ADAPT sounds like a great new model. But, why do we need such a model at all? Why cant we just use the Integral model Ken Wilber has already provided? Because, in our view, Wilbers system is no longer adequate to the task. Ken Wilbers model of Human Development is highly impressive and extremely valuable. However, even his expanded Integral Operating System is not sufficiently inclusive, organized, balanced, differentiated, clear, consistent, unambiguous, explicit, complete, and correct. If a model lacks any of these qualities, it is not adequate for the crucial, real-life applications of Integral Theory for parenting, teaching, counseling, organizational consulting, academic research, or for orchestrating ones own growth and self-improvement.
To substantiate these bold contentions, we have made meticulous parameter-by-parameter comparisons between Wilbers IOS and the ADAPT Model. Of the total 258 comparisons, there are at least 75 positions where Wilbers interpretation is most in doubt and therefore most in need of re-consideration and revision. This installment is a detailed and rigorous description of those comparisons.
[To skip the introductory information, go directly to the large heading: NEW MATERIAL BEGINS HERE.]
-- Installment #4 of AQAL, the Next Generation --
Hugh & Amalia Kaye Martin
AQAL, the Next Generation
AQAL, The Next Generation is a radical condensation of a projected two-semester, graduate-level course. To make this complex model more accessible in this abbreviated form, we have divided the presentation into five installments:
{ Installment 1. Overview of ADAPT. ADAPT is a new model of Human Development derived from Ken Wilbers AQAL and his more extended Integral Operating System (IOS). ADAPT is not just one theory among many that purport to describe Human Development. Rather, as we shall show, ADAPT is the abstracted version of a universal model that people have used since ancient times to describe the progressions of human life. In this installment, we present the essential features of the ADAPT Model stripped of unnecessary explanations, elaborations, or justifications. To illustrate how growth works, we explain only the first of the eight Systems (see Installment 2 for the others). Lengthy explanations of certain concepts and methods have been omitted (see Installment 3 for the omissions).
{ Installment 2. The Systems of Human Development. A System of Human Development is a fundamental mechanism by which growth takes place -- a set of parameters that function together to move us along the Growth Continuum. There are eight different Systems that contribute to Human Development each with its own set of Dimensions, Participants, Processes, and modes of Togetherness. In this Installment, we first discuss the components of the eight Systems as a whole. Then we proceed through each System individually describing the parameters and showing how they work together to produce particular kinds of growth.
Installment 3. The Special Topics of ADAPT. This installment presents the three explanatory sections that
were omitted from Installments #1 and #2:
1) The Specific Processes of growth. Since the dawn of time, the
inventive human mind has discovered innumerable Methods by which specific kinds
of growth can be implemented. Those many Methods fall into 35 categories
we call the Specific Processes. The Specific Processes are all the specialized
Methods, Techniques, Therapies, practices, programs, activities, explorations,
studies, and focused experiences that move us along particular parts of the
Growth Continuum. In this section, we discuss these 35 Processes
dividing them into seven Themes of emphasis, and giving examples from one
Process within each Theme.
2) The Modes of Togetherness. Togetherness is the process by
which our Life Journey is Guided and Orchestrated. Guidance is the
process of choosing and directing our activities through all the alternatives
life offers us. Orchestration is the process of weaving together,
coordinating, and unifying all the Dimensions, Participants, and Processes that
comprise the growth process. In this section, we describe the 12 modes of
Togetherness four Collective modes, six Individual modes, and two Internal
modes. We grow best when we make use of all 12 modes.
3) Building the Next Generation of AQAL. Building the next
Integral Operating System will be a collaborative effort among numerous
Integral theorists and practitioners. In this section, we highlight the
best features from our ADAPT studies on -- showing how these studies can be
used to initiate dialog on this crucial topic.
{ Installment 4. How ADAPT Improves on Wilber. Ken Wilbers model of Human Development is highly impressive and extremely valuable. However, even his expanded IOS Model is not sufficiently inclusive, organized, balanced, differentiated, clear, consistent, unambiguous, explicit, complete, and correct. If a model lacks any of these qualities, it is not adequate for the crucial, real-life applications of Integral Theory for parenting, teaching, counseling, organizational consulting, academic research, or for orchestrating ones own growth and self-improvement. To substantiate these bold contentions, this installment makes meticulous parameter-by-parameter comparisons between Wilbers IOS and the ADAPT Model. We find at least 75 positions where Wilbers interpretation is most in doubt and therefore most in need of re-consideration and revision.
{ Installment 5. The ADAPT Slide Show. For the uninitiated, the ADAPT Model can be hard to assimilate and understand. This installment presents a comprehensive slideshow of the ADAPT Model, consisting of over 350 slides on PDF. In this highly accessible format, the system is broken into bite-sized chunks -- with graphics to illustrate key points, and tables and charts to explain important information. The slideshow is accompanied by the full text of AQAL, the Next Generation, with slideshow references in the left margin, so it is easy to follow along.
Downloads. To download the entire AQAL, the Next Generation article, click here.
To see descriptions of other ADAPT studies and by Hugh & Kaye Martin on, click here.
Permission to Use. Permission is granted to use these studies for any non-commercial purpose so long as attribution is given, and so long as the authors are notified beforehand.
Hugh & Kaye Martin have contributed six book-length studies on their ADAPT Model to Integral World several of which consistently rank among the Top 50 in IWs readership rankings. Hugh & Kaye are best qualified as integral practitioners and theorists because they have lead integral lives. Both have richly diverse backgrounds in a multitude of fields: personal transformation, natural medicine & health, artistic & creative expression, teaching & education, societal change, natural & cultural environments, advanced academics, and marriage & family. Hugh received his degrees at Swarthmore, Penn, and UC Berkeley. Kaye received her degrees and certifications from Cal State Fullerton and Bauman College. A detailed biographical background can be found at the back of Installment 1 and of the full study.
Please address you comments on this study directly to Hugh and Kaye Martin, [email protected].
-- Installment 4 of AQAL, the
Next Generation --
When taking an ocean journey, we need four things: a Map, a set of Voyagers, a Ship, and a Navigator/Captain. Each of these elements addresses a basic requirement for our journey:
{ Map. Where are we going?
{ Voyagers. Who is going?
{ Ship. What means will we use to get there?
{ Navigator/Captain. How will our voyage be guided and orchestrated?
Likewise, in our journey of Human Growth, we need four Domains Dimensions, Participants, Processes, and Togetherness. As with the Journey, each of these Domains addresses a basic requirement for growth to take place:
{ Dimensions. Where does the growth take place? The various areas of human experience where development occurs.
{ Participants. Who does the growing? The aspects of Identity or Self that participate in the growth process.
{ Processes. What means are used? The methods and techniques by which growth takes place.
{ Together-ness. How is it implemented? The modes by which the whole growth process is guided and orchestrated.
When all four Domains are complete and combined, they form an Integral model we call ADAPT All Dimensions, All Participants, All Processes, Together. In AQAL, the Next Generation, we describe this new ADAPT model what it consists of, how it arose, how it improves on Ken Wilbers own model, and why it should serve as the basis for a major upgrade of AQAL.
Ken Wilbers model of Human Development is highly impressive and extremely valuable. However, even his expanded IOS Model is not sufficiently inclusive, organized, balanced, differentiated, clear, consistent, unambiguous, explicit, complete, and correct. If a model lacks any of these qualities, it is not adequate for the crucial, real-life applications of Integral Theory for parenting, teaching, counseling, organizational consulting, academic research, or for orchestrating ones own growth and self-improvement. To substantiate these bold contentions, this installment makes meticulous parameter-by-parameter comparisons between Wilbers IOS and the ADAPT Model. We find at least 75 positions where Wilbers interpretation is most in doubt and therefore most in need of re-consideration and revision.
OUTLINE OF THIS INSTALLMENT. This installment consists of one section and three appendices:
Section 3. How ADAPT Improves on Wilber. Here we outline the various ways the ADAPT Model differs from Wilbers AQAL and IOS -- and how it improves on both of them.
Appendix 1. ADAPT and Wilber Compared. An extensive table showing 258 detailed comparisons between ADAPT and Wilber. Demonstrates there are at least 75 Wilber positions that are most in need of reconsideration. (Few readers will wish to read the entire table. Just browse through to get a feel of the major differences between the two models.)
Appendix 2. ADAPT Circle Diagram. The entire ADAPT system as one grand, multi-colored diagram complete with eight concentric circles and four quadrants.
Appendix 3. Ken Wilbers ADAPT. The same Circle Diagram, with Wilbers parameters substituted for our own. (Similarities between the two diagrams show the major points of comparison.)
[Begin your reading by perusing Appendices 2 and 3. These two circle diagrams summarize the major features of the ADAPT and Wilber models. They will enable you to place in context the points of comparison made in this article. Refer to them as you read through the various sections of the Comparisons Table in Appendix 1.]
[The first three paragraphs are repeated from Installment #1 for continuity.]
ADAPT sounds like a great new model. But, why do we need such a model at all? Why cant we just use the Integral model Ken Wilber has already provided? Because, in our view, Wilbers system is no longer adequate to the task. Ken Wilbers model of Human Development is highly impressive and extremely valuable. However, even his expanded IOS Model is not sufficiently inclusive, organized, balanced, differentiated, clear, consistent, unambiguous, explicit, complete, and correct. If a model lacks any of these qualities, it is not adequate for the crucial, real-life applications of Integral Theory for parenting, teaching, counseling, organizational consulting, academic research, or for orchestrating ones own growth and self-improvement.
To substantiate these bold contentions, we have made rigorous parameter-by-parameter comparisons between Wilbers IOS and the ADAPT Model. Of the total 258 comparisons, our analysis shows 127 points (categories 1-2, below) in which the two models are in total or substantial agreement but at least 131 points (categories 3-12, below) where the two models offer significantly differing positions. As we see it, those 131 divergent positions are especially deserving of further examination.
Further, of these 125 divergent points, there are 75 instances where the authors have a Confidence level of 90% or better in the ADAPT position. In other words, there are at least 75 positions where Wilbers interpretation is most in doubt and therefore most in need of re-consideration and revision. (For details of these comparisons, see Appendix 1: ADAPT and Wilber Compared.)
Our comparisons reveal 12 degrees of Divergence between ADAPT and Wilber ranging from total agreement to significantly differing conceptions:
1) Substantial agreement (77 instances). Wilber positions with which ADAPT is in total or substantial agreement. Ex: ADAPT and Wilber are in substantial agreement that Individual Growth occurs through a dialectic between the Experienced & Observed Selves (P1). ADAPT changes the names from Wilbers Proximate and Distal Selves to better characterize their functions in the Transition Cycle (PPR1).
2) Rendering explicit (50 instances). Positions implicit in Wilbers work that are rendered explicit by ADAPT. Ex: ADAPT makes explicit what is implicit in Wilbers Famous Tables that growth occurs through a series of alternating Stages & Transitions (D1+2).
3) Consolidation of concepts or versions (4 instances). Concepts or versions scattered about in Wilbers work that are collected, consolidated, and reconciled by ADAPT. Ex: ADAPT consolidates and reconciles the many versions of Wilbers Functional Invariants into a single list of the eleven Functional Constituents (P6).
4) Increased or broadened emphasis (2 instances). Wilber positions that receive significantly greater attention or broadened emphasis in ADAPT. Ex: ADAPT broadens Wilbers emphasis on Integral Institute to include many established Growth Centers (T9e), such as Esalen Institute.
5) Restatement, reorganization, or simplification of concept (6 instances). Concepts that are restated or reorganized by ADAPT for greater completeness or clarity. Ex: ADAPT restates Wilbers three-phase Embedding Cycle as a four-phase Transition Cycle (PPR1) to point up each phase at which Transitions can malfunction.
6) Differentiation (22 instances). Concepts that are differentiated into multiple levels or structures by ADAPT. Ex: ADAPT differentiates the many parameters of growth into four major Domains Dimensions, Participants, Processes, and To-getherness.
7) Expanded or reinterpreted conception or scope (40 instances). Features whose scope or function is significantly expanded or extended by ADAPT. Ex: ADAPT expands Collective Growth to include not just Cultures, but Groups of all sizes from couples and families to Ethnic Groups and Generations (P2b).
8) Modified or alternative methodology (4 instances). Occasions where ADAPT uses a significantly different or modified methodology for deriving information and interpreting concepts. Ex: ADAPT introduces the archetypal Journey of Life (or Human Odyssey) as a consistent, overarching metaphorical parallel to the growth process both to illustrate important points and as an analytical source for further insights.
9) Shift in emphasis or conception (2 instances). Occasions where ADAPT substantially shifts the emphasis from one concept or theme to another. Ex: In Therapies (T6b), ADAPT shifts the emphasis from mainstream psychiatry and clinical psychology toward growth Modalities that are often non-traditional, non-Western, Humanistic, and/ or body-inclusive.
10) Elevation of role, importance, or validity (5 instances). Concepts whose significance, role, or status in the development process is significantly elevated (or demoted) by ADAPT. Ex: ADAPT elevates the external processes Life Passages (D3a) to the status of true growth that is, an alternating sequence of Translation and Transformation, rather than Translation alone.
11) Added concept, parameter, or characteristic (42 instances). Concepts and parameters introduced by ADAPT which have no parallel in Wilber. Ex: ADAPT introduces the Generation Cycle (PPR6a) a Collective Process of Growth by which dynamic Cultures may evolve.
12) Substantially differing conception (4 instances). Substantially differing or conflicting positions between Wilber and ADAPT. ADAPT introduces an architectural model of Self where growth occurs simultaneously and correspondingly in the Realms of Body, Psyche, and Spirit. This contrasts to Wilbers archeological model of Self where growth proceeds sequentially from Body, to Psyche, to Spirit (DD3a, full version).
The existence of so many divergent interpretations on so many different issues is itself strong evidence that Wilbers conceptions are in serious need of reexamination.
Appendix 1: The Comparisons Table --
[Few readers will wish to read the entire table. Just browse through to get a feel of the major differences between the two models.]
The Table of comparisons between ADAPT and Wilber is designed to help the reader recognize the fine points of Ken Wilbers positions on human growth and to reveal instances where they may due for reexamination. The Table shows a point-by-point comparisons of the correspondences and Divergences between Wilbers positions (as defined primarily by his statements in Integral Psychology) and the ADAPT model organized by Domain and parameter. Citations for Wilbers positions will be found in our companion article The Fundamental Ken Wilber, published on
AREAS OF COMPARISON. The number of comparisons for each Domain and category are as follows:
1. ADAPT. 16 instances.
2. Dimensions. 96 instances.
3. Participants. 44 instances.
4. General Processes. 43 instances.
5. Together-ness. 30 instances.
6. Systems. 12 instances.
7. Specific Processes. 17 instances.
FORMAT OF THE TABLE. The Table below contains six columns:
{ Col. 1, Parameter number. The letter/number of the parameter from the ADAPT model of human growth.
{ Col. 2, Parameter name. The name of the parameter from the ADAPT model of human growth.
{ Col. 3, Type of ADAPT modification. The Type of modification made by ADAPT in Wilbers position (one of the 12 Degrees of Divergence).
{ Col. 4, Divergence number. A number indicating which form of Divergence applies.
{ Col. 5, Nature of ADAPT modification. How ADAPTs position on this parameter differs from Wilbers.[1]
{ Col. 6, Confidence in ADAPT position. The authors degree of Confidence in the validity of ADAPTs position expressed as a percentage.[2]
Appendix 1: Comparisons
Table |
Number |
Parameter |
Type of ADAPT modification |
Divergence number |
Nature of ADAPT modification |
Confidence in ADAPT position |
A |
A |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
Both ADAPT and Wilber differentiate between an Integral Theory that addresses the structure of reality, and an Integral Theory applied to Human Development. |
95% |
A |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit that an Integral Theory for Human Development can be far more detailed since we have far more information on which to base such a theory. |
95% |
A |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit that Human Development is a huge field that encompasses all areas of human endeavor where people grow and evolve. |
95% |
A |
Agreement |
1 |
ADAPT and Wilber agree that the AQAL parameters are Quadrants and Levels -- with Lines, States, Self, and/or Types often added in the extended version. |
95% |
Differentiation |
6 |
ADAPT differentiates between Wilbers more limited AQAL Model and his complete Integral Operating System (IOS) Model of Human Development.[3] |
95% |
Consolidation |
3 |
ADAPT collects all the parameters of Wilbers IOS into one comprehensive developmental model. |
95% |
A |
ADAPT: Domains |
Differentiation |
6 |
ADAPT differentiates the parameters of Wilbers growth model into four major Domains Dimensions, Participants, Processes, and To-getherness. [In our terminology, Wilbers expanded AQAL model consists of four Dimensions and two Participants.] |
95% |
A |
Added concept |
11 |
The four Domains are characterized as a new Integral model ADAPT: All Dimensions, All Participants, All Processes, Together. |
95% |
A |
Added concept or feature |
11 |
ADAPT substantially fine-tunes Wilbers IOS by revising and expanding the number and character of parameters that define Human Development. |
80% |
A |
Methodology |
8 |
ADAPT performs point-by-point comparisons between Wilbers positions and those of ADAPT, to reveal Wilber positions most in need of reconsideration. |
80% |
Aa |
ADAPT: Methodology |
Methodology: Metaphorical parallel |
8 |
ADAPT adds the archetypal Journey of Life (or Human Odyssey) as a consistent, overarching metaphorical parallel to the growth process both to illustrate important points and as an analytical source for further insights. |
80% |
Aa |
ADAPT: Methodology |
Methodology: Broadened sources |
8 |
Wilbers positions are largely derived from the psychological literature, the perennial traditions, and descriptions of therapeutic practice. ADAPT adds to these, further derivations from professional and personal experience -- including counseling clients, teaching school, studying imaginative literature, extensive personal growth experience, and raising children.[4] |
90% |
Ac |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
Both agree that Integral Theory is an investigation of the correspondences between all developmental systems, in all fields, from all four perspectives. |
95% |
Ac |
Added conception |
11 |
From a more personal perspective, ADAPT sees Integral Theory as an investigation of the structures, sequences, and systems that make human life significant and rewarding. |
90% |
Ac |
Expanded scope |
7 |
ADAPT expands the applications of Human Development to include parenting, teaching, counseling, organizational consulting, academic research, and orchestrating ones own personal growth and self-improvement. |
95% |
Ac |
Expanded scope |
7 |
ADAPT expands the applications of Human Development to include all areas of human endeavor where people grow and evolve fields as diverse as psychology and education, history and economics, science and technology, art and music, literature and film, ecology and metaphysics, ethics and social activism, health and sexuality, religion and pop culture. |
80% |
D |
D |
The Growth Continuum |
Substantial agreement, differing term |
1 |
Both agree that growth is the process of moving and progressing along the Growth Continuum. [Wilbers Morphogenic Field.] |
95% |
D |
The Growth Continuum |
Substantial agreement, differing term |
1 |
Both agree that the Growth Continuum is a Field of developmental parameters (called Dimensions) parameters that describe the various areas in which growth takes place. [Wilbers Morphogenic Field.] |
90% |
D |
ADAPT: The Growth Continuum |
Substantial agreement, differing term |
1 |
Both agree that humankinds greatest drive is to actualize the Growth Continuum by developing at a personal and collective level. |
80% |
Dimensions |
Added and expanded parameters |
11 |
ADAPT expands the total Dimensions to eight and adds several sub-Dimensions. (see D-sections below) [Wilbers AQAL contains four of these Dimensions Levels, Quadrants, Lines, and States.] |
85% |
D1a |
Stages |
Substantial agreement, differing terms |
1 |
Both agree that Human Development occurs primarily by progression through a series of Stages. [Wilbers Stage, Level, Wave.] |
95% |
D1a |
Stages |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit that Stages are the levels of development, maturity, enlivenment, or enlightenment through which we pass as we grow. |
95% |
Stages |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
Both agree that Stages are generally periods of Horizontal Improvement and Translation times when we are becoming better at and extending activities we already know how to do. [Wilbers Horizontal Translation] |
95% |
D1 |
Stage Growth |
Expanded role |
7 |
ADAPT gives growth within a Stage a role comparable to growth from Stage to Stage. [Wilber diminishes the role of Stage Growth, calling it moving furniture around on a particular floor of a building.] |
95% |
D1 |
Stage Growth: Horizontal Translation |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
Both agree that Horizontal Translation is getting better at activities we already know how to do, and extending those skills to related activities. [Wilber: same term] |
95% |
D1 |
Stage Growth: Assimilation |
Substantial agreement, differing term |
1 |
Both agree that Stages are periods of Assimilation [Wilbers Metabolism] times when we digest and metabolize the Discoveries of the previous Transition, turning them into established Traits [Wilber: same term]. |
95% |
D1-2 |
Stage & Transitions |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit what is implicit in Wilbers Tables that his Stages are actually two phases of the growth sequence, Stages and Transitions. (see D2 and D1+2) |
95% |
Transitions |
Substantial agreement, differing terms |
1 |
Both agree that Transitions are the quantum leaps that take us from one Stage to the next. [Wilbers Transformations or Fulcrums] |
95% |
D2 |
Transitions: Vertical Transformation |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
Both agree that Vertical Transformation means becoming something weve never been before. |
95% |
D2 |
Transitions: Discovery |
Substantial agreement, new term |
1 |
Both agree that Transitions are periods of Discovery occasions when we encounter situations and insights we will assimilate during our next Stage of development. |
95% |
D2 |
Transition Growth |
Substantial agreement, new term |
1 |
Both agree that Transition Growth occurs as we leave the familiar comfort of past (often-surmounted) challenges, and venture into the unknown territory of strange and daunting new challenges. |
95% |
Developmental Sequence |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit what is implicit in Wilbers work (especially in his Tables): Growth occurs primarily through a Developmental Sequence a series of alternating Stages and Transitions. [Wilbers Nest, Holistic Pattern.] (see D1) |
95% |
D1+2a |
Fundamental Developmental Sequence |
Rendering explicit, differing term |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit the all-inclusive series of Stages & Transitions that is implicit in Wilbers Tables (especially the vertical coordinate displayed on each page).[5] ADAPT calls this the Fundamental Developmental Sequence (FDS). [Wilbers Correlative Structure.] |
75% |
D1+2a |
Fundamental Developmental Sequence |
Rendering explicit |
1 |
ADAPT makes explicit: The FDS subsumes all other, more abbreviated Developmental Sequences and therefore allows Wilber to make direct correspondence between the developmental models of many different authorities. That these correspondences are the foundation for Wilbers Theory of Everything. |
70% |
D1+2a |
Fundamental Developmental Sequence |
Added concept or parameter |
11 |
For completeness, ADAPT adds to the FDS a step before birth (Heritage) and after death (Legacy). |
90% |
D1+2b |
FDS: Clusters |
Rendering explicit, differing term |
1 |
ADAPT makes explicit what is implicit in Wilbers Tables -- that the steps of the FDS can be condensed into 12 developmental Clusters. [Wilbers Fulcrum.] |
90% |
D1+2b |
FDS: Chakras |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit what is implicit in Wilbers Tables that the seven central Clusters in the FDS are comparable to the Western conception of the Chakras. (See also D3) |
70% |
D1+2b |
FDS: Chakras |
Expanded conception |
7 |
ADAPT expands Wilbers conception of the Chakras -- to encompass not just the Western concept of a consolidated FDS, but the Eastern concept of energy phenomena manifested simultaneously in the three internal Realms of Body, Psyche, and Spirit. (See D3) |
60% |
DD1+2 |
Collective Developmental Sequence |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
Both agree that Groups can follow a Developmental Sequence comparable to Individuals. (see P2) |
90% |
D3 |
Realms: Internal |
Substantial agreement, differing terms |
1 |
ADAPT agrees that our inner world of consciousness can be divided into three Realms [Wilbers Realms, Planes, Domains, Spheres, or Axes] |
90% |
D3 |
Realms: Internal |
Restatement and Simplification |
5 |
ADAPT restates and simplifies the three internal Realms into Body, Psyche, and Spirit.[6] [Wilbers Sensibilia/ Physio-Biosphere, Intelligibilia/Noosphere, and Transcendentalia/ Theosphere.] |
80% |
D3 |
Realm: External |
Added Realm |
11 |
ADAPT adds a fourth Realm of Life Passages the Realm of everyday life. [the external manifestation of Wilbers Gross realm] |
95% |
D3 |
Realms |
Rendering explcit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit that Realms are major spheres of human experience in which growth can take place by progression through Stages and Transitions. |
90% |
D3 |
Realm Growth |
Expanded application |
7 |
ADAPT emphasizes the potential for growth in all four Realms. [Wilber focuses almost exclusively on two of these what we call Psyche and Spirit.[7]] |
90% |
D3 |
Realms: Passages |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
ADAPT names and makes explicit that Passages are the processes of moving through the Stages of the Growth Continuum in each Realm. |
80% |
D3a |
Realms: Life Passages |
Added concept |
11 |
ADAPT introduces Life Passages as the external phases of accomplishment or achievement that occur as we progress through the biological Life Cycle. |
95% |
D3a |
Realms: Life Passages |
Elevation of role or status |
10 |
ADAPT elevates Life Passages to the status of true growth i.e. an alternating sequence of Translations and Transformations, rather than Translation alone.[8] |
95% |
D3b |
Realms: Psyche Passages |
Substantial agreement, new term |
1 |
Both agree that Psyche Passages are the internal phases of mental Maturation that occur as we progress through the Stages of psychological development. |
95% |
D3b |
Realms: Psyche Passages |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit what is implicit in Wilbers Tables that the psychological Lines may be conveniently collected into the Realm of Psyche Passages. |
95% |
D3c |
Realms: Body Passages (experienced) |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
Both agree that the body can be viewed from two perspectives -- the internal, Upper-Left, Experienced Body [Wilbers Felt Body or Body Self] , and the external, Upper-Right Observed Body.[9] |
95% |
D3c |
Realms: Body Passages (experienced) |
Added conception |
11 |
In consonance with the Eastern conception of the Chakras (D1+2), ADAPT proposes to add Body Passages as a separate Realm of growth. (See also PR 6/29) |
60% |
D3c |
Realms: Body Passages (experienced) |
Added conception |
11 |
ADAPT conceives of Body Passages as the internal phases of physical Enlivenment that occur as we awaken and connect to the Energy Centers of our body. |
60% |
D3d |
Realms: Spirit Passages |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
Both agree that Spirit Passages are the internal phases of spiritual Enlightenment that occur as we ascend through the Stages and States of spiritual Development. |
70% |
D3d |
Realms: Spirit Passages |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit that modes of spiritual development may be collected into a distinct Realm (but see D8). [A substantial proportion of Wilbers Tables outline spiritual development sequences.] |
60% |
DD3a |
Realms: Architecture of Self |
Differing conception |
12 |
ADAPT introduces a architectural Retrofit or Multi-Functionality Model of the Architecture of Self. [Wilber employs an archeological Stacked Model.[10]] |
70% |
DD3a |
Realms: Architecture of Self |
Differing positions |
12 |
ADAPT derives from the Retrofit Model of Self that growth among internal Realms takes place in parallel. [rather than in sequence as in Wilbers Stacked Model] |
80% |
DD3b |
Tree-like growth |
Differing conception |
12 |
ADAPT conceives of human growth as a tree-like with growth occurring simultaneously and reciprocally in roots (Body), trunk (Life), branches (Psyche), and buds (Spirit). [vs. Wilbers ladder, spiral, or floors of a high-rise building -- where growth occurs primarily at the top level] (see D1+2b, Chakras) |
90% |
DD3c |
Inter-Passage Growth |
Substantial agreement, differing term |
1 |
Both agree that growth over a lifetime often proceeds from internal to external to internal. [Wilbers U-shaped growth pattern[11]] |
85% |
DD3c |
Inter-Passage Growth |
Expanded conception |
7 |
ADAPT expands Wilbers U-shaped growth to incorporate all 3 Internal Realms Body, Psyche, and Spirit. (see D5c, Trajectories) |
70% |
DD3c |
Inter-Passage Growth |
Expanded conception |
7 |
ADAPT characterizes the three phases of Inter-Passage growth as Immature Essence, Persona, and Mature Essence focusing the process on the Persona that must be built up and broken down over the course of a lifetime |
75% |
DD3c-d |
Inter-Passage Growth, Romantic Fallacy |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
Both agree that Inter-Passage Growth is not the return to innocence of the Romantic Fallacy. |
90% |
D4 |
Arenas |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit that Arenas are the specific areas of activity within each Realm where growth takes place. [Wilbers Lines] |
95% |
D4 |
Arenas |
Differentiation |
6 |
ADAPT differentiates Wilbers Lines into the nested categories of Arenas, Lines, Studies, and Issues. |
95% |
D4 |
Arenas: Differential Growth |
Substantial agreement, added term |
1 |
Both agree on Differential Growth -- that growth may take place at different rates in different Arenas, and that one may therefore be at different Stages in each. |
95% |
D4a |
Life Arenas |
Added concept |
11 |
Corresponding to the added Realm of Life Passages, ADAPT posits a set Life Arenas spheres of activity in which we live our everyday life. |
95% |
D4a |
Life Arenas |
Added set of features |
11 |
ADAPT names ten different Life Arenas using categories familiar to the counseling and coaching professions. |
95% |
D4b |
Psyche Arenas |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
Corresponding to the Realm of Psyche Passages, ADAPT posits a set Psyche Arenas themes of psychological development that characterize our inner life. |
95% |
D4b |
Psyche Arenas |
Consolidation of features |
3 |
ADAPT derives a set of eight Psyche Arenas by consolidating the psychological studies from Wilbers Tables. |
90% |
D4b |
Psyche Arenas |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
Wilber and ADAPT substantially agree as to the content of each Psyche Arena. |
90% |
D4b |
Psyche Arenas |
Added parameter |
11 |
ADAPT adds a ninth Psyche Arena of Leadership. |
80% |
D4c |
Body Arenas (experienced) |
Added set of features |
11 |
Corresponding to the Realm of Body Passages, ADAPT proposes a set of Body Arenas to be drawn from 1) Body-centered healing practices; 2) Body-directed alternative medicine; 3) Experiential, body-oriented psychotherapies; 4) Body-inclusive spiritual practices; and 5) The Eastern conception of the Chakras. |
60% |
D4c |
Body Arenas (experienced) |
Added feature |
11 |
ADAPT proposes as possible Body Arenas, Anodea Judiths categories of bodily Chakras:[12] Bodily locations, bodily systems, sets of organs and functions, glands, spinal and skeletal parts, bodily senses, and types of physical malfunction. |
60% |
D4b |
Spirit Arenas |
Added concept |
11 |
Corresponding to the Realm of Spirit Passages, ADAPT posits a set Spirit Arenas aspects of spiritual evolution that characterize our higher consciousness. |
90% |
D4d |
Spirit Arenas |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
Both agree that there may be several Arenas in which spiritual growth takes place. (see also D8) |
60% |
D4d |
Spirit Arenas |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
ADAPT agrees with Wilbers suggestion of five possible Spiritual Arenas Care, Openness, Concern, Religious Faith, and Meditative Stages. |
70% |
D4d |
Spirit Arenas: Myths and Archetypes |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
ADAPT agrees that Archetypes and Myths are the product of an archaic Stage of cultural development and that much so-called archetypal thinking may be infected by the Romantic Fallacy. |
90% |
D4d |
Spirit Arenas: Archetypes and myths |
Added characteristic |
11 |
ADAPT views Archetypes and Myths as having a broader function -- as a subtle language for describing, apprehending, accessing, and evoking many States of consciousness including the higher States (cf. Specific Process 3/17). |
80% |
D5a |
Polarities |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit that the universe is characterized by two fundamentally opposing forces -- variously called male and female, yang and yin, spirit and flesh, etc. |
70% |
D5b |
Directions & Trajectories |
Substantial agreement, differing terms |
1 |
Both agree that growth can be experienced in two contrary Directions either upward and outward, or downward and inward. [Wilbers Height & Depth] |
90% |
D5b |
Directions |
Expanded conception |
7 |
For the four Realms, ADAPT characterizes the Upward Direction as Achievement, Aliveness, Maturity, and Enlightenment. ADAPT characterizes the Downward Direction as Fulfillment, Grounding, Authenticity, and Compassion. |
70% |
D5c |
Trajectories |
Substantial agreement |
7 |
Both agree that the full course of our existence follows a sequential pair of Trajectories. Our life first traces an Ascending arc of Evolution; later, our life follows a Descending arc of Involution.[13] [Wilber: No term for Trajectories; same terms for Evolution and Involution.] |
80% |
D5c |
Trajectories |
Extended conception |
7 |
While Wilber focuses on the spiritual aspect of Evolution/ Involution, ADAPT applies this concept to all four Realms. |
80% |
Perspectives of Growth |
Substantial agreement, differing term |
1 |
Both agree that any growth experience may be viewed from four different Perspectives inner/individual, outer/individual, inner/collective, and outer/ collective. [Wilbers Quadrants] |
95% |
D6a |
Perspectives of Growth |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
Both agree that a complete and Integral development program must approach growth from all four perspectives. |
95% |
D6b |
Paths of Growth |
Extended concept |
7 |
Corresponding to the four Perspectives, ADAPT posits four Life Paths or types of life activity we choose to focus our attention on. [Wilbers Quadrants, applied] |
90% |
D6b |
Paths of Growth |
Extended concept |
7 |
ADAPT characterizes the four Paths as the inner and outer Realms, combined with the Individual and Collective Participants |
90% |
D6a-b |
Perspectives & Paths |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit that we grow best when we include all four Perspectives and Paths. |
95% |
D7 |
Impediments |
Substantial agreement, differing term |
1 |
Both agree that Impediments are all the ways the growth process can be limited or obstructed. [Wilbers Pathologies] |
95% |
D7 |
Impediments |
Differentiation |
6 |
ADAPT makes explicit that Impediments may be differentiated into Challenges and Impasses. |
95% |
D7a |
Impediments: Challenges |
Added concept |
11 |
ADAPT defines Challenges as overt difficulties, demanding tasks, or tests of ones abilities and resolve faced by relatively healthy people. [Wilber: no term] |
95% |
D7a |
Impediments: Challenges |
Added concept |
11 |
ADAPT observes that Challenges can cause the growth process to become limited, restricted, diverted, denied, neglected, un-actualized, or avoided. |
95% |
PPR2b |
Actualization: Limitations |
Added concept |
11 |
ADAPT observes that Challenges are places where Actualization fails to take place, and where were left with Unrealized Opportunities, or Un-actualized Potential. |
95% |
D7a |
Impediments: Challenges |
Added concept |
11 |
ADAPT observes that Challenges can often be surmounted by Actualization Growth, with the help of a Counselor or Coach. |
95% |
D7a |
Impediments: Challenges |
Added concept |
11 |
ADAPT adds the conception that, when Challenges are not engaged and overcome, they become Limitations, and may eventually result in atrophy or Blight. |
90% |
D7b |
Impediments: Impasses |
Substantial agreement, differing term |
1 |
Both agree that Impasses are submerged or subconscious difficulties suffered by people with problems. [Wilbers Pathologies] |
95% |
D7b |
Impediments: Impasses |
Substantial agreement, differing term |
1 |
Both agree that Impasses are Blocks, Hang-ups, or Pathologies any condition that causes the growth process to become obstructed, thwarted, blocked, repressed, distorted, split off, repressed, or damaged. |
95% |
D7b |
Impediments: Impasses |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
Both agree that Impasses are symptoms of a pernicious Shadow Self, which was created by a Shadow Cycle. |
85% |
D7b |
Impediments: Impasses |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
Both agree that Impasses may sometimes be resolved by Restoration Growth, with the assistance of a trained Therapist. |
90% |
D7a-b |
Impediments: Challenges & Impasses |
Extended conception |
7 |
ADAPT observes that virtually every parameter in each Domain has potential Challenges, but that there are relatively few types of Impasse. |
80% |
D8 |
States |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
Both agree that States are the higher levels of consciousness experienced by mystics and translucents. [Wilber: same term] |
90% |
D8 |
States |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
ADAPT accepts Wilbers view that there are four higher States of consciousness Psychic, Subtle, Causal, and Non-dual. |
80% |
D8 |
States |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
Both agree that States are not progressions from one truth to a higher truth; they are phases of Awakening of increased awareness, illumination, and revelation of a single unchanging truth. |
80% |
D8 |
States |
Differing conception |
12 |
ADAPT views Spirit, not only as an Upper-Left internal experience, but as an Upper-Right objective reality. |
65% |
D8 |
States |
Expansion of concept |
7 |
In addition to Wilbers five possible conceptions of Spirit,[14] ADAPT suggests two others that Spirit may be a distinct Realm and/or a distinct Dimension. |
70% |
D8b |
Natural States |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
Both agree that Natural States are the four normal, non-induced States of consciousness waking/gross, dreaming/subtle, deep sleep/causal, and nondual. |
70% |
D8b |
Altered States |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
Both agree that Altered States are non-normal, often-induced States such as meditative States, mystical experiences, Peak Experiences, drug-induced States, and near-death experiences. |
90% |
D8b |
States: Peak Experiences |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
Both agree that Peak Experiences are temporary Altered States, which must be converted by assimilation to Permanent States (Traits) to have a lasting effect on growth. (see D3d) |
90% |
D8a |
Romantic Fallacy |
Substantial agreement, differing term |
1 |
Both agree on the Romantic Fallacy -- that primitive, archaic, mythical Stages may be mistaken for transcendent Stages or States. [Wilbers Pre-Trans Fallacy] |
90% |
D8a |
Romantic Fallacy |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
Both agree that the Romantic Fallacies are serious misconceptions, which cause much confusion and misdirection in the Counter-culture, Human Potential, and New Age Movements. |
90% |
D8a |
Romantic Fallacy |
Differentiation |
6 |
ADAPT differentiates the Romantic Fallacy into a pair of misconceptions the Romantic Fallacy and the Inverse Romantic Fallacy. |
90% |
D8a |
Inverse Romantic Fallacy |
Added Conception |
11 |
ADAPT characterizes the Inverse Romantic Fallacy as mistaking advanced Stages and States for low-level Stages or Pathologies. |
90% |
D8a |
Inverse Romantic Fallacy |
Added Conception |
11 |
ADAPT sees the Inverse Romantic Fallacies as serious misconceptions, which cause much confusion and misdirection in the Conservative and Fundamentalist camps. |
90% |
P |
Participants |
Consolidation of concepts, differing term |
3 |
ADAPT collects and consolidates into Participants the seven entities described by Wilber that partake in the growth process.[15] [Wilbers aspects of Self. Wilbers expanded AQAL 2 Participants Self and Types.] |
95% |
P1 |
Experienced & Observed Selves: Self System |
Substantial agreement, differing term |
1 |
Both agree that the Experienced & Observed Selves are our Self System [Wilber: no term. Wilber uses Self System to refer to the Distal Self.] -- the two parts of a dialectic by which the Self grows. |
90% |
P1 |
Experienced & Observed Selves |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
Both agree that the Experienced & Observed Selves are the central figures in our developmental process. |
90% |
P1 |
Experienced & Observed Selves |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
Both agree that the Experienced & Observed Selves proceed through the Stages & Transitions, using the mechanism of the Transition Cycle. |
90% |
P1a |
Experienced Self |
Substantial agreement, differing term |
1 |
Both agree that the Experienced Self is the observing, subjective, inside, I-Self -- the Self that identifies with our current Stage of development. [Wilbers Proximate Self] |
90% |
P1b |
Observed Self |
Substantial agreement, differing term |
1 |
Both agree that the Observed Self is the detached, objective, outside, Me-Self -- the Self from a prior Stage of development that we have transcended, or otherwise ceased to identify with. [Wilbers Distal Self] |
90% |
Individual & Collective Selves |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
Both agree that we can participate in the growth process both individually and collectively. |
95% |
P2a |
Individual Self |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
Both agree that the Individual Self progresses through the Stages and Transitions individually -- makes its own decisions, takes its own actions, and bears the consequences of its own behavior. |
95% |
P2b |
Collective Self |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
Both agree that the Collective Self progresses through the Stages and Transitions as a member of a group -- shares in decisions, participates in group actions, and bears collective responsibility for its behavior. |
90% |
P2b |
Collective Self |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
Both agree that Cultures can follow a Stage-related path of development similar to individuals, but spread over eons of time. (see P2b) |
80% |
P2b |
Collective Self |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
Both agree that Spiral Dynamics is a prime example of Collective Development for Cultures. |
80% |
P2b |
Collective Self |
Expanded concept |
7 |
ADAPT expands the Collective Self from Culture alone[16] to include all groups including couples, families, teams, workgroups, communities, ethnic groups, nations, Generations, and Cultures. (see also DD1+2) |
90% |
Types |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
Both agree that Types are profiles of personality that recur in human populations with a significant degree of consistency. |
95% |
P3 |
Personae |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
In the more restricted sense, both agree that Persona refers to the Membership-Self (conformist Role-Self).[17] |
90% |
P3 |
Types |
Differing conception |
11 |
In a broader sense, ADAPT views the Persona as our public face -- the set of attributes and behaviors we construct to enable the Self to play a part in the drama of existence.[18] |
90% |
P3 |
Types |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
Both agree that Types include Gender Types, Enneagram Roles, and personality assessment systems like Jungian and Myers-Briggs. |
95% |
P3 |
Types: Styles |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
Both agree that each Type proceeds through the Stages & Transitions in a Style characteristic of that Type. [Wilbers Voice[19]] |
80% |
P3a |
Gender Types |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
Both agree that Gender Types are the attitudes and modes of behavior that originate from ones sexual Gender the primary gender types being male and female. |
95% |
P3a |
Gender Types |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
Both agree that females go through Stages of growth comparable to males, but in a different Style. [Wilbers Voice] |
90% |
P3a |
Gender Types |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
Both agree that Stage Growth occurs in men primarily through Agency, in women through Communion. [Wilbers terms] |
90% |
P3a |
Gender Types |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
Both agree that Transition Growth occurs in men primarily through Eros, in women through Agape. [Wilbers terms] |
90% |
P3b |
Enneagram Roles |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
Both accept the Enneagram as a widely-recognized system for typing personalities. [Wilbers Enneagram Types] |
95% |
P3b |
Enneagram Roles |
Shift in conception |
9 |
ADAPT characterizes Enneagram groupings as Roles, to emphasize their function in enabling societal interactions. |
80% |
P3b |
Enneagram Roles |
Elevation of validity and status |
10 |
ADAPT views as credible the evidence that Enneagram Roles represent distinct and fundamental Types not just arbitrary personality categories. |
80% |
P3b |
Enneagram Roles |
Differentiation |
6 |
ADAPT distinguishes between Enneagram Roles that are Dominant and others that are Contributing. |
80% |
P3b |
Enneagram Roles |
Added characteristic |
11 |
ADAPT observes that, although Enneagram Roles do not grow, they can improve. That is, a particular Role can progress from Fixated Traits to Evolved Traits. |
80% |
P3c |
Birth-Order Types |
Added parameter |
11 |
ADAPT adds a Type called Birth Order a personality profile that derives from the order of ones birth among siblings. |
90% |
P3d |
Ethnic & Cultural Types |
Added parameter |
11 |
ADAPT adds a Type called Ethnic & Cultural a personality profile that derives from the order of ones ethnic and/or cultural origins and identification. |
90% |
P4 |
Shadow Self |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
Both agree that the Shadow Self is the Inner Saboteur or Gremlin -- any disattached, distorted scrap of identity that impedes or distorts the growth process. [Wilbers Sub-personality, Shadow Self] |
90% |
P4 |
Shadow Self |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit that the Shadow Self is typically produced by a Shadow Cycle, and can sometimes be resolved through Restoration Growth. |
80% |
P5 |
Multiple Identities |
Expanded conception |
7 |
ADAPT broadens the conception of Identity to include Multiple Identities -- situations where healthy Individuals can assume more than one Identity. |
70% |
P5 |
Multiple Identities |
Differentiation |
6 |
ADAPT differentiates Multiple Identities into two types Shifting and Broadening Identities. |
70% |
P5a |
Multiple Identities: Shifting |
Added characteristic |
11 |
ADAPT observes that we Shift our Identity when we shift our view among any of the four Fundamental Perspectives, and/or follow any of the four Fundamental Life Paths. |
70% |
P5b |
Multiple Identities: Broadening |
Added characteristic |
11 |
ADAPT observes that we Broaden our Identity when we become more Inclusive as to who or what we Identify or Empathize with. |
70% |
P6 |
Functional Constituents |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit that the Functional Constituents are the fundamental attributes of human nature -- the components from which the Self is built and the mechanisms that enable the Self to grow. [Wilbers Functional Invariants] |
90% |
Functional Constituents |
Collection and consolidation of versions |
3 |
ADAPT collects and consolidates the many versions of Wilbers Functional Invariants into a single list of the eleven Functional Constituents.[20] |
85% |
P6 |
Functional Constituents |
Rendering explcit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit that the Functional Constituents do not undergo Stage-like development, but that they do enable such development to take place |
90% |
P6 |
Functional Constituents |
Extended conception |
7 |
ADAPT observes that the functional capacities of Functional Constituents can be strengthened and improved through proper use. |
90% |
P7 |
Divine Presence |
Substantial agreement, differing term |
1 |
Both agree on the existence of a spiritual entity at the center of our lives, which ADAPT calls the Divine Presence. [Wilbers Spirit] |
80% |
P7 |
Divine Presence |
Differentiation |
6 |
ADAPT differentiates the Divine Presence into two separate aspects, Immanent and Transcendent corresponding to Core Self and Witness. (see also T12) |
75% |
P7a |
Divine Presence: Core Self |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit that the Core Self is pure Identity unaffected by material concerns, physical discomforts, or psychological obsessions and compulsions. [Wilbers I-I-Self, Ultimate Subject, or Antecedent Self.] |
70% |
P7a |
Divine Presence: Witness |
Expanded conception |
7 |
ADAPT broadens the conception of the Witness as the pervasive, overarching presence that presides over all aspects of our existence -- observing, guiding, cherishing, and protecting us. [Wilbers Witness, Pure Consciousness, Emptiness, Seer] |
65% |
P7 |
Divine Presence |
Reinterpreted conception |
5 |
ADAPT observes that the Divine Presence in its 2 aspects is the Participant that navigates the States of consciousness by awakening to them. [Wilbers Spirit] |
65% |
P7 |
Divine Presence: Immanent/ Transcendent |
Extended conception |
7 |
From a Western perspective, ADAPT equates the Immanent Presence to Christ (or His surrogate, the Holy Spirit), the Transcendent Presence to God. |
65% |
General Processes |
Number of Instances: 43 |
PR |
Processes |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
Both agree that the Processes are all the Methods and Techniques that move us along the Growth Continuum. |
95% |
PPR + PR |
General and Specific Processes |
Differentiation |
6 |
ADAPT differentiates between General Processes that are always in effect whenever growth is taking place, and Specific Processes by which specific kinds of growth can be implemented. |
95% |
PPR1 |
Transition Cycle |
Substantial agreement. Differing terms |
5 |
Both agree that transition from one Stage to the next takes place through a Process of Metamorphosis ADAPT calls the Transition Cycle. [Wilbers Fulcrum, Milestone, or Round.][21] |
90% |
PPR1 |
Transition Cycle |
Expanded conception |
7 |
ADAPT expands Wilbers 3-phase Embedding Cycle into a 4-phase Transition Cycle -- consisting of Identification, Differentiation, Re-identification, and Integration.[22] |
90% |
PPR1a |
Shadow Cycle |
Expansion of concept |
7 |
In the Shadow Cycle, ADAPT describes the phases at which the Transition Cycle can go wrong. |
85% |
PPR1 |
Shadow Cycle |
Added feature |
11 |
ADAPT describes a five-phase Shadow Cycle, consisting of Identification, Detachment, Re-identification, Disassociation, and Disattachment. |
80% |
PPR1a |
Shadow Cycle |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit that a Shadow Cycle can produce a pernicious Shadow Self, which creates an Impasse, which in turn interferes with the growth process. |
85% |
PPR2-3 |
Actualization & Restoration Growth |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit that there are two distinct approaches to the growth process Actualization for basically healthy people, and Restoration for people with problems.[23] |
90% |
PPR2 |
Actualization Growth |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit that Actualization Growth is growing forward meeting everyday life Challenges through a series of healthy Transition Cycles and other growth Processes. |
95% |
PPR2 |
Actualization Growth |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit that Actualization Growth is actualizing qualities for which we have an innate potential, by moving progressively to higher and higher Stages of development. |
90% |
PPR2 |
Actualization Growth |
Expanded scope |
7 |
ADAPT expands Actualization Growth to include other forms of growth beyond the individual Transition Cycle Evolution & Involution, Horizontal Growth, Collective Growth, and Awakening (PPR4-7).. |
95% |
PPR2 |
Actualization: Guide & Processes |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit that Actualization Growth can generally be facilitated by a Counselor or Coach, using any of the 35 Specific Processes (PR1-35). |
95% |
PPR2a |
Actualization Cycle |
Added concept |
11 |
For Actualization Growth, ADAPT reformulates the Transition Cycle as the four-phase Actualization Cycle consisting of Recognition, Engagement, Breakthrough, and Integration. |
90% |
PPR2a |
Actualization Cycle |
Elevation of function |
10 |
ADAPT identifies Parenting and Child Rearing as the original application of the Actualization Cycle. |
90% |
PPR3 |
Restoration Growth |
Substantial agreement, differing term |
1 |
Both agree that Restoration Growth means growing backward -- revisiting past Stage/s to resolve Impasses, so that normal, forward-directed Actualization Growth can resume. [Wilbers Therapies and Treatments for Pathologies.] |
95% |
PPR3a |
Restoration Cycle |
Added concept |
11 |
ADAPT reformulates the Transition Cycle as a six-phase Restoration Cycle consisting of Recognition, Resurrecting, Confronting, Re-experiencing, Re-integrating, and Resuming. [Wilbers Uncovering] |
85% |
Restoration: Impasses |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit that malfunctions in the Actualization Cycle often originate in the earliest Stages of life when the child is least defended and has the fewest tools for correct interpretation. |
90% |
PPR3 |
Restoration: Guide & Processes |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit that Restoration Growth can best be facilitated with the assistance of a trained Therapist, concentrating primarily on the Conscious Development Processes. |
90% |
PPR4 |
Evolution & Involution |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit that Evolution & Involution are the twin Processes by which Directional Growth takes place. |
90% |
PPR4 |
Evolution & Involution |
Differentiation |
6 |
ADAPT differentiates between Evolution in the Ascending Direction and Involution in the Descending Direction. |
90% |
PPR4a-c |
Evolution & Involution |
Expanded scope |
7 |
ADAPT identifies 3 manifestations of Evolution & Involution: Transcend & Include; Trajectories; and Gender Types. |
80% |
PPR4a |
Ev & Inv: Transcend & Include |
Restatement of concept |
5 |
ADAPT identifies 3 phases of Transcend & Include: Evolution, Disconnection, and Involution. |
90% |
PPR4a |
Ev & Inv: Transcend & Include |
Expanded application |
7 |
ADAPT identifies Transcend & Include as a form of Restoration Growth for healthy people. |
90% |
PPR4b |
Ev & Inv: Trajectories |
Expanded scope |
7 |
ADAPT identifies Life Trajectories as a form of Evolution & Involution played out over the course of a lifetime. |
80% |
PPR4c |
Ev & Inv: Gender Types |
Expanded scope |
7 |
ADAPT observes the tendency toward Evolution in Male Gender Types, toward Involution in Females. |
80% |
PPR5 |
Horizontal Growth |
Differentiation |
6 |
ADAPT differentiates between General Processes pertaining to Vertical Growth (PPR1-4) and those pertaining to Horizontal Growth. |
90% |
PPR5a-b |
Horizontal Growth |
Differentiation |
6 |
ADAPT differentiates Horizontal Growth into 2 forms Improvement & Translation and Equivalence. |
90% |
PPR5a |
Horizontal Growth: Improvement & Translation |
Differentiation |
6 |
ADAPT differentiates Improvement & Translation into 2 forms improving our abilities and translating our competence to other related abilities. |
90% |
PPR5b |
Horizontal Growth: Equivalence |
Restatement of concept |
5 |
ADAPT observes that Horizontal Equivalence is the Process by which different Personality Types manifest equivalent Styles at each Stage. |
85% |
PPR5b |
Horizontal Growth |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
Both agree that Personae and Types are true examples of Horizontal Equivalence. That is, one does not generally grow from one Type to the next.[24] |
90% |
PPR6 |
Collective Growth |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit that Actualization Growth and Restoration Growth can occur not only with Individuals, but also with groups of people. |
95% |
PPR6 |
Collective Growth |
Expanded conception |
7 |
ADAPT expands the Processes of Collective Growth to include not just Cultures, but groups of all sizes couples, teams, ethnic groups, etc. |
90% |
PPR6 |
Collective Growth |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit that Collective Growth can take place through the same mechanisms as Individual Growth (PPR1-3). |
80% |
PPR6a |
Generation Cycle |
Added Concept |
11 |
ADAPT introduces an additional mechanism for growth at the Cultural level, the four-phase Generation Cycle consisting of Prophetic, Reactive, Civic, and Bureaucratic. |
65% |
PPR6a |
Generation Cycle |
Added feature |
11 |
ADAPT observes that a small number of great people typify, influence, and dominate each Generation. |
60% |
PPR7 |
Perspective Growth |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit that we can grow by broadening the Perspectives from which we view and orchestrate our lives. |
90% |
PPR7 |
Perspective Growth |
Differentiation |
6 |
ADAPT differentiates Perspective Growth into Fundamental Perspectives and Inclusiveness. |
90% |
PPR7a |
Persp. Growth: Fundamental Perspectives |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit that we grow by broadening our viewpoint, interests, and actions to incorporate all four Fundamental Perspectives. |
90% |
PPR7b |
Persp. Growth: Inclusiveness |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit that we grow by broadening the scope of our Identification or Empathy to include different Gender Types, different Ethnic Types, or other forms of Diversity. |
90% |
PPR7a-b |
Persp. Growth: Fund. Persp. and Inclusiveness |
Expanded conception |
7 |
ADAPT observes that Perspective Growth enables us to assume Multiple Identities either Shifting or Broadening. |
70% |
PPR8 |
Awakening |
Substantial agreement, differing term |
1 |
Both agree that, whereas normal Actualization Growth is the Process of changing from one Stage to the next, spiritual transcendence is the Process of Awakening to a truth that is unchanging and eternal [Wilbers Waking Up] |
80% |
PPR8 |
Awakening |
Substantial agreement, differing term |
1 |
Both agree that we awaken to the Divine Presence [Wilbers Spirit] by ascending through a series of States whereby the Divine Presence is progressively revealed. |
80% |
PPR8 |
Awakening |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
Both agree that State Growth occurs as we increase our capacity to move fluidly among the higher States of consciousness. |
85% |
T |
Together-ness |
Substantial agreement, differing term |
1 |
Both agree on the need to coordinate integrate all strands of the growth process. [Wilbers Integration] |
95% |
T |
Together-ness |
Differentiation |
6 |
ADAPT differentiates between two modes of implementing the growth process Guidance and Orchestration. |
95% |
T |
Together-ness |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit that Guidance is the process of choosing and directing our activities through all the alternatives life offers us. [Wilbers Navigation] |
95% |
T |
Together-ness |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit that Orchestration is the process of weaving together, coordinating, and unifying all the Dimensions, Participants, and Processes, and modes of Together-ness that comprise the growth process. [Wilbers Integration] |
95% |
T |
Together-ness |
Expanded scope |
7 |
ADAPT broadens the range of Guides and Orchestrators to include: individuals, groups, situations, resources, relationships, counselors, guides, environments, internal capacities, among others. |
95% |
T |
Together-ness |
Broadened emphasis |
7 |
ADAPT increases the emphasis on the experiential aspect of Orchestration, as a supplement to the cognitive.[25] |
95% |
T |
Together-ness |
Differentiation |
6 |
ADAPT differentiates between three types of Guidance & Orchestration: Collective, Individual, and Internal. |
95% |
T1-4 |
Collective Guidance |
T1-4 |
Together-ness: Collective |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit that we receive Collective Guidance & Orchestration in the growth process from various resources in the Society and Culture we grow up in. |
95% |
Together-ness: Parent/s |
Elevation in importance |
10 |
ADAPT emphasizes the key role of Parenting in the growth process both Parenting as the central Process of child-raising, and Parenting as the primary prototype for adult growth Processes. [Wilber makes little mention of Parenting except implicitly as a source of certain pathologies.] |
95% |
Together-ness: Society & Culture |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit that Society & Culture guides & orchestrates our lives by providing a set of role models, a series of lessons on living life, a process of behavioral reinforcement, and a ready-made system of values to conduct our activities by. [The influence of Society & Culture is implicit in Wilbers Cultural Evolution.] |
95% |
Together-ness: Holistic Growth Situations |
Added feature |
11 |
As an important mode Together-ness, ADAPT adds the Holistic Growth Situation -- a cluster of experiences that offers many diverse opportunities for growth in a single integrated activity. [Wilber: not mentioned] |
95% |
Together-ness: Authorities |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit the value of Authorities -- people with exceptional knowledge and wisdom whose work sheds light on and contributes to our growth. [Wilbers own Integral Worldview has been formed largely through the study of innumerable Authorities. Ken Wilber himself is a major Authority ADAPT advocates as a Guide.] |
95% |
T5-10 |
Individual Guidance |
T5-10 |
Together-ness: Individual |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
Both agree that we can receive Personal Guidance & Orchestration in the growth process from Guides who we choose ourselves, or who work personally with us. |
95% |
Together-ness: Long-term Partner |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
As a key mode of Togetherness, ADAPT makes explicit the importance of a Long-Term Partner -- a special person we choose to share our journey through life. [Wilbers Grace and Grit is an eloquent testament to the importance of a Long-term Partner.] |
95% |
Together-ness: Counselor or Therapist |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit that Counselors and Therapists are a major form of Personal Guidance & Orchestration. [Wilber often endorses the use of Integral Counselors and Therapists.] |
95% |
T6 |
Together-ness: Counselor or Therapist |
Differentiation |
6 |
ADAPT differentiates between Counselors and Therapists. [Wilber uses Therapist to cover both Counselors and Therapists.] |
95% |
T6 |
Together-ness: Counselor or Therapist |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit that a Counselor or Coach is a Growth Practitioner specially trained to implement some aspect of Actualization Growth for people with Challenges. |
95% |
T6 |
Together-ness: Counselor or Therapist |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
Both agree that a Therapist is a Growth Practitioner who is specially trained to implement Restoration Growth for people with Impasses. |
95% |
T6 |
Together-ness: Counselor or Therapist |
Shift in emphasis |
9 |
ADAPT gives greater emphasis to non-traditional, humanistic growth professionals who combine intuitive, experiential, body-aware therapies with traditional verbal exploration. [Wilber sometimes appears to favor traditional clinical psychology and psychiatry, broadened to include the AQAL parameters.] |
95% |
Together-ness: Spiritual Guide |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit that a trustworthy Spiritual Guide, with no pretensions to infallibility or godhood, is important for maintaining a consistent and diligent spiritual practice. [Wilber appears to receive much of his Spiritual Guidance from Spiritual Authorities he has studied Plotinus, Patanjali, Aurobindo, and others.] |
95% |
T8 |
Together-ness: Other Growth Professionals |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit that growth may also be implemented by Other Growth Professionals -- members of any profession that endeavors to help people grow. [Wilbers inclusion of Alex Grey in art and Stuart Davis in music as affiliates of Integral Institute indicates the important role Wilber gives to Other Growth Professionals.] |
95% |
Together-ness: Other Growth Professionals |
Broadened scope |
7 |
ADAPT broadens the range of Other Growth Professionals to include teachers, professors, specialty counselors (financial counselors, career counselors, etc.), social workers, doctors, natural medicine practitioners, creative artists, social activists, motivational speakers, even managers and bosses. |
95% |
Together-ness: Growth Center |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
As an environment for implementing growth, ADAPT makes explicit the importance of the Growth Center -- a Holistic Growth Situation where people gather together with the explicit intent of cultivating a particular aspect of growth. |
95% |
T9 |
Together-ness: Growth Center |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit that a Growth Center is particularly effective at guiding growth, since it controls and orchestrates every aspect of the growth environment thus directing each activity toward the desired form of development. |
95% |
T9 |
Together-ness: Growth Center |
Differentiation |
6 |
ADAPT differentiates the phenomenon of Growth Centers into five main types: the Monastery or Meditation Center, the School or University, the Health Retreat, the Intentional Community, and the Growth Center per se. |
95% |
T9e |
Together-ness: Growth Center per se |
Broadened emphasis |
4 |
In Integral Spirituality, Wilber extols the offerings of his Growth Center, Integral Institute. ADAPT emphasizes the unique features and benefits of many established Growth Centers, such as Esalen Institute. |
95% |
Together-ness: Integral Life Guide |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
Both agree that the highest form of Counseling & Therapy is Integral combining all Systems, Domains, and parameters. |
95% |
T11-12 |
Internal Guidance |
T11-12 |
Together-ness: Internal |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit that we can receive Internal Guidance & Orchestration in the growth process through Guidance we provide for ourselves. |
95% |
Together-ness: Internal Navigator |
Increased emphasis |
4 |
ADAPT places greater emphasis on Internal Guidance -- the Guide we form within ourselves by internalizing all the Guidance we receive from outside sources. |
95% |
Together-ness: Witness |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit that the Divine Presence is both our highest mode of Togetherness and our highest Participant. |
80% |
Number of Instances: 12 |
S |
Systems |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit that growth is implemented by the mechanism of Growth Systems sets of Dimensions, Participants, Processes, and modes of Togetherness that function together to move us along the Growth Continuum. |
95% |
S |
Systems |
Differentiation |
6 |
ADAPT differentiates the mechanisms of growth into 8 different Systems of related parameters: Individual, Collective, Actualization, Restoration, Evolution/ Involution, Horizontal, Perspective, and Spiritual. |
80% |
S1-8 |
Systems: All |
Differentiation |
6 |
ADAPT differentiates all the parameters into 4 Domains and 8 Systems. |
80% |
S1 |
Systems: Individual |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit that Individual Growth of the Self System by way of the Transition Cycle is a particular System of growth. |
90% |
S2 |
Systems: Collective |
Expanded conception |
7 |
ADAPT expands Wilbers implicit System of Cultural Development to include groups of all sizes, implemented by group-specific Processes like the Generation Cycle. |
80% |
S3 |
Systems: Actualization |
Expanded conception |
7 |
ADAPT expands Wilbers implicit System of Actualization Growth, facilitated by a Counselor and/or a Growth Center, by incorporating an Actualization Cycle similar to the Transition Cycle. |
80% |
S4 |
Systems: Restoration |
Expanded conception |
7 |
ADAPT expands Wilbers implicit System of Restoration Growth, facilitated by a Therapist, by incorporating a Shadow Cycle and a Restoration Cycle similar to the Transition Cycle. |
80% |
S5 |
Systems: Evolution/ Involution |
Expanded conception |
7 |
ADAPT expands Wilbers conception of Evolution & Involution into a System that incorporates 3 modes: Directions, Trajectories, and Gender Types. |
65% |
S6 |
Systems: Horizontal |
Expanded conception |
7 |
ADAPT expands Wilbers conception of Horizontal Growth into a System that incorporates 2 modes: Improvement & Translation and Equivalence. |
80% |
S7 |
Systems: Perspectives |
Expanded conception |
7 |
ADAPT expands Wilbers conception of Perspectives [Wilbers Quadrants] into a System that incorporates 2 modes: Fundamental Perspectives and Inclusiveness. |
65% |
S8 |
Systems: Spiritual |
Expanded conception |
7 |
ADAPT expands Wilbers implicit System of States of Awakening, facilitated by Spiritual Practices) with the assistance of a Spiritual Guide, into a System that incorporates both the Core Self and the Witness. |
65% |
A |
ADAPT Diagram |
Restatement of concept |
5 |
ADAPT depicts the relationships among Systems, Domains, and parameters in a comprehensive circle diagram. |
85% |
PR |
Number of Instances: 17 |
PR |
Processes: General & Specific |
Differentiation |
6 |
ADAPT differentiates Processes into a series of nested categories General Processes, Specific Processes, Themes of emphasis, Modalities, and Techniques. |
95% |
PR |
Specific Processes |
Substantial agreement, differing term |
1 |
Both agree that the Specific Processes are all the specialized Techniques and Methods that enable growth to take place. [Comparable to Wilbers Modules and Methodologies from Integral Life Practice (ILP).] |
95% |
PR |
Specific Processes |
Expanded conception |
7 |
ADAPT expands the Specific Processes to include all the specialized Methods, Techniques, Therapies, practices, programs, activities, explorations, studies, and focused experiences that move us along particular parts of the Growth Continuum. |
90% |
PR |
Specific Processes |
Added conception |
11 |
ADAPT makes explicit that most Specific Processes are invented methods of personal evolution -- developed since the dawn of humanity, in response to our innate drive toward self-regulation, self-improvement, self-actualization, and self-transcendence. |
90% |
PR |
Specific Processes |
Added conception |
11 |
ADAPT makes explicit that Specific Processes numerous, because they are primarily invented -- whereas General Processes are few in number, because they are primarily innate. |
90% |
PR |
Specific Processes |
Modified Methodology |
8 |
Wilber derives his Processes primarily from the psychological and spiritual literature and prevailing therapeutic practice. ADAPT adds to these, derivations from professional and personal experience in teaching, counseling, and child rearing. |
90% |
PR |
Specific Processes |
Expanded scope |
7 |
Because of its increased range of sources, ADAPT features a much broader array of Specific Processes. |
95% |
PR |
Specific Processes |
Differentiation |
6 |
ADAPT categorizes the many Techniques into 35 categories of Specific Processes, divided among seven Themes. [Wilbers Integral Life Practice (ILP) covers about half the 35 Specific Processes.] |
90% |
PR1/ 1-6 |
Specific Processes: Foundational |
Added Processes |
11 |
ADAPT adds numerous Processes and Modalities. [In ILP, Natural Nutrition (#1) is represented only in diet programs listed under the Body Module. Natural Medicine (#2) is not represented. Certain aspects of Nurturing & Bonding (#3) are covered under the Sex, Shadow, Emotions, and Relationships Modules. Relationships & Marriage (#4) are covered under the Relationships Module, and somewhat under the Shadow and Emotions Modules. Sexuality & Sensuality (#5) is covered under the Sex Module. Family Dynamics (#6) receives some coverage under the Shadow and Relationships (Integral Parenting) Modules.] |
90% |
PR2/ 7-10 |
Specific Processes: Physical World |
Added Processes |
11 |
ADAPT adds numerous Processes and Modalities. [In ILP, Sensory Experience (#7) and Physical Activity (#8) are somewhat represented in the Body and Sex Modules. Some aspects of Life Experience (#9) are covered under the Work Module. Natural Environment (#10) is not represented.] |
90% |
PR3/ 11-17 |
Specific Processes: Socio-Cultural |
Added Processes |
11 |
ADAPT adds numerous Processes and Modalities. [In ILP, Skills, Habits, Responsibility, Enterprise, and Service (#s 11-15) are somewhat represented under the Work, Relationships, and Ethics Modules. Acculturation (#16) receives some representation through practices from diverse cultures in all Modules. Archetype & Myth (#17) receive some coverage under the Shadow (Dreamwork) and Spirit Modules.] |
90% |
PR4/ 18-23 |
Specific Processes: Formal Investigation |
Rendering explicit |
2 |
ADAPT makes explicit what is implicit in all Wilbers work that well-conceived thinking processes (esp. an adequate conceptual model) is essential for effective growth. [In ILP, the various Cognitive Processes (#s 18-23) are well-represented under the Mind and Ethics Modules, and in the systematic logic and structure underlying all the Modules.] |
90% |
PR5/ 24-28 |
Specific Processes: Self-Expression |
Added Processes |
11 |
ADAPT adds numerous Processes and Modalities. [In ILP, there is some representation for all Self-Expression Processes (#s 24-28) under the Emotions (Creative Expression & Art) and Shadow (Art & Music Therapy) Modules.] |
90% |
PR6/ 29-33 |
Specific Processes: Conscious Development |
Added Processes |
11 |
ADAPT adds numerous Processes and Modalities. [In ILP, there is limited representation for Body Therapies (#29) under Body and Sex Modules. Introspection and Psychotherapies (#30-31) well-covered under the Shadow, Emotions, Relationships, and Sex Modules. Psycho-Biologic Techniques (#32) are not represented. Spiritual Practices (#33) are well-covered under the Spirit, Body, and Sex Modules.] |
90% |
PR6/29 |
Specific Processes: Body Therapies |
Elevation of importance |
10 |
In ADAPTs Multi-Functional Model, bodywork is applicable to the entire span of the developmental sequence both for healthy people and those with problems. [In Wilbers Archeological Model of the Realms, Body Therapies are applicable only during the early Stages of development, or for people revisiting those Stages in therapy.] (see DD3a) |
90% |
PR7/ 34-35 |
Specific Processes: Comprehensive |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
ADAPT makes explicit the distinction between a truly Integral program (#35), and programs that are merely collections of growth experiences (#34). |
90% |
PR7/35 |
Specific Processes: Integral |
Substantial agreement |
1 |
Both agree that the highest and most effective form of Growth Program is Integral combining all Systems, all Domains, and all parameters. |
95% |
These two circle diagrams summarize graphically the major features of the ADAPT and Wilber models. Please study them over carefully. They will enable you to place in context the points of comparison made in this article. To refresh your memory as to the meaning of each quadrant, circle, and parameter, please refer to Installment #2 of AQAL, the Next Generation.
This diagram displays the relationships among all the Domains, Systems, and major parameters of ADAPT. The four quadrants of the Diagram represent the four Domains; the eight concentric circles are the eight Systems of growth; the items within each circle are the parameters for that System; the items outside the circles pertain to all eight Systems. As you peruse the various sections of the Comparisons Table (Appendix 1), follow along in these diagrams to see how they all fit together.
This ADAPT Diagram is intentionally more complex and densely-packed than Ken Wilbers elegant and famous circle diagram for AQAL. Thats because our Diagram incorporates more than two dozen major parameters all the factors necessary for a comprehensive and complete understanding of Human Development. By contrast, Wilbers AQAL diagram covers only the two parameters of Perspectives [Quadrants] and Stages [Levels].
Ken Wilbers expanded Integral Operating System (IOS) is actually a highly-developed (though incomplete) version of the ADAPT Model. To demonstrate this, we present the ADAPT Circle Diagram of Appendix 2, with Wilbers parameters substituted for our own. The close correspondence between the two models shows that ADAPT is in many ways an extension and completion of Wilbers own work. [Brackets indicate parameters that are implicit in Wilber.]
[1] For simplicity, we merely describe the differences between the two positions, without any attempt to defend or justify either one. Comments are necessarily abbreviated and simplified. For details, see our articles listed in Appendix 1, Building the Next Generation of AQAL.
[2] This percentage represents the authors subjective assessment of their Level of Confidence in the validity of ADAPTs position. This number helps the reader assess how much weight or credibility to give to any proposed modification. For example, if we propose a substantial revision in feature A, and at the same time have a 90%+ Confidence Level in ADAPTs position on that feature, that revision may deserve especially high attention. The highest Confidence Level we assign to any position is 95%, the lowest 60%.
[3] Wilber uses the term Integral Operating System as the AQAL Model applied to Human Development. ADAPT uses the term to cover all Wilbers parameters applied to Human Development.
[4] For details, see Biographical Background in Appendix.
[5] Note the left-hand column of all Wilbers Tables in our Arrays. Note in particular Table 1A, the Fundamental Developmental Sequence which we have transcribed directly from the left-hand reference column of Wilbers Tables, adding a definition of each Step that corresponds (to the best of our understanding) to Wilbers intent. See also the Fundamental Developmental Sequence section, page 5, of the Introduction to those Tables.
[6] ADAPT may not incorporate in Realms all implications of Wilbers three spheres.
[7] The huge assemblage of Wilbers Tables in our study Arrays of Light contains only two sparsely-populated Tables for Life Passages and Body Passages. All the remaining Tables focus on psychological, spiritual, and socio-cultural development. In Arrays, compare the number of Studies in Tables 3 (Life Development) and 5 (Physical Development) with the great collection of investigations in Table groups 4 (Psychological Development), 6 (Spiritual Stages and States), and 2 (Spectrum of Consciousness).
[8] Wilber largely ignores external Life Passages, relegating that Realm to the status of horizontal translation. Regarding Yale professor Daniel Levinsons influential The Seasons of a Mans Life, for example, he comments, Several stage conceptions, such as Levinsons, deal with the seasons of horizontal translation, not stages of vertical transformation (IP 227). Neither Levinson nor his prolific popularizer, Gail Sheehey, rate even an index reference in Integral Psychology.
[9] Wilber tends to assign the body to the Upper-Right Quadrant. See for instance Wilbers comments on Michael Murphys The Future of the Body (SES, p. 579): Murphy almost single-handedly has been representing the great importance of the Upper-Right quadrant in human transformation [underline ours] We would characterize Esalens attitude toward the body (not necessarily Murphys) as predominantly Upper-Left.
[10] By contrast, Wilber portrays our interior architecture as an Archeology -- where the Realms of Body, Psyche, and Spirit are stacked on one another, like layers of an archeological dig. (See for example: IP, The Archeology of Spirit, pp. 89-114.) This distinction affects the whole strategy of personal growth or therapeutic treatment. With a layered or Stacked Model (Wilbers) the Realms of Body, Mind, and Spirit are dealt with sequentially because they succeed one another on the developmental ladder. With a Multiple-Functionality Model (ADAPT), all three Realms are addressed simultaneously at every Stage of development -- because they are structurally inseparable.
[11] Wilber particularly notes this phenomenon as it pertains to the spiritual Realm (IP 126, 141-42, 266) but it also pertains to the other two internal Passages as well.
[12] Anodea Judith, Eastern Body, Western Mind (1996).
[13] ADAPT may not incorporate in this all the implications of Wilbers formulation. The cycle of Evolution and Involution is a highly-complex and esoteric subject covered at length in Wilbers earlier works especially The Atman Project (185-203), Up From Eden (299-313), and Eye of the Spirit (55-6, 62-3).
[14] According to Wilber, there are five common definitions of spirituality: (1) Spirituality involves the highest levels of any of the developmental lines. (2) Spirituality is the sum total of the highest levels of the developmental lines. (3) Spirituality is itself a separate developmental line. (4) Spirituality is an attitude (such as openness or love) that you can have at whatever stage you are at. (5) Spirituality basically involves peak experiences, not stages. (IP, p. 129-35) We substitute the word States for Wilbers spirituality.
[15] References to these elements of Identity can be found, for example, in IP: Proximate/Distal, pp. 333-36; Personae, Enneagram Roles, and other Types, pp. 53-54; Gender, pp. 120-21; Sub-Personalities, pp. 100-02; Functional Invariants, pp. 37-7, 226; Witness, pp. 126-27.
[16] In discussing Collective Participants, Wilbers emphasis is almost exclusively on Cultures. See IP 145-49, 154-55.
[17] The Rule/Role region of Wilbers correlative structures (steps 12-18 in the FDS). (see IP 91, 126, 240-41, and 198 -- self-sense column)
[18] From this perspective, a Persona is not Stage-specific, but can be manifested at any Stage of development to deal with real-life circumstances.
[19] Drawn from Gilligan, In a Different Voice, and other Gender studies.
[20] Wilbers functional invariants of the Self comprises a similar list of up to seven entities: metabolism, tension regulation, defenses, will, intersubjectivity, identity, cognition, navigation, and integration (IP 36-37, 226).
[21] Renamed to reduce ambiguity. (Fulcrum can be both a milestone and a pivot point.)
[22] Wilbers Fulcrum consists of three phases: differentiation, identification, and integration (IP, p. 93. See also IP, pp. 35-36, 92-108, and BHE, p. 131.). Wilbers Embedding cycle drawn from Kegan, The Evolving Self (1992) and other works.
[23] Wilber differentiates between the two forms of growth, not by explicitly naming them, but by assigning them to different sections of his studies. In Integral Psychology, for example, Restoration Growth is addressed on pp. 91-110 and Table 1A while a Program for Actualization growth (primarily) is outlined on pp. 113-14 (although at this point still called integral therapy).
[24] As Wilber points out (IP 53-4), the Enneagram Roles are examples of true Horizontal Equivalence since each of the nine Roles exist on the same hierarchical level.
[25] Wilbers model integrates human experience beautifully at a conceptual level. However, at a deep experiential level, Wilber gives little indication how disparate growth experiences will be integrated into a balanced, harmonious whole.
[26] Wilbers conception of the Specific Processes has evolved over the years. His first extensive recommendations of growth techniques occurs at ends of each chapter in No Boundary (1979). In Integral Psychology (2000) he divides his recommendations between Restoration Processes, for people with serious pathologies and Actualization Processes [our terms], for basically healthy people seeking to evolve. In Integral Spirituality (2006) he advocates an expanded array of Processes under the title Integral Life Practice (ILP). Wilbers most complete application of Processes is found in the very valuable Integral Life Practice (2008), by Wilber, Patten, et al.