Integral World: Exploring Theories of Everything
An independent forum for a critical discussion of the integral philosophy of Ken Wilber
Joe Corbett has been living in Shanghai and Beijing since 2001. He has taught at American and Chinese universities using the AQAL model as an analytical tool in Western Literature, Sociology and Anthropology, Environmental Science, and Communications. He has a BA in Philosophy and Religion as well as an MA in Interdisciplinary Social Science, and did his PhD work on modern and postmodern discourses of self-development, all at public universities in San Francisco and Los Angeles, California. He can be reached at [email protected].
SEE MORE ESSAYS WRITTEN BY JOE CORBETT A Post-metaphysical Metaphysics of the Kosmic WitnessJoe Corbett
This endless dynamical interaction known as the holomovement is the ever-present and undivided flow of Spirit in action.
According to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, any given point in a region of space can never have a value of zero for both its momentum and position. If the momentum is zero the position will jitter around, and if the position is still the momentum will be indeterminate and therefore non-zero. For this reason empty space is said to contain a zero-point energy (or dark energy) that jitters or fluctuates with motion even in a vacuum. This dark energy is thought to come in the form of virtual particles that are particle-antiparticle pairs which pop in and out of existence so quickly that normally we cannot detect them. It is said that these pairs annihilate each other shortly after manifesting from nothing, but we can also think of them simply as returning to where they came from after their brief appearance, which is to say to the infinitesimal pixel-point fluctuations of planck scale space-time. In this sense, each particle-antiparticle pair can also be thought of as a yin-yang (or shiva-shakti) condensate, which manifests briefly to interact with the manifest physical universe, and then disappears again into the unmanifest realm with an informational trace or memory of the interaction that is stored in the pixel-bits of space-time at the planck scale, perhaps as dark matter. The yin-yang or shiva-shakti condensate (the virtual particle-antiparticle pair, or dark energy) in this instance acts as the Witness, or the Eye of Spirit, the ever-present and all-knowing entity of Kosmic Being, the Tao, or Way, the Unity of being and process that emerges from moment to moment in the eternal now of Suchness. The universe accumulates these traces or memories of virtual particles interacting with physical matter at every point and in every moment of existence, and has been doing so from the big bang to the present, recording each trace in a storehouse traditionally known as the Akashic field (the underlying substrate of multi-dimensional space-time, the implicate order, or perhaps dark matter). But this memory is not static, for as it records or enfolds information from the manifest universe into the unmanifest ground, it also feeds back the forms and memories it has accumulated in a continuous feedback loop of information exchange from the explicate-manifest to the implicate-unmanifest and back again, in endless dynamical interaction also known as the holomovement. This endless dynamical interaction known as the holomovement is the ever-present and undivided flow of Spirit in action, of Kosmic Being in the eternal now. What is kosmic memory is also active in the present, and what is present is recorded as kosmic memory, without exception. Everything that happens has some influence, some greater and some less, on how every other thing will unfold in space and time. Kosmic Karma, from the memory of the universe, is the source of personal karma. In other words, everything that happens changes the configuration of the memory of the kosmic storehouse, however slightly or greatly, because everything that happens is inseparable from the undivided whole of everything else in the holomovement, which can also be thought of as the wave-function of the Kosmos, a description of its state of Being at any given point in space and time. As the holomovement flickers back and forth from the explicate-manifest to the implicate-unmanifest at each and every point in space from moment to moment, it not only “sees” and records what happens instantaneously feeding this information back into what is happening, it is differentiated into the forms of the fundamental fields of gravity-Truth, the weak force-Beauty, the strong force-Goodness, and electromagnetism-Justice. With Truth and Justice being its external dimensions, and with Beauty and Goodness being its internal dimensions, Kosmic Being is seeded from the ground up with these fundamental morphic fields shaped out of the dimensionality of space-time itself (from the tetrahedral qubit configurations of planck scale pixels). And from the dialectics and tetrameshing of these Big Four came all the forms and archetypes in the universe we see today that are rooted in body-nature, mind-self, soul-culture, and spirit-society.
To become a witness of this Witnessing Process that unfolds and enfolds the Kosmos, we must be present in the here and now where it is happening and allow ourselves to be infused by a timeless and boundless Wholeness. Otherwise we might only intimate a Seer through the veil of pale abstraction, or have no intimation at all and be resigned to the despair of our disenchantment.