INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 665 Amsterdam, June 17th, 2017 SPIRAL DYNAMIC COLORS - JOSEPH DILLARD The advantage of using colors to indicate levels of development boils down to shorthand. It is less klunky and more user-friendly for Integral to use "green" than "late personal." Unfortunately, by doing so, AQAL has encouraged people at mid-personal levels of cognitive development and beyond to wonder if it takes itself seriously. If it does not take itself seriously, you and I need not either. While it may seem trivial, the Wilber-5 developmental color scheme remains anchored to Beck and Cowan's color choices in ways that distort its usefulness and intelligibility. As most students of Integral know, "Spiral Dynamics" is the name of the work of Beck and Cowan, based on the research of Graves, regarding color descriptions of what Integral calls levels of development. For purposes of egalitarianism and in an attempt to reduce issues of hierarchy, Beck and Cowan gave developmental levels color names that are arbitrary.[19] Beck and Cowan were trying to de-emphasize stages of development and instead emphasize flow, process and the interchangeability of different world views dependent on whether you are at work or at a football game. As noted in the chart below, early, mid- and late prepersonal are beige, purple and red; early, mid- and late personal are blue, orange and green; Wilber's vision-logic is represented by yellow and early, mid- and late transpersonal are represented by turquoise. Read more: