INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 663 Amsterdam, June 13th, 2017 THE LIFE PROBLEM - A Response to Visser's "What's It Like to Be a Super-Nova?" - GARY STOGSDILL I read with appreciation Frank Visser's recent essay “What's It Like to Be a Super-Nova? Ken Wilber's Cosmic Approach to the Mind-Body Problem.” Because I had just finished an essay titled “Connected Spirituality: Belonging to the World We Live In,” I found myself wondering if the notion of connected spirituality might contribute anything to the mind-body problem. By connected spirituality I mean the attempt to fulfill and express our inner need for deeper meaning and purpose by focusing not on mind but on life as the sacred mystery at the core of spirituality. This simple shift of focus removes spirituality from the endless conceptualizations of our intellect and from the perennialist fixation on meditation and altered states of consciousness, and instead places spirituality in the immediate and felt sense of embodied aliveness. Read more: