INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 699 Amsterdam, January 21st, 2018 ‘I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL YOU'RE TRYING TO SAY’ - Marc Gafni Appears on Dr. Phil's Show in Defence Against a "Smear Campaign" - FRANK VISSER Two years ago the New York Times featured an article on integral teacher Marc Gafni, and the history of alleged sexual abuse that has followed his long career as a rabbi and a New Age guru.[1] The author of the article published a sequal a few days later on Tablet, an online Jewish magazine of his own.[2]. I commented on this media controversy on Integral World in two essays, one covering the issue of sexual absue[3] and one more specifically on the validity of Gafni's (and Ken Wilber's) more speculative mystical-cosmological teachings.[4]. The conclusion I reached was that in these matters of alleged sexual abuse, it is very hard to get at the heart of these controversies and that there may be truth to both sides of the argument even though that conclusion is unwelcome to all parties concerned. In the year following the publication of these articles, Gafni set up his own defense on a separate website, which features many glowing testimonials from his close supporters and colleagues. It has continued to occasionally post related articles, most recently on the current #MeToo campaign, false accusations, victim feminism and fake news—a veritable minefield, of course. The website also contains a long 8-part essay by Clint Fuhs, which summarizes the defense arguments in great detail.[5] Recently Marc Gafni personally took up his own defense again, while featuring in an episode of Dr. Phil, called "Spiritual Leader In The Spotlight: Ex-Rabbi Accused".[6] Read more: