Van: Integral World [] Verzonden: dinsdag 24 mei 2011 14:18 Aan: Onderwerp: [personal] Wilber's Post-Metaphysics INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST =========================== Newsletter Nr. 359 Amsterdam, May 24th, 2011 *** guys, i suspect my mailing system had a hick up yesterday and no Newsletter got sent, so I am resending it today. If you did get it, disregard this one. thanks, Frank *** WILBER'S POST-METAPHYSICAL TURN - Adrian J. Ivakhiv Reading Wilber’s critics (like Meyerhoff), one might get the impression that once one starts poking holes into the woodwork, the whole edifice will come crumbling down with a great crashing thud. My own suspicion is, rather, that the strength of the building is not in its bricks (or its two-by-fours) but in the torsion of the architectural curves that hold it together. The bricks may be replaceable, while the building may remain quite habitable. The point, I think, is that Wilber’s framework should not be seen as the “integral” culmination of knowledge gathered safely from so many paradigmatically settled fields of knowledge. Rather, it is an exciting, original, youthful, and (hopefully) very fluid research program that is still very much on the upswing. Read more: An ADDTHIS button has been placed at the top-left of the homepage, so you can send this site to your social neworks friends easily. If you know other people interested in this Integral World Newsletter, please forward this mail to them. Thanks. To SUBSCRIBE to this Integral World Newsletter or change your email address, click here: