INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 562 Amsterdam, May 11th, 2015 INTEGRAL PARODY Razor-sharp parody of the way Wilber used to make his case a decade ago: THE MOST IMPORTANT CONVERSATION OF OUR TIME! - A Ken Wilber / Andrew Cohen Dialogue - BARRY MCGUINNESS "And yet, the most awesome thing is, incredible as it may seem, you and I are literally making this conversation up as we go along. We are, in fact, at the deepest possible level, creating this extraordinary dialogue in this very moment." KEN WILBER'S LATEST ADDRESS - PHILIP MOLINA "And this is really what integral is about. It’s about lifting people up. It’s about raising the consciousness of the world. And right now there are a lot of people that just don’t get it. And like or not that’s where we are, and that’s what we need to deal with. We need to change it. It’s that simple." SPRING BRANCH HIGH SCHOOL-ITIS - PHILIP MOLINA "Well, that's why I say, Victoria, if you'll just allow me to unpack a few things first. You see part of thinking integrally is something that we call AQAL, and basically this means that there are a lot of different ways of looking at things, different perspectives, and I'll get back to your question, but it's important that you understand a few things first, that you have a context, and I think you will find this way cool?" THE 'HUMAN ODYSSEY' SERIES CONTINUES... WHY AQAL IS OBSOLETE - Hugh and Kaye Martin Behind Wilber's AQAL is a far broader, more comprehensive Growth Model. That Model is never explicitly defined in Wilber's work, yet serves as the basis for many of his pronouncements on human growth. We refer to that Model as Wilber's Integral Operating System (or IOS). So, what is Ken Wilber's Integral Operating System? What is Wilber's fundamental, all-inclusive conceptual platform for the study of Human Development? To answer these questions, we combed Wilber's Integral Psychology and other seminal works – finding over 50 distinct concepts Wilber considers essential for explaining Human Growth. Then, much like Wilber himself, we wrote these concepts on yellow pads, laid them out on the living room floor, and rearranged them in various combinations until they formed meaningful patterns. Read more: