vertically (hierarchically) and horizontally (heterarchically). I think that all these 3 realms would interact in 3 basic modes: As exterior to each other, interconnecting as co-equals and interpenetrating each other. In the first type of interaction interactions among objects predominate and with it an either-or, excluded middle, ('Aristotelian', classical), binary, two-value logic is most useful. In the Mental-Subtle Realm a "both-and," included middle, complementary, relational logic equally valuing and accompanying the co-manifestation of subjectivity and objectivity is most useful. In the Causal-Seed Realm, a "neither-nor" logic (by which no exterior material or conceptual 'object' can be determined using another exterior material or conceptual 'object') is most useful. In the Causal-Seed Realm, interior, subjective causes predominate over exterior, objective causes and appearances. In other words, spirit predominates over the most refined material substance in almost absolute, non-restrictive space called in Vedanta "Chidhakasha." In the Mental-Subtle (astral) Realm, both interior-subjective causes and exterior-objective causes are equally co-causal: Here, objects respond or submit to the creative attention of subjectivity and, in turn, subjectivity generates new objects and modifies existing objects. However, there's a sufficiently shared and relatively stable exterior shared world of objects. Thus, a form of "objectivity" and an alternative form of "materiality" remains. This materiality is formed by a Mental Realm-adequate akasha called "Chittakasha." The Physical-Gross Realm is (from a perspective about the Absolute understood as a polarity in contrast with the Relative) most "metaontologically" (simultaneously metaphysically and ontologically) distant from Non-Duality. The type of akasha providing its substance is called within Vedanta "Buttakasha." The Mental-Subtle Realm is less metaphysically distant than the Physical Realm from an Absolute state of pure actuality containing all potential relative objects while not limited by any apparent exterior objects. and the Physical-Gross Realm is most distant. On the other hand, from a perspective of contingency and relativity, the Physical-Gross Realm is Actual and the Absolute is Potential. But from the perspective of the Absolute, the Physical-Gross Realm is Potential (as in the hylozoist Aristotelian and in the Thomistic view) and the Mental-Subtle and Causal-Seed realms are progressively more Actual and thus more encompassing and restrictive of consciousness and being. In other words, they can be understood (still in relative terms) as progressively greater "wholes." The Absolute non-dual state would encompass and transcend all realms and all wholes. From a “holonic” perspective of entities composing reality while simultaneously being “wholes” and “parts” with greater or lesser degrees of inclusivity and "span" (according to Ken Sex, Ecology, Spirituality: The Spirit of Evolution), we can say that the Mental-Subtle Realm is more inclusive because it is essentially vaster and simpler, but containing the possibilities of every subset in the Physical-Gross Realm (and in that sense possessing a kind of “higher symmetry”). We can also similarly say that the Causal-Seed Realm is even more inclusive than the Mental-Subtle Realm. But there would be a feedback in which experience gained in the lower realms may shift the possibilities offered by the higher realms. Thus, it is not a one-way "top down" flow in which the lower doesn't contribute to the whole. It is more as Plotinus really envisioned the relationship among his "hypostases," and emanations, that is, with feedback. Thus, involution and evolution... uncertainty and, by choosing among possibilities, specific relative certainties. In my view when extended into modern and avant garde science, an integrative metaphysics, psi research, evidential ufology, parapsychology and other seriously treated "fringe" areas of research, Ken Wilber's "Integral Theory" (a.k.a. "AQAL") possesses elements that can be helpful to construct a Meta Theoretical Model useful to integratively begin explaining inter-realm/transdimensional events of which many academics have often avoided due to prejudice, fear and cultural taboo. Let's think of the word "fringe" in positive terms meaning that which is in the periphery because it is making new discoveries. "Integral Theory is a school of philosophy that seeks to integrate all of human wisdom into a new, emergent worldview that is able to accommodate the gifts of all previous worldviews, including those which have been historically at odds: science and religion, eastern and western, and pre-modern, modern and post-modern." (From "A primer in Integral Theory" on the "Daily Evolver" website) As per my understanding, the most basic of the "five elements" in Integral Theory are the "quadrants." They would be four simultaneously-arising, fundamental, structuring-organizing aspects functioning inseparably together as one "element" within which the other four "elements" would express as "strategies" for the dynamism of contingent experience and being to occur. Thus, (in my view) "quadrants" as "structure" (very masculine-like) and the four remaining elements (expressing within "quadrants") as "strategies" (feminine-like). The latter "strategies" would be ways for contingent beings and objects to maintain a productive relationship with the One Source, the Absolute Creator. As per current "Integral Theory" the "5 elements" are: (1) Quadrants, (2) Levels (of inclusivity and evolution), (3) Lines-intelligences or capacities, (4) States and (5) Types. Once again, they would be the minimum necessary to attempt to describe all of contingent reality in an "integral" fashion. They would also have to work together harmoniously to express conscious awareness in such a fashion. The "five elements" would be the minimum necessary to allow an integral understanding of body, mind and spirit in qualitative and quantitative ways across the three main realms of being and experience in an individual and collective manner, making it possible for us to view, process, classify and utilize all forms of accumulated knowledge open to further, more inclusively connected knowledge in a non-reductionist way. As per the structuring-organizing "Quadrants," the existential reality within duality (of which the philosophical position called "dualism" is but one way to understand it) would manifest as four main modes of expression and of interpretation (the subjective, the intersubjective or cultural, the objective and the inter objective or systemic). These modes would occur whenever there is some degree of duality and - in my view - this would also apply each of the three main realms of existence (the causal, the Subtle and the Physical) with diminishing intensity of the objective and inter objective modes as per causal restrictions imposed over subjective and intersubjective experience as we move into higher realms. Once again, these 4 modes of expression and interpretation or “quadrants” would structurally exist in the 3 main realms in spite this not being normally emphasized within usual expositions of "Integral Theory." For more information on "Quadrants" go to “The Four Quadrants” found in "Integral Life" at: The existence of exteriors would mean that forms of “matter” synonymous with individual and collective “exteriors” (or “objects” and systems of objects”) would correspond to each of the realms. Moreover, I add that each operates under their own predominant type of causality physics and logic. In the Physical-Gross Realm causal interactions between objects exterior to each other predominate over subjective 'initia' causal influences; in the Mental-Subtle Realm, complementary interconnections between objects and their inextricable subjective aspects predominate and, in the Causal-Seed Realm interpenetration (or mutual immanence) of the subjectivity originally prior objects predominates. While there is duality, some kind of exterior object based or objective reality exists inextricably accompanying subjective experience but as realms become more encompassing and subtle, objects display less resistance to subjectivity. Please note that the following diagram arises from an artificial distinction within Pure Absolute Being, when by its own power Absolute Being imagines reality as if something outside it existed outside itself. From our human perspective we can say that this happens outside of "time" and (what ultimately is the appearance of "contingent existence") when Pure Being (Parmenidean identity itself) considers - under its own infinitely sufficient power - the illusion of (under a duality perspective) of the existence of "an other" or a "non-being." That illusion generates an image and a relationship...the original three in one relationship and simultaneously the four modes of expression and interpretation (the quadrants) since one being under duality implies a non-being or two main entities and these two imply the existence of plurality All being exists due to Pure Absolute Being, and - as previously said - even the illusion of an "other" and/or of "non-being" exists due to Pure Absolute Being. After this 'metaphysical moment'; after the original 'chasm' of illusory separation is allowed (when the One implies the existence of "an other"), a third element of relationship is implied to bridge or reconnect the illusion of separation with the One Being overcoming that chasm. Thus, Pure Being under duality implies (using Wilber's term) four “dimensions” which would be: That which is sufficient or "interior" unto itself; in other words, one “individual” or undivided being; that which is "an other" (a form of "exterior" illusory non-being) as a non-living “object” and, since now there are two entities, “plurality” comes to be. Therefore, the so-called “quadrants” or ontological form-expressions and epistemological meaning interpretations of contingent reality are the next "metaphysical moment" that simultaneously originate from the combinations of these previous four “dimensions” more succinctly known as: The “Individual Dimension,” the “Plural Dimension” (o Collective), the “Interior Dimension” and the “Exterior Dimension.” Image from The so-called "chasm," "gap" or illusion of separation would correspond to what the Greeks once thought of as "Chaos" and which today we may interpret (following Illya Prigogine and Deterministic Chaos Theory) also as chaos concealing a hidden order. In my view, the Uncertainty Principle would be a fine-tuned expression of this to allow for originality, not-knowing and evolution in the Cosmos. All the possibilities of the One Being would be contained unorganized in the primordial Chaos under ignorance (the pretension that separation is real) and reconciliation with the inherent order of Being would allow for creative evolution. That reconciliation may be called within Christian traditions as "LOGOS" and the immanent connective spiritual presence (and energies or ENERGEIA) of Spirit (the Holy Spirit) In non-Western cultures similar ideas may have arisen as in the agricultural, community-based, participatory Quechua concept of the "Uku Pacha" in which possibilities yet to be born or being born have (like germinating seeds) not yet fully come out from the ground below in order to to be...fully present. This is a future-oriented realm of possibilities being born into the realm of actual present experience (Kay Pacha) when there's an interweaving, connective complementary and reciprocal relationship with a realm of already-given higher order, seed principles (Hanan Pacha). This represents the reciprocity and complementarity in Andean thinking, a universal situation by which all beings are related and are responsible for each other. In fact, it is understood that all of existence is inter subjectively related and comes to be by forming pairs generating something new. And what about God? Shouldn't it be starting point of any integrative cosmology? I think so, but our disagreements about "God" (and whether to call "her" so) need to be overcome. In my view, the Absolute as a positive "God" of Being and as "Sunyatta" are both compatible. In a conceptual sense there's no-thing to say about the Absolute that can encompass it. Only our metaphors as the "infinite" and as the "eternal" (in a positive sense) or as Sunyatta (in a negative sense) relate our dualistic sense of being with the Essence of being itself (an essence of being whose negation is also a form of being). The basic idea is that from Absolute Being derives the appearance of an "other" exterior to Absolute Being from which an illusory separation ensues and also four "dimensions" and four "quadrants," may be compatible with most traditional theological understandings and revelations about "God" (Allah and Adonai) within biblical religions. It may also be compatible with a general mystical, non-dual view associated with Vedanta and with similar non-dual spiritual traditions. And, even if in the Buddhism which is mostly known there's recurrent excessive (and apparently nihilistic) emphasis upon "emptiness" (Sunyatta) as Ultimate Reality, we must recognize that in a particular Mahayana tradition called "Maha Madhyamika" or "Jonangpa" all phenomena are considered to be inherently empty of their own intrinsic being EXCEPT that ground which can itself be called emptiness. I particularly subscribe to this lesser known Buddhist "school" that accepts an essence making Buddhism more compatible with most of the rest of the world. Would a distinction drawn within the Absolute by the Absolute (generating an illusory separation) be equivalent to a Judaeo-Christian, Jewish and Islamic understanding of "creation?" How can an illusion be equivalent to creation considered as "real?" If the illusion stems from an Absolute, from a contingent point of view its dignity as real remains. At any rate, since nothing really exists exterior to Absolute Being and everything is continuously sustained by Absolute Being creatio ex nihilo is possible. And what about the conflict between the Indian idea of an ever-existing cosmos as illusion and the Buddhist idea of an ever-existing cosmos as inherently empty and that idea about a beginning of time, form and a real cosmos? Both can refer to the same process. From a perspective "sub aeternitatis" there's never been anything 'outside' of what in Truth IS and from a contingent and relative perspective there's been a beginning "of time" which can also relate to the original metaphysical differentiation within the timeless. Thus, I think that all the major cosmologies in the "axial religions" can eventually find a common understanding. I would say that the presence of Absolute Universal Consciousness-Being (of which our consciousnesses are one with but also are a reflection from and depend upon), a Consciousness always in Non-Duality as the sole Actuality and Reality (with a capital “R”) creates and sustains the differences between interiors and exteriors, wholeness and plurality lending its causal and actualizing experiential power in a pseudo projection as if outside of itself which we experience as material forms. Thus, material forms arise and are given the power of pseudo existence and of affecting our relative consciousnesses and beings. That pseudo existence is about "holons," simultaneous parts and wholes; structured-dynamic organizational entities that hold an internal contradiction and which - to preserve themselves - need to extend themselves in association with other units or under more encompassing units in order to be self-consistent. No wonder that the words "dual" and "duel" are related since living as if exterior material reality were primary would evidently generate the latter. The Absolute Consciousness-Being is One in an utmost sense and is indivisible but -by choice - seems to require an "other" allowing a diminution of ts presence, a "space" or "gap" for contingent beings to come into relative existence and express and evolve in any of the three ensuing realms. The "other" implies a "gap" a false separation from Unity that allows for multiplicity and a false, relative, always incomplete negation of The One but which needs to be reconciled with the One by the One's own Intelligence or Logos. The "other" is also related with the One by another reconciling entity of The One. This is Compassion or Mercy. Each quadrant - ultimately deriving from The One - also reflects this "three-in-One" dynamism: Unity as Beauty, Intelligence as Truth, Compassion as The Good...all three fundamental "Platonic" values but also revealed by different wisdom traditions in their own ways. Within GOD, as the three main realms of creation-manifestation-existence, "Beauty" would be expressed as highest contingent "Causal-Seed" Realm of subjective-predominant or subjectively defined existence, "The Good" as the Subtle-Mental Realm of relationships and "Truth" as the Physical Realm in which our mental interpretations need to match exterior objects and their relations. The predominant logic and causal efficacy of the first realm would be based on subjective experience. No exterior physical or mental object can explain the Interior. The predominant logic and causal efficacy of the second realm would be based on the equal complementary status of Interior subjective experience and Exterior objective things. The mind is creator of objects and object equally affect the mind. The predominant logic and causal efficacy of the Physical Realm would be based on the predominant causal status of Exterior objects with which subjectivity is forced to work. Even if well-defined realms of ontology and experience the continuity among them would be given by the fact that they may not only interact externally to each other but also be interdependent-interconnected by complementary relations and furthermore also interpenetrate each other or be mutually immanent. The "Tajitu" or Yin/Yang ("Dark - Bright") symbol suggests these three relation modes: Distinct separation (relating externally), complementarity (each defined in relation to its opposite) and interpenetration (each within the other or as the other).
How may the causal efficacy of subjective interiors and objective exteriors relate across the three realms? I give the following simple diagram to visualize it: My diagram above represents that, while the causal efficacy of interiors (individual and collective epistemological-experiential interiors) is greatest in the Causal-Seed Realm, it is weakest in the Physical-Gross Realm and this relationship is simultaneously inverted as per these realm's objective exteriors. But in the Mental-Subtle Realm, the relationship between interiors and exteriors is equal. Moreover, since each realm (predominantly but not exclusively) operates under a type of causality and accompanying logic and since they also interact, interconnect and interpenetrate…they may be distinct but one can affect the other maintaining both discontinuity and continuity. The crosses (+) represent the relative causal efficacies, degrees of actuality or intensities with which Absolute Consciousness-Being imbues the relation between Interior experiences and Exterior objective manifestations. These are Potential - Actual relations in terms of the degrees of causal efficacies of Interiors and Exteriors as per each realm. There is symmetry among the realms. The symmetry is of a pattern that can be the base for an integrative world philosophy respectable of the truths of most pre-integrative philosophies. In the Causal-Seed and Physical realms the more of one causal efficacy corresponds to the less of the other and vice-versa. For instance, in the Causal-Seed Realm, three degrees of Interior actuality correspond to one Exterior potential degree. Also, comparatively, across realms, we can see that three degrees of actuality in the Causal-Seed realm correspond to three degrees of actuality in the Physical Realm. The Subtle-Mental Realm displays a balanced relation between Interior and Exterior causal efficacies. Each "quadrant" represents a way 'reality' "presents" itself ontologically and a way of interpreting 'reality' epistemologically and each quadrant is also accompanied by methodologies through which to disclose 'reality' in conjunction to available level of consciousness (or “altitude” in Wilber's terms). Moreover, each “quadrant” is a form of expression and interpretation (thus simultaneously of ontology and epistemology) of developmental “lines” (or “capacities”) and also of “levels” (or stages) and also “states” and of “types” (ways of being and experiencing stably present at any state and stage). There only are 4 quadrants but each contains an indeterminate number of the other “elements.” All quadrants arise simultaneously accompanying each whole-part event or phenomenon. As the main “element” through which reality expresses inclusively and with which we may interpret reality inclusively, each “quadrant” contains the other four and (when understood as stemming from a shared origin). Also, the five “elements” (quadrants, lines, levels, states and types) are currently considered as the minimally necessary to understand “reality” and to live integrally informed and/or with an integral awareness as a co-creative participant in reality. A further distinction besides these 4 main “quadrants” (also found in Ken Wilber's current model) are their “insides” (and corresponding "outsides") which thus generate a more refined total of 8 expression spaces or forms under which reality manifests. So we find 8 methodological “zones” or varieties of methods by which reality can be disclosed. This would render all form of human knowledge, all of humanity's discoveries under quadrant-specific methods compatible in a non-reductionist way simply because the quadrants are all simultaneous and equally necessary for the expression and interpretation of contingent "reality". The methods to acquire knowledge here corresponding to each quadrant are but a few and they have been used in human life mostly in the physical realm. There might also be corresponding methods suitable for life in higher realms and "trans-realm methods" used by intelligent beings that can operate in more than one realm. Seeing this model together and understanding that it stems from a shared, underlying pattern ultimately rooted in Absolute Non-Duality which can both be understood as Being and Consciousness (ontology and epistemology) is a key foundation to developing an Integral understanding (within the context of Integral Theory) and integrative understanding (within the context of all compatible post postmodern meta theories and pre-modern, modern and postmodern valid knowledge findings) and -by force - also becomes a preamble to any scientific and-or cultural extension or advance that can make sense of inter-realm, inter-reality (within the same Physical Realm) events, both of which can be "transdimensional" and are not currently scientifically understood under an objects-only materialist monist framework. However, we must also be careful to avoid any form of “subtle pseudo integral reductionism,” like reducing consciousness to a quantum hologram that, in itself, brings information, memory, energy and matter together within and outside spacetime. Besides the very useful basics in Wilber's model we need to go into how realms may relate. So let's resume where we left. We may notice that the “insides” of each quadrant (the 'space' inside the circles) seem to relate more with a self-initiated, mental-like expression like “autopoiesis” even in the “objective and “inter objective” quadrants. Moreover, in the subjective and inter subjective quadrants, these “insides” refer how interior life FEELS, to the intimate experiences of the “hard problem.” According to biologist and integral philosopher Lexi Neal, the "insides" in each less inclusive realm would correspond to the “outsides” in the adjacent, more inclusive realm. I've also basically thought along the same lines but he has developed a unique model of his own also extending the Integral Theory/AQAL framework. The next link takes you to two of Neal's highly original works: “The AQAL Cube” and “The AQAL Cube Integral Theory of Meta Relativity” Integral philosopher Oleg Linetsky is also developing a model that relates the realms through “boundaries” or basic energy tensions or anxieties that subdivide consciousness into forms of experience. Thus, a few integrative philosophers are exploring related themes that may extend Integral Theory into the importance of realms of existence, how they maintain continuity, interact, interpenetrate or, otherwise, affect each other. In the following provisional “endo-exo, toroidal, inter-realm diagram,” I show three levels of quadrants, one for each of the main realms. They are depicted as three squares (the smaller inscribed within the middle one and the largest not inscribed). 4 quadrants per realm x three realms = 12 quadrants. It is my preliminary version showing the “insides” (endoquadratic aspects) of the quadrants in each less fundamental, less inclusive realm connecting first with the “outsides” (exoquadratic aspects) of the corresponding quadrants of the more inclusive and fundamental realm. The diagonal lines going through these endoquadratic-exoquadratic connections from the center of the diagram tangential to the vertex of the exterior four quadrants (corresponding to the Causal-Seed Realm) also represent four tori whose circulating motion also connects the three main realms. Both the infinitely small center of all the quadrants and the ellipses representing the “mouth” of the tori are located at the intersection between existence and non-existence or, more precisely, between duality-based contingent existence and non-duality that cannot be defined by limits or spaces like the quadrants. The infinitely small center is “no-where” but also everywhere distributed in every tori and the 'mouth' of the tori tangential to the outer square's perimeter would represent the point of return in their involutionary flow from non-duality outside of the quadrants or of contingent existence. The tori also represent a dynamic flow and exchange across the static quadratic structure. Although, in my view, there is interaction, interconnection and interpenetration among the realms, since modern science still depends to a large extent in discovering stable interacting patterns between 'objects', I will try to focus upon the plausible interactive aspect of the relationship between the Physical-Gross Realm and the Mental-Subtle Realm. Experiencers of extraterrestrial contacts quite often report spiritual, psychic, Out-of-Body, Near-Death and-or other kinds of otherworldly (often deemed “paranormal” or perhaps “supernormal” events). An integral scientific ufology approximately understandable for some avant garde scientists today would have to entertain a shared mechanism for these events. What is the relationship between alleged "inter reality" extraterrestrial contact and other forms of "otherworldly" contacts, particularly contacts with "the departed?" Quite often, the “high strangeness” associated with some intense and/or close-vicinity UFO experiences resemble events pertaining to otherworldly “ghost encounters.” This is why the latter might also give us some clues as to any similar mechanisms involved. According to ghost researcher and electronic engineer David M. Roundtree “paranormal activity” is accompanied by dramatic increments in negative air ions, an increase in static electricity over previous baseline readings, an increase of alpha, beta and gamma radiation bursts during and after events, magnetism, greater air conductivity and electromagnetism (particularly in the low frequency range) and occasional drops in relative humidity. These and similar effects are also mentioned by other researchers into the ghost research field. Allegedly, variations in air conductivity can also be used to predict the outbreak of an event. I suppose there may also be shifts in the permitivity and permeability of space along with changes in the refractive index and, accompanying this, there might even be shifts in the vacuum energy density associated with a different level of production of virtual particles and virtual anti particles. Dramatic temperature fluctuations (typically getting colder but sometimes warmer) have also been detected by several researchers and experiencers of hauntings-related events along with what Roundtree measured as temporal and gravitational fluctuations. Frequently, field work ghost researchers have reported that the dramatic temperature drop (sometimes of 15 degrees or more) isn't just environmental but seems to instantly affect or be felt inside the human body. There also are occasional formations of visible mist or a form of mist seems to anomalously appear in photographs. I think that some or all of these effects may also present in interactive ET technology (in some cases probably beginning with "Close Encounters of the First Kind” of at least 500 feet or less generating anomalous physical and psychological inter-reality contact effects and becoming more pronounced during "Close Encounters of the Second Kind” that leave physical traces. The term "dimensions" perhaps should technically refer to fundamental parameters of a medium that constrain and offer possibilities or "degrees of freedom" to the material expression of physical reality or realities. Non-physical realities would also have their own unique kinds of "dimensions" constraining and allowing for degrees of freedom as per their objects in relation to subjective interiority. Although it represents a confusion, for clarity's sake, I will also use the term "dimension" to specifically mean "realities." Colloquially, we also normally speak of “interdimensional” events (or contacts, or experiences, or technology) when referring to "inter-reality" events. However, if we think about “dimensions” as the essential parameters previously referred to, perhaps the concept of the “transdimensional” (linking a particular physical realm universe with the Mental-Subtle Realm possessing non-spatial 'dimensions') could be more accurate if physical realities and their structuring 'dimensions' in the Physical Realm share an underlying origin and pattern. "Connecting with" or, rather, shifting the normal degree of connectivity with that “Mental-Subtle Realm” may be the key to generating “anomalous macro physical states” and/or “inter-reality events” in which classical physical features become less limiting. "Transdimensional" refers to inter-reality events that share underlying principles and patterns as, for instance, temporary interactive contacts between somewhat different physical universes emerging from an underlying Subtle-Mental (astral) Realm. "Transdimensional" can also refer to physical-non-physical (or Physical Realm - Subtle-Mental (astral) Realm interactive contacts that may occur when physicality is at least partially (and "temporarily") dissolved into its constituent higher Subtle-Mental (astral) realm patterns. What “contact fields” may create this? If increased interactions between the Physical-Gross and the Mental-Subtle (non-physical) realms are naturally possible, we may also find ways of producing engineerable space-time distortions, manufactured and less restrictive, less 'dense' physical environments where localized macroscopic quantum effects like apports, anomalous kinetic effects and partial materializations or even ways for physical objects to go through solid walls are easier or more probable. Some varieties of extraterrestrial beings may live in some of these less dense physical systems (less restrictive physical universes) and transdimensionally use a higher, metaphysically prior (and subjacent) non-physical realm to change their density, corresponding Planck's Contant, time frame, frequency frame and rate, aligning their probable quantum states, entropy, negentropy and overall energy states with ours in order to 'come in' and to operate in our physical reality sublevel. They may also use this to temporarily take us into their "other physical" reality. Perhaps when the symmetry of the Subtle-Mental (astral) Realm is 'broken', time and anti-time waves are generated as segments of possible experiences (unified in the Subtle-Mental astral Realm). These incomplete segments of possible experiences would propagate in both time directions meeting and agreeing with each other when particular occasions occur in the Physical Realm experience of holons. Out of many possible experiences, the probability allowed causal and retrocausal divided ontological-objective and epistemological-subjective Subtle-Mental Realm possibilities would coincide during a physical event and experience. At the unobserved quantum level, retrocausal waves would mostly remain as aspects of the “probability package” perhaps because the generation of our macroscopic, inertia-dominant reality requires the hiding or trapping of most of the negentropic energy of anti-time as physical mass. However, this negentropic energy would play the role of complementary potential scalar waves that can be “liberated” from time-space and used in a vectorized state when related to our space-time. Once again, the “mechanism” (a classical, non-classical and trans-classical mechanism rooted in integrated physical, metaphysical and spiritual principles) may depend on temporarily increasing the degree of interaction between the physical world we are familiar with and a more inclusive and metaphysically prior Subtle-Mental (astral) realm which provides its possibility of existence, its specific actualizable probabilities (of form, function and of information and meaning within a subject-object duality). The strengthening of this interaction would produce a local and temporary, intermediate, semi physical (or less physical) state at least partly connected through entropy debt with our ordinary physical space-time. In it, classical physical aspects would diminish and the non-classical aspects normally associated with a micro-scale quantum mechanical world would increase allowing more macro scale events proper to the Mental-Subtle Realm (exterior, objective events more responsive to interior, subjective and inter subjective causal influences). "Entropy" as physically active information patterns in classical physical exteriors enters a relative 'potential' state (retreating to its quadratic autopoietic inside) and simultaneously becomes 'actual' and (through a transduction process that involves spacetime cancelation through "etheric" retrocausality) becomes available in the Subtle-Mental (astral) Realm, acquiring a space-less/timeless pattern. When the actual kinetic physical patterns are restored they include a modification in which information from the Subtle-Mental (astral) realm has been introduced. That information can generate physical effects through the now more specifically organized restored kinetic patterns when physical informatin becomes more available and physical entropy has been "repaid." We know that we can affect how the quantum world 'evolves' by gaining information from our macro scale spacetime perspective. This may indicate that a pre-physical probabilistic but simultaneously objective state existing between the classical Physical-Gross and the Mental-Subtle Realms is affected by information existing in the latter of those realms even if experienced as part of our macro physical system. If we make short measurements and – from our macroscopic spacetime perspective don't give the probability of some quantum events enough time to occur or evolve we can freeze quantum states as in the Zeno Effect described in the article “Quantum Control by Imaging: The Zeno effect in an ultracold lattice gas” by Patil, Chakram and Vengalattore. Each time we gain information using a short laser pulse is as if the world of quantum probabilities has to start to evolve all over and is not allowed enough time to produce a quantum tunneling event. The quantum event remains frozen in a potential state with respect to us. Small-scale paranormal events after which normalcy is restored may be akin to what weak measurements experiments can produce. In them spatial position and time-related momentum aspects of the quantum world can be approximately observed simultaneously. Anomalous interactions between ontologically distinct realms may also temporarily allow space-time effects. Just as the three realms are known in Vedic philosophy, the existence of 3 main qualities in nature is particularly detailed in one of them, Samkhya. The “gunas” (qualities or tendencies) are postulated. The pure or Sattvic Guna may be represented by the Causal or Seed Realm; the active or Rajasic Guna by the Mental-Subtle Realm and the inertial or Tamasic Guna by the Physical-Gross Realm. While each of the three main realms can be considered as primarily embodying a particular “Guna,” every living being, substance, system and process may be marked by the predominance of one of these interdependent and interpenetrating gunas, thus I think that the interaction between two realms may also be represented by them. Focusing only upon the interaction between the Mental-Subtle Realm and the Physical-Gross Realm, I would consider the first as “Rajasic” or active and the latter as “Tamasic” or inertial and resisting activity. However, there would be a permanent, balanced in- between state in which forces are not immediately detectable. It would be the intermediate “etheric” state, a type of pranic condition needed to vivify and to transmit sensation from physicality to consciousness-as-mind and from consciousness-as-mind to physicality. This in-between state would be so balanced as to seem "virtually" undetectable (as the quantum vacuum) from our coarser, classical perspective. It would hold a state of Sattvic balance between complementary aspects such as Space-Time complemented by the frequency domain referred to by Dr. William A. Tiller as a Conjugate Reciprocal Space. This idea is compatible with the Quantum Hologram Model where frequencies are the counterparts of coarse (spacetime) physical objects and may also be compatible with idea of a reciprocal “Time-Space," perhaps with Dewey Larson's model and with other approximations. Dewey Larson's writings are available at: The syntropic aspect allowed by quantum-relativistic physics (but often offhandedly neglected due to prejudice) would correspond to the yogic “pranamaya kosha” in relation to Man's corresponding bodies (and koshas) and it is considered as a vitalizing energy sheath complementary to the food sheath (the gross physical biological body). It would act as a transducer of potentials located in the higher Mental Subtle Realm and its corresponding body (the Linga Sharira). It would also allow a greater degree of syntropic self-organization in coarse physical matter. Quantum mechanics admits the possibility of negative energy states, of anti-particles, of virtual particles and anti-particles, of a possible “frequency domain” accompanying space-time objects and of retrocausal influences, the latter especially in the Klein-Gordon quantum relativistic equations. All of these possibilities allowed by quantum mechanics broadly coincide with the ancient concept of an in-between (in my mind also a conversion reality) state in-between the Mental-Subtle Realm and the Physical-Subtle Realm. A great review on retrocausal physics ideas can be fond in Antonella Vannini's thesis work at and also in Ulisse Di Corpo's work. It builds upon the quantum-relativistic Klein-Gordon equation as a perfectly legitimate solution (albeit deceptively counter intuitively) that realistically brings together quantum mechanics and relativity. Perhaps the Peltier Effect can also help us illustrate some ideas pertaining to two-way inter-realm causes and effects. Heat transfers in the direction of the charge carriers and the effect can be cooling or heating of the surrounding environment at the junctures between different conductors. If I understand it well, electrical current flowing from an iron conductor into a copper conductor (from less conductivity and more resistivity into more conductivity and less resistivity) “evolves” or emits thermal energy at the junction, also heating up the immediate environment surrounding that junction between these materials. Then, when the current leaves the copper conductor and flows back into the iron conductor (from more conductivity and less resistivity into less conductivity and more resistivity), this other junction cools down and with it also the immediate surrounding environment. If I'm not mistaken, in the former case, electrical energy would be lost as heat into the environment (increasing its entropy) and in the latter case electrical energy would be gained or absorbed from the environment (reducing its entropy). If I'm not mistaken, in the Peltier Effect, when electrons in a higher kinetic state passing through a “less dense,” less restricting conductor (like copper) connect with another “denser” conductor offering greater resistance (like iron), their kinetic state would diminish and cool down the juncture. Then again, we could perhaps say that, when electric current connects from a “denser,” more resistive medium (iron) into a “less dense,” less resistive medium (copper), it heats up by transferring kinetic energy into this juncture. Entropy-wise could we perhaps adequately compare the relation between the physical realm and the discarnate's spirit realm with the relation between the “denser” and “less dense” wires in the Peltier electric circuit? The role of entropy (also linked to available information) would be crucial to tap into a causal and retrocausal interplay which also perhaps connects physicality with the discarnate spirit's realm. Perhaps – when entropy decreases in the physical realm – physical kinetic energy states are transduced into useful organizing states in the discarnate's spirit realm. Perhaps when entropy decreases as temperature drops and kinetic agitation decreases available information states can be transduced through retrocausal cancelation into a Subtle Realm state capable of acquiring information patterns from that realm. Then, when physical entropy returns to normal it also brings with it information patterns capable of creating physical effects. I'd say that when temperature decreases in these processes, the potential energy increases. In other words, kinetic energy decreases, potential energy increases and temperature drops at the surrounding environment feeding energy back into the system with an interaction at the juncture. At the other juncture in the circuit kinetic energy is restored back and the overall entropy equilibrium is almost maintained within the circuit's system (there are net losses to entropy in our perceived entropy-dominated universe because both conductors also heat up through Joule's heating). While there's an overall increase of entropy due to Joule's heating, also around the juncture where the environment is cooled, that environment's S (entropy) diminishes. More order and decipherable information patterns are established at the microscopic scale. Measuring any anomalous drop or increase in temperature previous, during and after the photon detector trials (or other types of trials regarding experimental interactions with the discarnate spirit's realm) may give us a measure of kinetic energy states converted into potential energy states within the physical realm while the kinetic states aspect may be transduced (and trans-ontologically transferred) into the discarnate's spirit realm through a (usually non-consciously perceived) intermediate, retrocausal quantum link (allowed by positive and negative, dual solution, quantum relativistic equations incorporating special relativity and momentum). The kinetic activity transferred to the discarnate's spiritual realm would be later on released into the physical realm reconverting a temporarily created potential state back into its original kinetic state while simultaneously generating detectable (quantum collapse) physical effects. The need to reestablish the original entropy balance that was disturbed in the physical realm would force this return to normalcy. There might also be a variable conversion factor (similar to what the uncertainty principle is for quantum mechanics) that allows temporary reconfigurations or interactions of this sort between the physical and the non-physical discarnate entities' realm. That retrocausal link (perhaps also constitutive of what has elsewhere been called an “etheric” bridge between the physical realm and the discarnate entities “astral” spiritual realm) would change the effects of the kinetic force from being primarily entropy-increasing in the physical realm to being 'momentarily' (transtemporarily) re-organizing and useful to manifest patterns in the discarnate spirit's realm own kind of exterior mental “substance.” The retrocausal link might turn potential states from one realm into actual and kinetic states in the other and vice versa. Any degree of inter-realm conversion might create an intermediate state and substance which corresponds to what some theosophists and spiritists call an “etheric” link between the physical and “astral” worlds. According to Dr. Ulisse di Corpo the retrocausality implied in unnecessarily rejected dual quantum-relativistic solutions may also serve to retrocausally (and syntropically) connect physical space-time existence with future quantum wave possibilities. Besides that – in my view – the retrocausal quantum waves might cancel out time-forward, causal, particulate, past-centered, “actual” physical experience, matter and entropy and -in the natural bridge formed – “transduce” and-or transfer potential and actual physical states into their corresponding opposite states in the null space and null time proper of the discarnate's spiritual realm. The degree of cancellation between the time-forward and time-backward causal influences may correspond to a greater or lesser degree of superposition of physical space-time and the discarnate's more inclusive, non-physical, null space-null time realm. If these superpositions can stabilize, they may generate different physical universes which may be more or less closer in nature to the essential characteristics of the discarnate's, non-physical realm. In other words, some physical universes (all still ruled by the constraints of space-time and a dominant resistance of exterior matter to change at the macro level in order to accommodate to subjective experiences) may be “subtler” or “denser” so to speak. Some of these physical universes, with their own combinations of “constants” and other parameters such as entropy, inertia, and 'initia' (which could relate with the degree of quantum uncertainty and the associated capacity of consciousness to actualize potentials), might be the alternative “membranes” (or simply “branes”) floating in a higher dimensional space being considered along with theoretical developments in M Theory and cosmology. Promoting the cancellation between the causal & retrocausal influences might be a way to infold our particularly (programmed?) physical space-time back into the realm of greater possibilities from which it sprung or unfolded. if we knew what promotes an easier interaction with the discarnate spirits' realm we would also probably learn to manipulate space-time without the need for extreme high energy physics. We might also be able to modify or reprogram the rate of time inasmuch as time can be considered as the numerical order of change (rate of events?) allowed per unit of space (read physicists Davide Fiscaletti and Amrit Sorli's works): A basic link is here: While causal solutions recognized in physics have been easy to intuitively accept as we consciously experience a time-foreward causality with an overall entropy increase and loss of useful information even if there are “islands” of greater organization, that include places like Planet Earth and living systems. However, backward-in-time, causally effective solutions appearing in the Klein-Gordon equations could also be non-trivial from a physical point of view. As Ulisse di Corpo explains, they may be experienced as probability waves which also are completely necessary for us to experience particulate matter in a linear and entropy-increasing sense. we need to outgrow our clasical, modern, biased resistance to the physics of the Kosmos. Presentiment experiments seem to demonstrate their reality and they seem to be necessary for the success of self-organizing, living entities embedded in physicality. Dr. Ulisse di Corpo and Dr. Antonella Vannini have written several articles and books on the subject from a scientific and from an experimental perspective. That retrocausality with which we might normally interact in a subconscious manner (please review experiments by Dean Radin, Dick Bierman, Daryl Bem and others) may establish a quantum-level link that mediates between ontologically potential energy states of a distinct realm (in which space and time are essentially superseded by an instant, information inclusive type of subjectivity-actualizing substance). The retrocausal influence normally related with future potentials would also naturally relate with the subtle (discarnate spirit realm) potentials that allow our physical world to manifest concrete expressions. The causal influence we sequentially experience normally relates with already-established actualizations or concrete events and particles. In other words, the (normally non-consciously perceived) quantum relativistic aspect might serve to turn what (from a physical perspective) are subtle level potentials into actualities in our physical world. It would perhaps serve to change physical kinetic states into potential states in the physical realm and to convert those physical potential states into useful kinetic states in the discarnate spirits' subtle realm. No actual energy would be lost and-or transferred, only the actual and potential (and-or kinetic and potential) organizational STATES between the realms. The temporary, anomalous borrowing of kinetic energy from the physical realm (and shift in entropy) might be allowed by a “conversion factor” between realms, perhaps akin to how the Heisenberg uncertainty permits a brief creation of virtual particles (a short term borrowing of energy) before quickly disappearing back into the zero-point, balancing out to maintain original baseline, average energy levels. A greater degree of uncertainty along with a greater quantity of virtual particle 'creation' may temporarily take place in environments where ghosts manifest and where extraterrestrials are artificially modifying spacetime. Perhaps finding ways to enhance virtual particle production may in itself generate greater connectivity and interactivity with the Mental-Subtle Realm. The “conversion factor” of interaction between the discarnate spirit's realm and the physical realm (our particular space-time physical sub realm) may be relatively stable but partially modifiable and depend on a difference between the rate of how consciousness instantaneously collapses a wave of probabilities restricted to conform to our coherent space-time physical world (probabilities also restricted by the need to maintain classical causal coherence on the aggregate) and how consciousness instantaneously 'collapses' broader experiential possibilities in the discarnate spirit's realm, itself organized under a different principle and a greater degree of freedom, one in which exterior mental objects co-causally arise with interior, subjective experiences. In other words, in that realm, subjectivity would generate objects as much as objects would generate subjective responses on a co-equal basis. Perhaps in that more inclusive discarnate spirit's realm containing all physical expression possibilities, the principle of initia is essentially co-equal with that of inertia. While in the Physical Realm (and, to various degrees, its sub realms) the principle of inertia (exterior's resistance to change) predominates over consciousness collapsing/actualizing possibilities under a specific, restricted range of probabilities and, while in the 'excarnate' spirit's realm (also, experientially, to various degrees according to its sub realms) the principle of inertia is essentially co-equal with consciousness collapsing/actualizing possibilities, in an even more inclusive “higher” realm of first principles and “seeds” (the causal realm in theosophy) the principle of inertia would be completely secondary and dependent on the principle of initia and on consciousness actualizing and collapsing possibilities. That's why its exteriors would be emptiest of the illusion of independent existence and most inclusive of all that can be manifested. However, that's a discussion for another – more metaphysical but scientifically relevant – article or essay. Dr. Gary Schwartz, PhD has experimentally demonstrated an increase of photons in an isolated dark container after asking a discarnate spirit to will that effect. There's a scientific article and a video about this this. The article is available at: Spirit collaboratively going into a black box environment and a sensitive photon detector detected a greater amount of photons: This may show that the spirit's mind and kinds of energies he or she is able to utilize may interact with the quantum vacuum and produce real photons. May he or she also be able to modify the amount of virtual photons? Does the spirit's will and energy body change allowed quantum probabilities? And how/under what mechanism may it do that? Might the “anomalous” production of photons (out of the zero-point vacuum?) in Dr. Schwartz's experiments also be anteceded by a change of ambient temperature as has been the case in other research regarding discarnate spirit's manifestations? I don't know but the latter effect has been detected and recorded by several ghost research teams and experiencers of otherworldly apparitions. This is a PHYSICAL interaction effect that requires attention as it may also be giving us an important clue. It would be useful to try to measure any anomalous drop or increase in temperature previous, during and after the trials to obtain a measure of kinetic energy temporarily converted into potential energy while that kinetic activity aspect is perhaps transduced. We could also say that it is “trans-ontologically” transferred into the discarnate spirit realm's unique type of material exteriors. Inasmuch as realms are in a potential state in relation to each other, they can be said to be in different ontological status. However there should also be interconnectivity and interaction or exchange. The exteriors in the discarnate's spirit realm would instantly respond to the discarnate spirit's intention and its acquired-transduced patterns (now resonant with the physical realm) would be subsequently released back into the physical realm under the partial control of the discarnate entity's intention, generating physical effects by taking advantage of the need to re-establish the original entropy. An anomalous increase in temperature might be related (or not) to a simple restoration of the “sequestered” kinetic energy state without using that state to generate a specific movement, opacity, sound, or even production of photons out of the zero point energy field. The temporary, 'anomalous' borrowing of kinetic energy from the physical realm and shift in entropy transferring kinetic activity to the discarnate spirit's realm might be allowed by a “conversion factor” akin to how the Heisenberg uncertainty allows a brief creation of virtual particles before returning the energies to the vacuum to maintain the original energy levels. This conversion factor of interaction between the discarnate's realm and the physical realm may be variable and depend on the distinction between the rate of how consciousness instantaneously collapses a wave of restricted probabilities of experience in the physical world (restricted by the need to maintain classical causal coherence) and how consciousness instantaneously 'collapses' greater possibilities of experience in the discarnate spirit realm, itself organized with a greater degree of freedom and in which exterior mental objects are equally co-causal with interior, subjective experiences. Physicist (and retired Lt. Col) Thomas E. Bearden substantiates the concept that an energy flux circulating from a conventional coarse level dipole to and from the vacuum's active virtual state and its associated deeper time (frequency) domain is quite possible and engineerable. Access to the vacuum energy would be like an open system access to a greater whole in which it is situated. If I'm not mistaken, Bearden also posits that physical energy itself originates in a higher symmetry information level. Perhaps his "time domain" may include a time forward and time backward information level inextricably accompanying the zero-point virtual particles and virtual anti-particles continuously popping in and out of existence out of a higher realm of possibilities. In terms of "holons" within Integral Theory/AQAL, the active particulate vacuum and its complementary information time domain would correspond to the parts/whole, "both-and" duality. According to Bearden, usable physical energy would be an ordering imposed upon the virtual particle flux and I would add that it may be an ordering imposed as a decohering actualization by a lower symmetry level system made by (time-wise) out of phase, "either-or" positive and negative poles. Unlike the simultaneity of virtual particles and causal-retrocausal information influences, the lower symmetry level poles (or charges) imposing the ordering would not correspond with the previous higher symmetry simultaneity of time frequencies. In William Tiller's “Higher Dimensional Framework” Model in a “conditioned space” the connectivity between the physical background level of reality and the quantum vacuum increases. The symmetry state between them increases and the gauge state as a higher thermodynamically-free state increases. Tiller expects that in this higher degree of access to the physics of the vacuum magnetic monopoles may be detected. I believe that Tiller mentions that magnetic monopoles and “other” unknown particles in the Reciprocal Space (“magneto-electric” instead of electromagnetic) substance are affected by “deltrons” which would exist in a higher 9D dimensional structure which I've been calling the “Mental-Subtle”. I suppose that more virtual particles would also be generated and, according to my friend and mathematician Enrique Álvarez Vita, the shielding produced by virtual anti particles at a certain size or scale may cancel gravitational forces, thus a greater natural or artificial production of them may also have space-time distortion effects. In my view, the greater the influence of Mental-Subtle Realm, the greater the degree of uncertainty (h.), the more Tiller's “Direct Space” (or space-time) couples or interacts with “Reciprocal Space” and the less “classical” or “physical” regions of the Physical Realm get. William Tiller's ideas on physics are available at I think that Tiller's nodal lattice points in the space-time vacuum are reciprocal to the “etheric” time-space frequency domain. The “conversions” from the Causal-Seed Realm to the Mental-Subtle Realm to the Etheric and to Physical-Gross lattices would be due to a series of corresponding reciprocal relations at nodal points. In Tiller's Model the nodal grid network has hexagonal nodes. May this coincide with Nassim Haramein's “Vector Equilibrium” and tori connecting with deeper fractal levels? In my view, the greater the coupled state/gauge symmetry, the more retrocausality embedded in time-space is capable of canceling causality and this produces a greater degree of interphase with mind and observation, including the greater the capacity of actualizing a greater number of quantum possibilities. Also, more thermodynamically free energy becomes available and (if Eric Julien's concepts about “chronons” as key to understanding extraterrestrial physics is correct), a greater number of chronons (actualizing event units) from a smaller spatial fractal level would become available in conjunction with the normal chronon levels found in our space-time. According to Julien there's an inverse relation between chronon density and space volume but I think that space would become less physically restrictive, with greater permittivity and permeability, greater uncertainty in the “Uncertainty Principle,” greater spontaneous generation of virtual particles, less inertia, more effective retrocausality and a faster speed of light limit. The "Quantum Hologram" would apply to all physical levels from which extraterrestrials allegedly 'come from' or materialize into our specific reality system. In relation to the Quantum Hologram understood as Fourier Transform frequencies, perhaps the second as a stable unit would be challenged. Find out more about Eric Julien's information at We can also assume that the degree of coherent interphase with the “frequency domain” of the quantum hologram increases. Therefore, “phase-adaptive-resonance" would be able to decode more aspects of the quantum hologram information content in which all past-present and future possibilities would be available and since there's an increased level of uncertainty h it would be possible to materialize objects not limited to the normal background space-time, low symmetry (uncoupled) state. The availability of PCAR (phase conjugate adaptive resonant) frequencies would increase so that they would reveal more objective and energetic aspects of the overall Physical-Gross Realm. Extraterrestrial beings 'coming in' from a subtler physical universe (also generated by a greater degree of stable coherence with the Mental-Subtle Realm) would be able to interphase and interact with 'ours'. Perhaps in a state of higher symmetry between D space time and R time space, the spontaneous generation of virtual anti-particles would also be more easily decoupled from virtual particles and thus be separately concentrated to produce negative space-time curves as my mathematician friend Enrique Álvarez Vita suggests. I would like to know if Fourier-represented frequencies as waves of probabilities in phase space can also represent negative energy informational states which might also exist when D space time and R time space become more symmetric. I think that a greater connection between regular space and the alleged complementary one (allowed by QM specially in some quantum-relativistic solutions) creates a "holographic decoder" located between the physical realm and the non-physical, "Subtle" Realm. I think I agree with Mitchell, Schempp and Mercer that the decoder may also be part of the quantum brain - classic brain system. Because the D and R "spaces" are reciprocal and complementary to each other, when they combine and become unified on a higher level, they cancel out and return to their higher, more inclusive source in the Subtle-Mental (astral) Realm transcending space and time. It is as when physicist-philosopher Basarab Nicolescu mentions a higher ontological realm which acts as an "included middle" term "T" reconciling opposites from a lower ontological level. I find this "process" akin to what physicist philosopher Basarab's Nicolescu's posits within a transdisiplinary model in which opposites found at a lower level reconcile not only at a HIGHER ontological LEVEL of INTEGRATION but while one becomes less manifest as the other becomes more manifest. Thus the particulate pole and the information pole associated with physical reality may thus exchange states of actualness and potentiality when there's interaction between an ontologically less inclusive level and another more inclusive one. In othert words, perhaps the physical, particulate, kinetic states may become less active (and more potential) and their causal influence (as per their corresponding information aspect) might transfer or be transduced (via an "etheric" transducing 'membrane' or 'medium') into a sublevel of the ontologically more inclusive and fundamental (from a relative standpoint) Mental Subtle Realm. From reading Basarab Nicolescu and Stephan Lupascu, "A" (which could be the local and particulate) would reconcile with "non-A" (which could be the non-local and extended) when one represents the current or experientially present state and the other a complementary opposite in a potential state. Nicolescu, B: Transdisciplinarity and Complexity Thus, Aristotle's concepts of potentia and actuality proper to rational philosophical metaphysics are thus revived in an alternative fashion applicable to an incipient explanation of inter-reality exchanges. Energy is not lost and only what was actual kinetic energy becomes potential in a physical sense. In the process it is also transduced by the physical etheric-akashic field's negentropy and cancellation process into a useful form in the Mental Subtle Realm where it may acquire information patterns that will produce physical effects when the potential state returns to its original actual kinetic state. (Once again): "Entropy" as physically active information patterns in classical physical exteriors enters a relative 'potential' state (retreating to its quadratic autopoietic inside) and simultaneously becomes 'actual' and (through a transduction process that involves spacetime cancelation through "etheric" retrocausality) becomes available in the Subtle-Mental (astral) Realm, acquiring a space-less/timeless pattern. When the actual kinetic physical patterns are restored they include a modification in which information from the Subtle-Mental (astral) realm has been introduced. That information can generate physical effects through the now more specifically organized restored kinetic patterns when physical informatin becomes more available and physical entropy has been "repaid." That part of the Physical Realm that -through this cancellation- has "temporarily" returned to the Subtle-Mental Realm (from which it originally diverged out of its state as a metaphysically meaningful, higher form of symmetry) retains the information patterns (in a non-local way) that correspond to its previous physical state and can (also perhaps non-locally and globally) re-couple with physical kinetic state patterns that still remain in their original non-transdimensionally affected form. The idea also is that information patterns in the Subtle-Mental (astral) Realm are more fundamental and pre-physical. Now, as they are once again part of the Subtle Realm (without the restrictions of space and time), they are also able to receive and (upon returning to a kinetic physical state) re-transmit Subtle-Mental Realm, information patterns creating 'anomalous' physical effects back in the Physical Realm. Perhaps when a ghost (a semi-conscious, confused or overly attached discarnate individual) is about to create a physical effect from a Subtle realm level closest to the Physical, he-she wills to do something (which as Professor William A. Tiller might say, brings together a greater degree of physical symmetry between the ordinary and complementary physical spaces) diminishes kinetic energy in the "haunted" physical environment, This is often experienced and detected as an actual drop in temperature and as a coldness deeply felt by people in their own bodies as well). Then the ghost or discarnate is automatically able to transduce this kind of energy into his (mind-responding) "astral" or subtle vehicle through the complementary, negentropic physical space which -in the entropic physical space- temporarily converted it into a potential form of energy that can be released. The same quantity of energy would remain in the Physical Realm and only its pattern be rearranged by being transferred into a potential state and therefore energy conservation would not be violated. Only the previous vaguely organized kinetic or action/actualizing energy patterns (now in a potential state in the Physical Realm) would become amenable to subtle, volition-responding, information structuring from a being operating with a Subtle Realm vehicle through Subtle Realm laws. The once physically active kinetic patterns now in a potential state would become holographically - but also transdimensionally - synchronized via retrocausal influence with subjectivity-responding Subtle Realm patterns. If the entity moves an object, becomes opaque to light or impresses on an electronic instrument some electromagnetic changes he-she discharges the physical pattern of kinetic energy temporarily held in a potential state in his Subtle Realm vehicle. If he-she doesn't actively and willingly discharge this energy pattern, the entropic tendency in ordinary physical space will force a discharge to naturally take place (and the kinetic energy state to be returned) for instance in the form of heat or of a focalized "heat spot" or higher energy anomalous spike (also detected by ghost 'hunters' or survival researchers during their physical and electronic investigations). As previously said, energy is not lost. Only a temporary shift between kinetic and potential energy takes place. There's transduction via the retrocausal aspect of the quantum world (which at least also includes the time-space holographic frequency aspect along with the virtual particulate aspect). While in the physical world energy becomes temporarily potential it is transduced into a Subtle-Mental (astral) useful form that - in that level - can be imprinted by subjectivity, intention or will. New information patterns are acquired in the Mental-Subtle (astral) Realm and the original physical kinetic-potential balance affected by the larger surrounding physical system outside of the "anomalous local region" or "bubble" is restored and the modified, kinetically active energy patterns reconnect or re-couple with the remaining classical spacetime energy patterns. As kinetic patterns re-establish themselves in the classic physical world they may do so modified by new information patterns capable of using that kinetic energy and producing "paranormal" and physically detectable "anomalous" effects. The cooling down effect experienced in some of these interactions in direct space time would represent a decrease in kinetic energy and entropy. Accompanying this, there would be an increase of potential energy or perhaps a greater degree of potential energy stored as greater thermodynamically free energy (in direct space-time) would be transduced through reciprocal time-space and/or 'hidden' through quantum retrocausal influence into a “format” which may be useful in the Mental-Subtle Realm after causal space-time is canceled with that retrocausality available in time-space. As previously said, this retrocausality is normally internally available in the microscopic quantum world but when it cancels out regular time-forward causality physicality reverts to null space and null time. A part of the Physical-Gross Realm reverts to the Mental Subtle Realm creating an entropic debt that has to be returned and also a form of usable non-space and non-time energy usable in the Mental-Subtle Realm. Information itself in the higher symmetry of the Mental-Subtle Realm would be the origin of physical energy before splitting into (remember the quadrants of Integral Theory) an exterior objective space-time and an interior subjective time-space which normally remains hidden in the Physical-Gross Realm but allowed in the quantum world. Its higher symmetry causal laws operate under the simultaneity of subjective interiors and objective exteriors. Dr. Robert Koontz, PhD mentions in his web page magnetic field cancellation producing "scalar waves." In my understanding scalar waves are real but in another complementary level of physical reality which generates entropy or negentropy according to the way its frequency vortices gyrate. The quantum wave function can be relativistically interpreted to allow such an associated level in which time-reversal is possible. However in our ordinary, specifically symmetrically divided experience under a greater degree of duality, it seems that the negentropic aspect is mostly expressed in the reciprocal space and the entropic aspect is expressed in the space of our ordinary conscious experience. Magnetic vortices correlates in reciprocal space may generate the way causal time is expressed. Since the curl of the magnetic field might represent such a vortex in reciprocal, frequency space, cancelling the magnetic curl would create a null time and null space region akin to the so-called Mental-Subtle Realm (and/or “astral world”) in which exteriors as possibilities of experience are said (according to multiple mediumnistic descriptions, near-death experiencers, out of body projectors and instrumental transcommunications) to instantly respond to subjective causes...if that's the experience required in a particular level of consciousness. In other worlds, exteriors essentially conform to subjective requirements and the experience of separation in time or space is relative to the need of the experiencer. Nonetheless, after cancellation, a specific pattern would remain in contact with the specific coherent physical universe frequency-system from whence it came. If perhaps we could cancel the magnetic field curl, creating this region of time-zero/space zero we would be able to operate under a higher metaphysical symmetry and still interact with that which remains as part of ordinary physical space. If to this magnetic cancellation we were to add a strong divergence between + and – poles in a dielectric (as Dr. T.T. Brown used to do in his electro kinetic apparatus), we might also potentiate or achieve a much stronger electrogravitic effect. All of this may be related to the same basic ideas exposed here. The degree of coherence between D space-time and R time-space would determine both what a discarnate ghost may temporarily do and how extraterrestrials living in a less restricted but stable physical universe reality (a subset of the Physical Realm just as our known physical universe is) may temporarily alter our physical conditions under specific information patterns or regulations (also geometric) corresponding with their particular physical universe reality. They would use the non-physical to reprogram or temporarily alter regions of our physical universe creating 'anomalous' physical effects basically as some discarnate spirits do. Having Near Death Experiences may also “open portals” to the Mental-Subtle Realm basically also by increasing the degree of coherence between D space-time and R time-space perhaps in the brain holographic decoder and-or in the nearby physical environment also allowing for memory transfers or imprinting of the "spaceless-timeless" (or rather, space and time adaptable Mental-Subtle exterior environment) experience. Some extraterrestrials may perhaps live in physical realms with greater permanent degrees of “D and R” coherence, including with more chronon density (more events and information processing available) and in which spatial factors are less restrictive and where the possibility of actualizing events through consciousness is greater. In relation to ghosts and conscious, self-aware hauntings, after an environment cools down due to a decrease of kinetic energy, interactions with the larger environment probably end up restoring it to its original state but this kinetic energy (temporarily becoming more potential) is transduced/transferred in usable form to the null-space- null-time of the Mental-Subtle Realm and may return to its original state after being restructured by the mind of a conscious being located in the Mental-Subtle Realm. If the original kinetic energy state does not return by producing a specific “paranormal” effect (such as the discarnate entity becoming opaque and visible, or partially material or if he/she doesn't produce an anomalous movement or sound, the original kinetic state may spontaneously return to the general environment by producing molecules to become more agitated and heat without any specific structuring. As kinetic energy states are restored, free thermodynamic energy would diminish and the local symmetry between D space-time and R time-space would decrease. Useful free information (including potentially new information in the Mental-Subtle Realm) would be decoupled from D space-time when its degree of symmetry with R time-space decreases. Also, the variety of holographic frequencies which can be decoded through PCAR (phase conjugate adaptive resonance) would decrease not allowing an enhanced interaction of our physical reality with other physical realities. Historical information causally crystallized as structural patterns would remain (perhaps slightly modified) but return to its less retrocausally available or systemically open patterns (and through it closed to new possible Mental-Subtle) open patterns. Thus active information from the Mental-Subtle Realm transduced into the Physical-Gross Realm but which doesn't normally correspond to the Physical-Gross Realm regular symmetry state would become inactive. Previously described effects such as gamma ray bursts, air ionization and static electricity may also be ways in which the kinetic energy is restored while the locally modified environment returns to its original state(s). I wonder if Kaluza Klein particles and micro black holes would also manifest as local physical reality would slightly shift towards what can be understood as a higher dimensional 5D 'spatial' frame and as explained in my essay “A Worthy Attempt to Solve the Enigma of Extraterrestrial UFO Propulsion”
Why is the disc shaped so prevalent in depictions of genuine UFOs? Several possible reasons: 1) A natural, equal omnidirectional distribution of charges along the surface of a capacitor, charges which can be specifically concentrated, allegedly generating electrogravitic impulse in the direction of the positive charges. 2) A shape that allows for the containment of rotating and counter-rotating plasma and/or other fields which may fractally reverberate in a coherent way (like in a single quantum state) in opposition to gravity's natural frequency so as to cancel it. 3) The possibility of that shape serving as the structure for a compact particle accelerator capable of producing Kaluza-Klein gravitons out of the 5D (spatial) "bulge" (according to RS1 "Warped Geometry Theory") accompanied by micro black holes that might cancel ordinary lower energy gravitons. 4). Could it be that what may be called a “lesser physical density and/or a “higher vibrational physical reality” would be understood under RS1 Warped Geometry Theory (a String Theory) as a partial displacement into the 5D “bulk?” Could it be that harnessing longitudinal, scalar waves could help to accumulate negative organizing energies and warp spacetime in this direction? The generation of a self-sustaining double torus "ether flux" for the optimal resonant feedback accumulation of "exotic" negative energy suitable for generating an Alcubierre spacetime distorsion. This toroidal ether flux would also conform to the vector equilibrium geometry first described by architect Buckminster Fuller and then also by physicist Nassim Haramein who studied it to find the inner, balanced structure of the vacuum. With this geometric figure 12 vectors could almost come together balancing all vector forces producing singularity. But there was some asymmetry left and then Haramein found an even more balanced geometry: The 64 tetrahedron grid which is fractal and can collapse into a double torus.
Perhaps the physical universe is a finite closed system open to inner levels of reality that converge into non-physical levels and this convergence sustains its existence from the conversion of information into patterned energy. Perhaps “torsion fields” non-locally connecting at the subquantum level through posited virtual “phitons” (or similar particles) which distort the local spacetime metric in entropy producing and entropy assimilating or in negentropy producing and negentropy absorbing events that have non-local connection as posited by physicists Claude Swanson and Shipov based on the alleged discoveries of cosmologist Kozyrev. Perhaps, as Shipov and Swanson posit, the spin of particles with mass (perhaps connected through “phitons”) adds a distortion to spacetime when they accelerate or change spin direction in order to maintain the conservation of energy, momentum and angular momentum. And perhaps their experiments (for instance with highly sensitive torsion pendulums in a vacuum) really show that there is measurable left-handed torsion at the point of origin in irreversible, entropy increasing events and right-handed torsion in reversible, entropy-decreasing events. Perhaps their experiments also really show that the rate of time and the density of time increases or decreases according to those entropy increasing-entropy decreasing events which would be non-locally connected as advanced waves and retarded waves carrying particle spin-based information. And this would be instantly connected in a big exchange throughout the entire universe. Perhaps advanced waves and negentropy-increasing torsion fields take the geometry of interior, counter-rotating tori complementing the exterior, time-forward tori associated with classical, consciously perceived events. At the “subquantum level” (La Violette's etherons? virtual particles?) torsion fields are said to interact both with consciousness and matter and to explain what psychic healers and Chi masters are able to do. The torsion field would be like “the threads that form spacetime” and modifying them may allow us to modify gravity or material “density” (for instance allowing a genuine Brazilian healer or an abducting extraterrestrial to pass through solids). Perhaps the information aspect of the torsion field also prevents interactions among any of the possible physical universes in the Physical Realm, or allows them partially or completely depending on whether they are in-phase or out of phase or if they can be experientially “read into” through phase-conjugate-adaptive-resonance. Distorting spacetime would allow to generate psychic and paranormal effects. In my view the subquantum level of the “torsion field” should correspond with Ervin Lazslo's “akashic field.” Left-handed torsion would be negentropic and syntropic in living organisms coinciding with the work of Ulisse Di Corpo and Antonella Vannnini. Perhaps the concept of information carried in holographic information waves also at least partially coincides with the patterns in the torsion field allegedly maintained by interconnected/intercommunicating mass particles through their spin. Perhaps, as Kozyrev said: “Time carries order or negative entropy (negentropy) and it is either emitted by a system when its order decreases, or absorbed by a system when its order decreases.” This might mean that in a non-local entropy-negentropy universal economy time (as order) is emitted (decreases) at the source (or cause) when entropy increases and time (as order) is absorbed (increases) at the effect where negentropy increases. (From Claude Swanson's “Life Force, The Scientific Basis, p. 301). Perhaps all the previous “pieces of the puzzle” of inter-reality and inter-realm contact not only are compatible but function as one. Perhaps the disc shape seen in many UFO encounters correlates with artificial means to causally reconnect with "hidden" negentropy in physical systems, generating objective cancellation ratios between causal and retrocausal influences and, along with that, a greater degree of connectivity with the Subtle-Mental (astral) Realm. A greater causal effectiveness of dipolar asymmetries in conventional electromagnetic plasma fields may ensue. If the virtual particle field and flux can be considered as a deeper kind of "plasma field," more amenable to intention but which can also interact with more conventional classical fields, perhaps their (from our classical perspective) disorganized, "semi-real," intermediary 'particles' (also connected with "real" particles that can "collapse" and/or "decohere" into spacetime) can now be more closely aligned with classic forms of plasma whose charges can now be divided and concentrated. Connecting these two plasmas - a classic spacetime plasma with the non-classic, virtual plasma defining spacetime - might also be another way to return a lower physical symmetry condition back into a higher non-physical symmetry toto or at least partially disconnecting an object within that field from its surroundings...locally disconnecting inertia from its holistic dependence as Ernst Mach may have envisioned. Perhaps inducing wave forms in virtual particles through specific frequency resonances by means of classic plasmas and fields might shield inertial mass which according to Dr. Harold Puthoff is due by resistance of movement through zero-point virtual particles might also be another way to modify the relation between the Physical and Subtle-Mental (astral) domains. Dr. Tom Valone mentioning Dr. Oleg Jefimenko mention the use of short high voltage and low amperage electric pulses that can shield inertial mass. Since F = m.a applying a small vectorial force to a shielded inertial mass would produce significant acceleration. file:///C:/Users/Guest/Downloads/IJG_2015042015204020%20(1).pdf Perhaps the small thrust in the direction of the positive charges as seen in some T. Towsend Brown's apparently non-classified electrokinetic experiments using disc shaped dielectric capacitors (also perhaps demonstrated in a high vacuum environment and thus not altogether a product of "ion wind") would be applied to objects whose inertia had been annulled by shielding. That inertia shielding effect (and electrogravitics) would have been classified since the 1920's. Dr. Steven Greer (with a good understanding of "transdimensional" physics) mentions these pulses as very specific "high voltage resonant fields" depending on the "substrate" being used (such as crystalline materials, water, air, magnetic coils) and that if we create a "vector into the zero-point energy field" and "a certain counter-rotating vortex," we can "get what is called lift" and a phenomenon known as "electromagnetic gravitics" and an opening of the Poynting Vector into the zero-point field, bringing in "overunity." Dr. Greer also mentions that this is "not anti-gravity" since the object creates its own environment in "its own spacetime bubble" and that eventually the object can go through another level and also become completely masless entering into a transdimensional physics phase and another dimension. I notice that he uses the term "dimension" basically to mean a "reality," including non-physical, "astral" reality. One of the “tricks” needed to make the previous ideas work may be using the “longitudinal waves” that the great (perhaps greatest) XX Century inventor and visionary Nikola Tesla spoke about. In these waves the field pointer points in the direction of propagation. A scalar field may be considered as a “hidden” energy and information field. Relatively speaking it would be potential but nonetheless physically effective. As per Integral Theory, it may express “endoquadratically” or “inside” the objective and interobjective quadrants of contingent physical reality. A scalar field is not affected by 3D space rotations or translations and can produce directional longitudinal waves. Longitudinal waves are plausible components of electromagnetism that seem to exist in a deeper complementary level and were compatible to Maxwell's original equations using his complex “quaternion” mathematics. However, Oliver Heaviside over-simplified Maxwell's equations and – in spite of E.T. Whittaker's 1904-1905 work also compatible with their existence – they were taken out of the official picture. Thereafter, textbooks preserved only Hertzian transversal waves against Tesla and other eminent electrodynamicists' opinions. The existence of the directional, vectorial component in a scalar field potential is being demonstrated by professor Konstantine Meyl from Germany and one of their effects is wireless transmission of energy. Apparently, they cannot be shielded by Faraday cages. They also seem to be transluminal according to the product of wavelength times frequency. They appear not to degrade with distance and to be able to sustain an ubcorrupted vibratory pattern. Dr. Meyl expanded Maxwell's Theory and brought it back into a field description. By studying the information in Tesla's patent 512340 Dr. Meyl was also able to coil equipment (using pancake coils and high frequencies) in ways that generate these waves. He apparently has been able to turn an electron into a ring torus vortex. The The vectorial electrons and longitudinal waves are “scalar” because they are complemented by a scalar potential field but, in themselves, are vectorial and can transmit energy and information. Allegedly, the scalar vortex can be programmed by vibrational patterns and transmit them to biological components like nerve cell axons and DNA. While, Tesla spoke about electric longitudinal waves, Dr. Meyl also found a magnetic scalar longitudinal wave component that would be highly biologically active and that I believe – if proven - may be linked to the self-organizing, retrocausal syntropy utilization of living organisms. ( One more reason that longitudinal scalar waves seem to really exist is that magnetic monopoles in a real magnet were detected in 2009 by the Helmholtz Center. Paul Dirac (also working on a quantum relativistic physics) showed that magnetic monopoles had to exist if electric waves were quantized (and they are). Helmholtz EM wave equation is compatible with Tesla's concept of longitudinal waves. the existence of magnetic monopoles would make the vector potential A no longer necessary. Thus, Meyl proposed a vortex description without vector potential A and with div B ? 0 According to Dr. William Tiller, access to these monopoles existing in a “reciprocal” “magneto-electric” space, itself within a more complex higher dimensional framework would permit the generation of asymmetry and become a great source of energy extraction. We would return to a science that would have developed a long time ago if some 'weighty' opinions such as Lord Kelvin's considering that Tesla's longitudinal wave quanta carrying energy had to be vortices in the ether or J.C. Maxwell and J.J. Thompson's thinking that the vortex theory of matter was more fundamental that the theory of particles. According to Dr. Meyl, “the scalar part of the wave equation describes longitudinal electric waves (derivation of plasma waves).” This makes me think that a scalar plasma waves can be used to modify a more normal plasma substance using monopole-based asymmetry and this might produce greater receptivity to intention imprinting. Moreover, the plasma might be housed and toroidally rotated-counter-rotated with a specific spacetime cancellation frequency using Haramein's plasma container or something similar. From a particulate aspect, connection between intention and the plasma via reciprocal space would also take place through “deltrons” (exterior particles in the in the Subtle-Mental (astral) Realm) capable of interacting with Reciprocal Space's magneto-electric, time/frequency-dominant “substance” which, in turn, in Fourier Transform fashion, could be translated into modifying phase-conjugate classically-experienced physical objects. Thus, many mutually-reinforcing factors seem to be known and the generation of longitudinal “scalar” waves seems to be possible. However, the precise frequencies for the precise cancellation or shielding of gravity (and inertial effects according to Mach's Principle) may have to be found. Perhaps it can be found empirically, for instance by experimenting with frequency interactions between intense DC and AC fields using Van de Graaf genrators and Tesla coils if what has been called the “Hutchinson Effect.” (see also: Apparently, Dr. Meyl shows that a scalar energy capacitor stores in the scalar field and discharges as vectorial scalar waves in wholistically connected transmitter-receiver systems. The wholistic (whole-part) connection would be the relation between the insides and outsides of objective physical quadrants in which the insides are tangential and/or part of the non-physical Subtle-Mental (astral) Realm. I suppose that by manipulating the ratio between space-time and time-space through longitudinal waves and associated means might alter the continuity of “standing waves” that take the form of objects (and systems of objects) of classical, stable, physical matter. Dr. Meyl demonstrates that a grounded receiver not connected to an external energy source receives energy wirelessly and reacts to a longitudinal wave emitter with which it can resonate. Transmitter and passive receiver act as one whole system and supposedly the open capacitor draws energy fields from the environment so there's no energy loss. LED lights in the receiver show that the necessary voltage has been transmitted wirelessly. The near-field effect would not be sufficient for the passive receiver's LEDs to light up. Dr. Meyls also mentions that there is an over-unity effect. Dr. Meyl speaks about a potential (constructive) vortex and shows that the permittivity dialectric constant need not be complex. Through the relation: potential whirls/potential vector b dielectric losses can be explained as whirl losses of disintegrating potential whirls. For Tesla's high voltage experiments the Earth providing grounding was important. Would an extraterrestrial (or human back-engineered) vehicle flying in Earth's atmosphere benefit by “grounding” itself using Schumann's fundamental standing wave resonance and harmonics? According to Dr. Meyl, apparently, the longitudinal scalar wave group is able to transport energy superluminally. If scalar longitudinal waves propagate primarily through the dimension of Time (and completely of “time-space”) and not of space and if they carry energy and information, could they exist in what Dr. William Tiller calls “reciprocal space” or perhaps in Dewey Larson's “time-space?” Do they have retrocausal wave component previously hypothesized and would these components now be more amenable to being concentrated, programmed and utilized, for instance to cancel classic space-time so as to produce a closer connection with the Subtle-Mental (astral) Realm?
ReviewingTo review the main idea for the situation in ghosts generating physical effects, when there's physical cooling, the physical kinetic energy becomes physically potential and "hidden" but through a retrocausal influence (increased by a greater connection and symmetry between D and R space) it is transduced into a kinetically useful non physical, Mental-Subtle form whose exteriors/energies/objects causally respond to conscious intention in that realm. The “negentropic etheric” may act as a TRANSDUCER serving the astral entity to coat itself with a blend of energies from the Physical and the Subtle realms. This “transducer” may not only be like a “virtual” etheric body connecting with the Subtle-astral world but become relative stable and undergo a “charging phase” (in which physical energies are not lost but their ordinary activity is sent to a potential state) and a “discharging phase” (in which a physical manifestation in ordinary space-time “reality” is briefly achieved). When the original state in the Physical Realm returns to normalcy it will also do so with an added "returning" kinetic energy pattern that has been imprinted by a discarnate mind and is temporarily capable of producing "anomalous" physical effects. If the effect is strong enough it may produce levitation and teleportation and materializations and not only opacity and other eye-visible and/or photographic effects. If the effect can be artificially generated by extraterrestrials controlling the coherence/symetry between D and R spaces including the programming of kinetic patterns using the spacetime transcending and containing, Mental-Subtle (astral) Realm, it may allow them to combine with our ordinary physical universe the information patterns of alternative parallel physical realities, timelines, their energy levels, degree of classical restrictions (densities) with which they normally operate. Several compatible factors related with each other may produce this greater symmetry between D and R spaces in which the 'actual' consciously perceived causal and the 'potential' hidden (but quantum-relativistically allowed), unconsciously and intuitively perceived retrocausal influences may cancel each other out of physicality and back into the Subtle-Mental (astral) condition. For instance, multiple rotating-counter rotating toroidal plasmas and/or Bose-Einstein condensate superfluids (not obeying particulate Pauli's Exclusion Principle but instead "wholistic" force field statistics), may perhaps not only produce spacetime cancellation resonances but modify the materialization and organization of virtual particles into a self-sustaining toroidal flux? Also, the generation of Kaluza-Klein gravitons and mini black holes cancelling regular low energy gravitons affecting our universe (our universe understood as a low energy "brane") and taking the spacetime vehicle into a 5D "bulk" towards a high energy "brane" (according to RS1 Warped Geometry Theory) may be compatible and supplementary of other means to distort spacetime, for instance contracting it in the direction of travel and expanding it behind (as in "Alcubierre's Warp Drive") also using thick ring shaped (toroidal) capacitors that may not need enormous amounts of negative mass-energy as previously expected (something which I attempted to describe in "Surfing into the Cosmos More Likely" Will a high frequency electric field or an electromagnetic field or high frequency induced on a plasma (any of these) in phase or out-of-phase with virtual particle frequencies associated with the frequencies a gravitational field modify gravity and also produce Kaluza-Klein gravitons and micro black holes? I don't know...perhaps. Will the generation of these frequencies in a toroidal capacitor perpendicular to a spacetime vehicle facilitate the formation of an Alcubierre Warp Drive due to an easier accumulation of negative energies and spacetime distortions? I don't know but I suspect it might. Perhaps the canonical Alcubierre drive model may be modified to obtain practical results. This is being explored by NASA's engineer Harold White currently conducting experiments on alternative propulsion systems. Disconnecting an object from the rest of the universe might even make it invisible by moving it into the 5D "bulk" posited by "RS-1" Theory (a String Theory). Achieving the specific high frequency by making a field or a plasma conform with the geometry of a double, self-sustaining torus displaying Fibonacci distribution might also be necessary as this geometry also conforms with the dynamic vector equilibrium that can represent the balanced vectorial forces in the vacuum. The work of physicist Nassim Haramein is quite pertinent to this. In Haramein's model there's a geometric form (a 64 tetrahedral 3D figure with a vector equilibrium core) which can pulsate and rotate forming a double torus. It represents energy and information going in and coming out of the vacuum and singularities like black holes at the center of every (or most) galaxies as well as other toroidal rotation objects (allegedly like the Sun and the proton) where this energy-information exchange or circulation takes place.
Regarding the toroidal form, it seems to me that Sawyer's "EM DRIVE" also works using a torus shape acting as a tapered waveguide that differentiates and enhances how microwaves interact with zero-point virtual particles. Among other importants achievements, using his Holofractographic Model Haramein successfully predicted a more exact proton mass than was available until a 2013 more accurate muonic measurement. He also had previously patented a device to replicate the magnetohydrodynamics of plasmas present in astronomical structures. The circuit around the container is made of 12 "ribs" that can be sequentially pulsated to produce rotation of the electric charges around the container. Haramein mentioned that after he did this he placed a crystal inside the container and that it began to create anomalous effects and a pulsing hum. It would have interacted with the vacuum. Perhaps a double toroidal field was formed interacting with the vacuum. The plasma container looks to me as the alleged core of some UFOs which might be extraterrestrial craft. Perhaps specific frequencies might also be imparted on the plasma within the container perhaps making it coherent as a Bose-Einstein condensate as yet another method to reach the energetic vacuum not only in its particulate aspect but in its time-dependent, information frequency holographic aspect, thus being able to modify the stable characteristics of classical physical objects. Perhaps this resonating plasma can then be programmed through coherent intention with mental information from what I have been calling the "Subtle-Mental (astral) Realm." Some of the work by Emeritus cosmologist Rudy Schild regarding how the Quantum Hologram may apply to spacecraft projecting or propagating itself as quantum information materializing in our local spacetime continuum would suggest this possibility. Perhaps a type of plasma can be fabricated bombarding it with “Tesla (or longitudinal, scalar) waves” and it might then become more receptive to this intentional imprinting. Perhaps rotating it to form a fractal vector equilibrium based double torus might generate a field that gradually disconnects a vehicle from exterior gravitational fields and inertia. The Quantum Hologram model has to be studied. This model includes and transcends both a net physical explanation about the extraterrestrial hypothesis (normally associated - but not limited - with the idea of technologically advanced physical beings) and this model also includes Dr. Jacques Vallée's proposal of a cybernetic-like information 'control' mechanism. The QH possesses an aspect interpreted as information frequencies. It also possesses a classical, particulate aspect when the coherent decodifiers of those frequencies (as objects) coincide with the phases of those frequencies. Objects as partially whole and partially incomplete parts would need to decodify in order to preserve themselves due to their fundamental incompletion and their need for coherence or self-consistency. In Integral Theory we would say that they constantly need to "reach out," to associate horizontally or vertically becoming part of a more inclusive unit. This is not far from the idea of objects as de-cohering entities and as observers. This also coincides with the idea of measurement extended all the way to consciousnesses, a consciousness "collapsing" or actualizing a set of specific probabilities which must coincide with a particular physical system's need for self-consistency competing against coherence. The existence of specific decodifying (out of an information realm of far vaster possibilities) may extend to all scales (self-similar fractal scales) particularly if there is a form of panpsychism at every scale. After considering that phase resonance with holographic information waves available in a universal physical information field might determine with what physical universe we interact, I wonder if some events linked to the other methods (like generating KK gravitons and micro black holes) simply occur together with the former. Perhaps “phase resonance” is like a dimensional factor defining stabilizing and combining physical realities. While in an Alcubierre Drive method the warped spacetime bubble apparently created inside the negative potential torus would be "flat" and the vehicle inside the bubble (its own spacetime reference frame) would experience zero acceleration and (also in this reference frame) not go faster than the speed of light, this vehicle would remain solidly physical to its occupants. Acquiring negative organizing energies capable of warping spacetime (perhaps into a 5-dimensional frame) may be achieved by being able to produce scalar waves perhaps rotating them in a manner similar to Dr. Nassim Haramein's patented "12-rib" plasma-containing device creating high speed frequency rotation and counter-rotation as a self-sustaining double torus. Perhaps the thick toroidal ring-shaped capacitor experimented by Dr. Harold White from Eagleworks Labs can be adapted to accumulate negative energy in such ways. However, the other method of using information imparted on a coherent plasma might also be partially linked to what Dr. Steven Greer also specifically calls a "transdimensional" method in which the entire craft get to the “crossing point of light” being completely dematerialized and transferred into the non-physical, "astral" realm (the Subtle-Mental realm) outside space time, acquiring new spacetime physical coordinates and then re-materializing. This process would include imprinting the coordinates where occupants in a state of coherent thought linking and meditation want the vehicle to re-materialize (any particular spacetime) by utilizing the holographic information field but also by 'momentarily' going beyond it. From an Integral Theory/AQAL perspective, our particular etheric or akashic field configuration acting as an intermediary between the non-physical, Subtle-Mental (astral) Realm and our particular Physical Realm physical universe (a subset of the Physical Realm) would show both a material particulate, "Exterior" aspect and a meaningful information-based, "Interior" aspect. Some holographic theories would emphasize the time-space, information-based frequency aspect and some ether-compatible theories would emphasize a zero-point virtual particle vacuum aspect. But both would be inextricable from each other and equally necessary. Perhaps quantum probability waves represent a set of existents or "real" objects that may cohere with our actual system of physical objects primarily experienced as our "physical universe." The superposed objects represented would really exist in alternative spacetimes but be mostly experienced as potential, virtual or semi-real for us in order for our physical reality system to maintain coherence. They would also coincide according to various degrees with our particular sub level in the quantum vacuum itself defined by a particular degree of uncertainty and specific probabilities according to a specific quantitative variable Planck's Constant, and the particular akashic or "etheric" field inclusive of (in terms of AQAL's exterior material objects) + - virtual particles in the quantum vacuum and (in terms of AQAL's subjective-intersubjective information "interiors") of meaningful frequency information field patterns as specific time-forward and time-backward possibilities allowed, programmed or assigned from the Subtle-Mental (astral) Realm containing all possible configurations for physical universes. The etheric/physical akashic medium would rise out of the mental experiential possibilities (in which objects of the mind are co-causal with subjective experiences), subdividing into a lower symmetry in relation with a lower realm as + and - virtual particles and as + and - causal and retrocausal information influences. In terms of whole/parts (or holons) it would act as the physical whole aspect of the parts/whole complementarity and, in turn, this "whole aspect" could be considered as a "part" of the next more inclusive level of reality...the Subtle-Mental (astral) Realm. The fact that they are semi-real or "virtual" with respect to classical physical reality allows them to mediate between our predominant time-forward, entropic conscious awareness in classical reality and an "astral" experience in which the appearance of exterior "mental objects" is instantly represented under null space and null time mechanisms. As previously said, a dipolar pre-materialization into time + and time - accompanying virtual particle and information frequency components would derive from a higher metaphysical symmetry condition/reality in which the causality of subjective/qualitative "initia" is co-equal with objective/quantitative "inertia." Retrocausal physical influences would be teleological and flexible bringing in new possibilities creatively and causal physical influences would be deterministic bringing in order and structure. While both co-exist equally symmetrically in the quantum world, from an experiential level focused upon exterior physical objects we generally guide our conscious behavior based on the past than teleologically on what could be. From the more encompassing Subtle-Mental Realm level, null time and null space (affecting the appearance of "mental objects" as exterior and material meaningful objects equally affecting as with feedback our subjective experiences) is a more balanced and self-evident "truth" but, from a physical perspective, null space and null time could be seen as a re-absorption of the lower metaphysical symmetry into the higher metaphysical symmetry due to the mutual cancellation of time-forward and time backwards causal influences. An idea: Every possible experience exists as actual within God (we can understand it both as meaningful and as objective reality) but relative conscious experiences accompanied by illusory exterior material forms exist as relatively actual and potential to each other. The set of existents/real objects allowed for our primarily perceived physical system are not perceived as actual objects until a measurement is made. Perhaps decoherence of superposed quantum systems due to their interaction with classical systems is also a type of measurement involving consciousness, the consciousness and intelligence of a system preserving its coherence. The "existents" (even as probabilities) already exist in their own level but ACT as potentially existing until measurement. As mentioned, they would be a subset that derives from all possibilities for all physical universes. They are whole probabilities, potentially existing to be "collapsed" or actualized as parts /particles by measurements connected to consciousness. Perhaps both an ontological understanding of the wave function and a knowledge gain (epistemological) understanding of the wave function are possible through a transdimensional understanding. The Absolute Non Dual Consciousness-Being (encompassing and surpassing both relative consciousness and being) always present hidden as our particular relative experiences exteriorly (accompanied and constrained by mental and physical objects) may be the only of the superposed states in the wave function transcending and including both the information and the ontological reality of contingent objects of which we are also possessed. Both realistic QM interpretations (like David Bohm's “Holomovement” incorporating a "Pilot Wave" and a “Quantum Potential,” Hugh Everett's "Many Worlds") and collapse/probabilistic/consciousness-actualizing QM interpretations (Bohr's "Copenhagen Interpretation," Born's "Probability Wave" and Von Neuman's wholistic extension of the measurement problem in the "Copenhagen Interpretation" into the role of the experimenter's consciousness), could they all be correct if there was a 'collapse' of ontologically real entities appearing as virtual, potential or probabilistic in relation to our primarily perceived exterior material objects? The relation between what is "real" and what is "probabilistic" would be a relation between what is "actual" and what is "potential" - relatively speaking - across levels of reality. Once again, what we need to remember is that the ontological is inextricable from the epistemological. Thus, a future integrative mathematical treatment of interpretations that seem irreconcilable would have to accommodate both "realistic" and "collapse" interpretations. They would also have to include some form of retrocausality-including interpretation such as John Cramer's "Transactional Interpretation," Aharonov's "Time-Symmetric Quantum Mechanics" or those like Wheeler and Feynman's some of it is being demonstrated through experiments that entanglement also exists beyond time-forward linear causality. We need to find coherent guidelines across all scales and levels of existence. Holography and self-similarity; an etheric information field with a particulate aspect mediating between the Physical-classical and the Subtle-Mental realms seems to be part of this. I also think that symmetry considered in rational-metaphysical and mathematical-physical ways is important. Besides that, "holon" (part-whole) relations between actual and potential states across the realms seem to be important to bring all these QM interpretations together without contradictions. Further CommentsFrom a holographic perspective, these real objects and their information contents describing them would be in phase or out of phase with our primarily experienced holographically decoded universe. Both holography and a transdimensional -integrative approach might reconcile the main interpretations of Quantum Mechanics. Let's remember that the physical akashic field or "ether" can be understood both as particulate and as time-frequency and/or wave-information based. And the latter could be scalar and superluminal according to the energy density of the vacuum of space (actually spacetime) which depends on the degree of 3D uncertainty making possible the brief 3D apparition of time-forward - time-backward pairs of virtual particles, a unspecified dynamism which may also be modified by electromagnetic resonant frequencies. And with this, spacetime itself would be modified. From a "holonic," Integral Theory perspective, the former would act as its "whole" aspect and the latter as its parts aspect. In turn the whole, (time frequency and wave information aspect) would correspond to the parts aspect of the more inclusive and fundamental Subtle-Mental (astral) level of existence or contingent reality. In transdimensional terms relating quadrants across realms, the frequency aspect would correspond to the "insides" of the objective quadrants (see upcoming diagram) and these "insides" would correspond to the "outsides" of the same quadrants in the Subtle-Mental (astral) Realm. Biologist, and integral philosopher Lexi Neale develops this and other related concepts very well. I think that a good alternative way to speak about the “insides” or “outsides” of the quadrants might be to refger to the “endo” and to the “exo” aspect of the quadrants or of the “endo quadratic” and “exo quadratic” aspect. The “insides” or “endo quadratic” aspects of each quadrant are connected as “parts” in the wholistic “outsides” or “exo quadratic” aspects of the corresponding quadrants in the higher, more inclusive realm. They could also be thought of as “tangentially connected” or “connected as a ratio” with those “outsides” or “exo quadratic” aspects that more primordial realm level. The degree of connection would act as a “membrane” between realms and, if it increases, more aspects of the subtler realm would become causally effective and experiential…from a collapse of the wave function perspective, more probabilities would be more easily collapsible into a coherent, self-consistent physical reality. The connectivity between the Physical and Non Physical Subtle-Mental realms arises as a type of "ether" including the zero point and retrocausal particulate and information frequency "membrane" perhaps generated as a balanced (Sattvic) relation between Rajasic Subtle-Mental “interior” and Tamasic Physical-Classical “exterior” experiential-ontological principles. Thus, there is both a continuity and a separation between the realms also maintaining the whole-part relation. In fact, the insides of the less inclusive Physical Realm may be considered as component "parts" of the outsides of the Subtle-Mental Realm. The connectivity between the Subtle-Mental (astral) Realm and the Causal-Seed Realm would also be mediated by its own Sattvic state or membrane. The connections between realms can be depicted by a line forming a torus and going through the quadrant's insides into the outsides of the more inclusive quadrant and again through the insides of the next more inclusive quadrant until it goes across and through the three main realms of relative existence. The center would be infinitely small representing the non-dual Source and the line would twist and form a torus encompassing the three realms with its wider section at the hypothetical limit of the Causal-Seed Realm. Outside of this last or most primordial realm would be equivalent to the infinitely small center. In Quechua Andean cosmovision this center from which Life (Kausay) emerges is called "Chaupin" meaning "the center of its center" and it is also seen as an opening in many depictions of the Andean Cross or "chakana" (which in turn shows three levels at the periphery of four sides suggesting that the Quechua - who valued the complementarity of opposites - understood the same pattern I have been trying to present). We need to understand how connectivity works in order for us to collectively take seriously in an ethical, philosophical personal and cultural worldview basis the fact that "everything is connected"...physically, locally and non-locally, information-wise, and meaningfully connected. That understanding must be a necessary fact to collectively create a more powerful integral...or rather "integrative" peaceful, dynamic-harmonious and livable planetary civilization synergistically utilizing syntropic or convergent information and energy to meet our economic needs. It must be present in the education of current and upcoming generations in order to propitiate the development of what Wilber may call "Second Tier" integral-level individuals who will not mis-use the technology. However, I'd rather not use the word "integral" since it is too directly associated with Integral Theory itself which, in spite of its many important contributions, may still be too limited to some prejudices in its main proponents still under the close influence of a narrow intellectual modern-postmodern cultural milieu. ConclusionThe different approximations, discoveries, hypothesis and theories briefly exposed here often refer to multiple levels of reality or to an expansion of concepts about “reality” We have cursorily explored Tesla scalar longitudinal waves, Nassim Haramein's 64 tetrahedron grid, his plasma container and holofractographic model, the quantum hologram, an akashic field with a particulate and a wave holistic information aspect, the possibility of entropy and organized kinetic patterns transduced into a non-physical realm, re-patterned and returned to the physical realm producing detectable effects. We have seen that there are equations that show a hidden retrocausal influence, the convergence of Tiller's Reciprocal and Direct Space becoming more interactive under a higher symmetry that probably enhances mind-over-matter effects. We have mentioned the compatible concept of “time-space,” The idea (under RS-1 Theory of weak brane gravity cancellation when a vehicle moves into a 5D “bulk.” We have touched upon ThomasTowsend Brown's “electrokinetic” effects and “electrogravitics,” Kozyrev and Shipov's “torsion” fields. We have thought about the importance of information and of phase conjugate adaptive resonance (PCAR) perhaps another “it from bit” perspective). We have touched upon realistic and probabilistic and consciousness-based quantum theory interpretations, and the “Peltier Effect” as well as Konstantine Meyl's experimental production of longitudinal waves and I have tried to show that all of these approaches converge as plausible aspects of a larger scientific model under preliminary conjectures that shed light on possible mechanisms by which some physically interactive paranormal and extraterrestrial events may actually take place overcoming classical physical limitations. Furthermore, under the idea of “inter-reality” and “transdimensional” contacts, I've connected these conjectures with an exploration of a highly inclusive integrative metaphysics (mostly an extension and elaboration of Integral Theory and acknowledgment of non-dual esoteric traditions and compatible cosmologies) which can include them in a way open to further knowledge accumulation and revision. I think that the combination of this larger scientific model and integrative metaphysics can transform existing insufficient worldviews helping us to generate a world philosophy transculturally respectful of the main discoveries and insights, assisting us to awaken to a vaster interconnected, “transdimensional” reality and to grow up into a more unified and intelligent species enabling us to establish conscious and mutually-enhancing relationship with interactive 'visitors' from other realities. Addendum: More on Scalar WavesInformation about “scalar waves” (in fact, longitudinal waves expressing a scalar potential) is being recuperated with practical demonstrations after more than a century of forgetfulness. That is being allowed and that if that is the case (as it seems), it is important – human society transforming – news. These waves may be a key to the future of wireless electric transmission, healing, gravity cancelation and much more. Nikola Tesla showed he could send electrical energy without wires. It turned out not to be good for business and it was also classified. He used longitudinal waves. The field pointer travels in the direction of propagation, much like sound waves and plasma waves do. Their potential is “scalar” but longitudinal wave vectors can be produced from them. However, they are simply called “scalar waves.” They can be used to send both information and energy. They could be used to heal or to alter a person or perhaps even an entire community. They can be imprinted with information patterns. They cannot be shielded by Faraday cages and apparently go through matter similar to neutrinos. They may even acquire neutrinos and gain energy from them as Dr. Konstantin Meyl posits. Dr. Meyl has reproduced Tesla's technology of generating electric scalar waves and demonstrates it. He also enhanced Maxwell's equations and discovered magnetic scalar waves which may affect biological systems and be used by them to communicate with little or no “noise.” Laplace's scalar (and longitudinal) wave components can be explained through the vortices Maxwell used as a dampening term. These 'scalar' longitudinal waves have closed field lines and cannot be easily detected. These longitudinal waves apparently acquire energy from the vacuum as they propagate so the possibility of extracting extra energy from our link as an open system to the vacuum of space, allowing for an (improperly called) “free energy,” exists. Their Poynting vector would coincide with the direction of propagation and – as a particulate aspect – we can visualize them as hidden vortical pulses themselves made of standing vortices and counter vortices.…perhaps expressions of a dynamic double torus geometry multi-fractal level connection and dynamism allowed by Nassim Haramein's 64 tetrahedron grid and the isotropic vector matrix and vector equilibrium exchange of information and energies between deep and exterior levels in the quantum vacuum. Perhaps, as Dr. Steven Greer says in his lectures, an object can be made to resonate using high voltage, high frequency, low amperage electric energy field, being affected so as to tilt outside of spacetime (its spin?) and made to disappear into another “dimension.” I think that what Dr. Greer calls “dimension” actually is another “parallel” physical reality system stemming from a different ratio of how Subtle-Mental and Physical Realms combine. Perhaps the type of Poynting vector and electric field used to achieve this effect derives from using electric scalar waves. Energy going in the direction of propagation is more convergent and I suppose it attempts to go back into the infinitely small toroidal center of the zero-point vortex just as water tries to find its course downhill. Perhaps the Hutchinson Effect is also based on producing a scalar field and effects taking place by means of – for instance – a specific interference or space-time/time-space mutually canceling “clash” of static and alternating current fields. The devices used in this case are several and complicated but the production of basic longitudinal waves seems to be much simpler. Dr. Meyl uses two flat pancake copper tesla coils, each attached to a spherical electrode. He also, like Tesla grounds a device. Scalar waves travel faster than light and their variable speed would primarily depend on wavelength and frequency modulation and other factors would be vacuum permittivity and (I suppose) the virtual particle energetic density of the quantum vacuum. Dr. Meyl demonstrates that the propagation speed faster than light varies slightly from place to place around the Earth according to the unitary resonance between transmitter and receiver in slightly different local transmission conditions of the local intervening medium. However, the vortex swirl velocity would be constant and thus the vortex would act as a frequency converter. The “knots” or longitudinal wave vortices would change diameter and wave length according to relativistic Lorentz contraction, becoming smaller the faster they go until reaching the speed of light. Also, as other longitudinal waves in nature, its speed should change according to the density of the medium it travels with. Scalar waves provide communication between the transmitter and receiver as a single or whole system. The transmitter of longitudinal waves “knows” if the receiver is on. It acts as a connecting whole between parts. It may express the retrocausal connection factor allowed in non-local quantum mechanics and entanglement. It should also act as an expression of a frequency domain in the physical quantum hologram and be useful to cancel spacetime and reconnect with a more fundamental non-physical realm in which the possibilities for all physical universes is given. Through resonance the receiver acquires electrical energy and can operate a motor or perhaps light a LED without the latter being hooked to an external power source or a battery. I think that these waves may have a negentropic effect and serve to produce over unity effects and may be useful to collect “negative energy states” that could help us to open worm holes, distort space time metric through a crystalline (and quasi crystals?) thick ring-like toroidal capacitor, and/or making them (similar to plasma waves as per their equations) rotate and counter-rotate producing a specific gravity-cancelling resonant frequency. According to ac reinterpretation of La Place's equation These scalar component, its vector vortices would exist as an inside component in the overall electromagnetic structure and were even considered possible in Maxwell's original equations (formulated in his “quaternions” with one real and three imaginary components) but were simplified by Oliver Heaviside in which the vector for scalar field was made = 0. According to Meyl regular tranversal wave EM emmiter may first emmit scalar waves at the antenna source and thi smight be detected in the “near field” as “noise.” The noise may be a product of the scalar vortices decaying and unfurling into transversal waves in the far field. However, they would re-group back as scalar waves at the reciver's antenna. I think this would be because scalar waves tend to benegentropic and to converge producing order or building structures. That order could be imprinted with a pattern and be used to heal, to produce over unity or to form a damaging structure, like a tumor. With the over-simplification, the possibility of contacts with realities beyond 3 spatial and 1 time-forward dimensions was “normalized.” Something similar happened with the dismissal of the negative square root solution of the Klein-Gordon equation and to a few other counter-intuitive (non-classical) but probably valid proposals in physics. As Dr. Scott Virden Anderson mentions in his “Putting Subtle Energies on the Scientific Map” QUATERNIONS (associated with the loss of commutation algebraic and geometric properties and with autopoietic or self- organizing and self-maintaining systems) may be used to describe the first levels of subtle energy (in between the physical and higher realms). Also, even more complex algebras (like octonions and sedenions) may also be appropriate to represent still higher/deeper subtle realms. . As Thomas Bearden and Konstantine Meyl explain, electrodynamic textbooks repeat the simplification and preserve limited future scientific developments and scientists have been repeating that ever since. In my view, it goes along with a temporary tendency and taboo against anything not corresponding classical intuitive perceptions of spacetime-separated reality but this can be overcome. The longitudinal waves were suppressed and speed-of-light-limit-obeying (spacetime limited) transversal Hertzian waves have been used in technological applications until today. Thus, in relation to the competing views between Tesla and Hertz, Hertz won the day for the conventional 'vanilla' (other realities, the “paranormal” and parapsychology-rejecting) 'scientific' and conventionally educated world. The longitudinal waves can be considered as standing wave vortices and I believe that – in relation to transversal EM waves – they would be more like the counter-rotating, less visible vortex accompanying tornadoes or as the inner vortex of self-sustaining double tori. They would be like the 'insides' of the exterior quadrants of Integral Theory. The scalar component may possibly relate more directly not only with negentropy but with retrocausal influences allowed in quantum-relativistic Klein-Gordon equation. They might be a key to increasing the symmetry between Direct Space Time and Reciprocal Time Space by allowing access to the latter, information-frequency predominant domain, including its negentropic qualities. By harnessing the negentropic – normally hidden – aspect we might cancel spacetime and return parts of it to its origin in the non-physical Subtle-Mental (astral) Realm. This could be done in various ratios (allowing greater interaction with that more fundamental realm) or perhaps it can be done completely to transfer completely outside of spacetime (and its complementary time-space). It is also likely that experiments on inertial cancellation and electrogravitics applied to a gravity field disconnected object were conducted by Dr. Thomas Towsend Brown and the key components also classified. Today we are re-discovering this kind of science connecting a hidden level of electromagnetic phenomena not only with how some ET-spacecraft functions but also with a shared mechanism related with many until now called 'paranormal' phenomena. It is likely that the possibility of transmitting wireless electric energy , canceling spacetime and perhaps gravity shielding, modification or cancelation was discovered late in the XIX Century through Tesla. Perhaps these inventions were suppressed or classified keeping us on a many-decades long entropy increasing, fossil-fuel course of events that would maintain a separation-based economics and politics in opposition of the course of action gradually being taken by our hidden exopolitical history. A key component of UFO-ET disclosure will relate to the use of scalar waves, explaining its cover-up, educating humanity on how to use them wisely and a organizing transition stage into a synergistic, non-polluting “scalar” economy and more integral world political system capable of dealing with this power overcoming classical spacetime separation. Professor Konstantine Meyl re-discovering Tesla inventions and expanding Maxwell's electromagnetic theory. Bibliography AddendumAmerican Anti-Gravity (2009). “The Hutchinson Effect: technical Interview with John Hutchinson.” Retrieved from: Bearden, T.E. (2002). “Energy from the Vacuum.” Santa Barbara, Cheniere Press. Greer, S. (2014). “The Crossing Point of Light.” Retrieved from Haramein, N. (2013). “Quantum Gravity and the Holographic Mass.” Hutchinson, J. 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