From: Integral World [] Sent: zondag 28 januari 2007 14:21 To: Subject: [personal] The Middle East INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST =========================== Newsletter Nr. 180 Amsterdam, January 28, 2007 WILBER WATCH BLOG: "2006: WHAT A YEAR!" Ray Harris sent me a new essay, on the Middle East. An informeed integral perspective on this burning issue, which goes beyond the usual generalities, is long overdue, I think. By the way, it is his thirteeth contribution to this website. Thanks Ray! INTEGRAL NOTES ON THE ISRAEL/ARAB CONFLICT - Ray Harris The Israel/Arab conflict is complex; it is in effect several conflicts fought across all quadrants and levels. Yet in its essence it is, I believe, a conflict between competing narratives of identity – in short, if you exist then I cannot exist. All sides indulge in such exclusionary logic and to understand the conflict we need to understand the competing narratives and that the extremes of each of the polarised positions refuse to accept the narrative of its opposite. Thus Arabs refuse to acknowledge the Jewish claim on the area and Jews refuse to acknowledge Arab and Muslim claims. The Zionists had a saying, 'a land with no people for a people with no land'. This could not have been a more disastrous assertion and one guaranteed to offend any resident of Palestine, including non-Arab members of minority religious groups (who deserve mention). Similarly the counter-claim that Jews do not have any legitimate claim to the land is equally offensive and disastrous. It is important from an integral perspective that we understand the narratives of each stakeholder. I can only give an outline here and I apologise if brevity leads to omission. Read more: A DIFFERENT PATH - Jeff Meyerhoff My critique of Ken Wilber's project demonstrates the continually contrary nature of intellectual debate. In chapter after chapter I show the legitimate alternative perspectives and arguments against what Wilber presents as the "simple, but sturdy" truths of academia. Even the natural sciences - thought of as the royal road to reality - can now, since Thomas Kuhn and Paul Feyerabend, be seen as one among many worldviews. To object that this is a misinterpretation of Kuhn and that Feyerabend goes too far is to become part of the ongoing debate in the philosophy of science, epistemology and science studies. Wilber champions a false consensus in the sciences. In contrast, I show the profound differences in perspective in many areas of study such as cultural psychology, poststructuralism, mysticism and sociology that are excluded or tendentiously interpreted in order to create a false inclusiveness that masks the radically perspectival nature of knowing. Read more: Other recent postings THE AGE OF WILBERIUS - A REVIEW OF INTEGRAL SPIRITUALITY - Geoffrey Falk EVERYBODY IS RIGHT - A REVIEW OF THOUGHT AS PASSION - Wouter Hanegraaff If you know other people interested in this IW Newsletter, please forward this mail to them. Thanks. To SUBSCRIBE to this Integral World Newsletter or change your email address, click here: To UPDATE your email address or UNSUBSCRIBE, click here: To go to the Newsletter Archive, click here: